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President Yusuf in the peoples reoublic of China..

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Abdikarim I. Adan E-mail:


Madaxweyne Yuusuf


Waxaa xalay heshiis dhinacyo badan ka kooban ku kala saxiixday Madaxweynayaasha Soomaaliya iyo Shiinaha, caasimada Bejing, kaasoo ka kooban dhinacyada dib u dhiska dalka Soomaaliya iyo soo saarista kheyraadka ku jira dhulweynaha Soomaaliyeed.

Warka ayaa intaa ku daraya in heshiiskan uu dhinaca dowladda KMG u saxiixay Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, halka dowladda Shiinahana uu u saxiixay Madaxweynahooda, waxaana sidoo kale munaasabadda heshiiskaas goobjoog ka ahaa safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya dalka Shiinaha, Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda iyo Wasiirka Maaliyada ee dowladda KMG.


Warar ku dhow dhow wafdiga Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa sheegaya in wafdi ka socda dowladda Shiinaha ay dhowaan soo gaari doonaan dalka Soomaaliya, si ay markaasi u sii ambaqaadaan heshiiska ay labada dhinac wada galeen.


Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa dalka Shiinaha kulan saddex casho ah oo magaala madaxda dalkaasi uga soconaya dowladda Shiinaha iyo qaar ka mid ah dalal Afrikaan ah, kaasoo looga hadlayo arrimo dhowr ah iyo xiriir iskaashi oo ay yeelanayaan Shiinaha iyo dalalkaas.

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Hu Jintao oo tageero u fidinaya wadamada Afrika

4 Nov 4, 2006, 10:14


Madaxwayne Hu Jintao ayaa maanta kaga dhawaaqey kaalmadan kulanka magaalada Beijing uga furmey dowlada China iyo madaxada 50 wadan oo Afrikaan ah.


Shirwaynahan ayaa diirada saari doona ganacsiga iyada oo sida wararka ka soo baxaya ay sheegayaan in ilaa 2000 oo heshiis ay yihiin kuwa hada laga wada hadlayo.


Madaxada wadamada Afrika ayaa soo dhoweeyay Iskaashigan baaxada leh oo ay la yeelan doonaan wadanka China balse dadka naqdiya arimahan oo kale ayaa sheegaya in dowlada China ay la macaamileyso dowlado dadkooda cadaadis ku haya.


Dowlada China ayaa sheegtay in ay ganacsi uun ay daneynayaan balse aysan shuqul ku laheyn ariimo siyaasadeed.


Madaxwaynaha China ayaa sheegey in Iskaashigan uu yahay mid taariikhda gali doona isla markaana ay dowladiisu noqon doonto saxiibka Afrika.


Ra'iisal wasaraha Itoobiya ayaa xusey in China ay tageeri jirtey wadamada Afrika xiligii ay u dagaalamayeen in ay ka xoroobaan Isticmaarkii.


Mr.Hu ayaa sheegey in China ay tababaro kala duwan siin doonto 15000 qof oo Afrikaan ah isla markaana ay sameyn doonto sanduuq lagu horumariyo sidii loo dhisi lahaa Iskuulo iyo goobo caafimaad.


Garowe Online+ Wakaaladaha

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som_china1.gifChinese President Hu Jintao ® greets Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Nov. 4. RFS

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Bro, ma daashid miyaa? Bax quraan akhriso, salaad tuko ama wax kale sameey bro.


Waa iga tallo. Nin kula taliyey kuma dilin.


Aakhiro Abdullahi Yusuf ama ruux kale dhinacaaga jiifin maayo.

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Madaxaynaha somaliya oo hishiis la saxiixday madaxwaynaha dalka Shiinaha

Posted to the MOL November 5, 2006, 6:54 am



Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo maalinimadii shalay gaaray Magaalada Bijiin ayaa xalay heshiis dhinacyo badan ka kooban la saxiixday dhigiisa Shiinaha.


Madaxweynaha ayaa Dowladda Shiinaha oo iyada si weyn u dooneyso in Qaarada Afrika xiriir ganacsi oo xoog leh la sameyso,ayaa waxa ay ku heshiiyeen dhinacyo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Dib u Dhiska Dalka,soo saarista Kheyraadka ku jira Dhulweynaha Soomaaliyeed.


Md: C/llaahi Yuusuf oo Magaalada Bijiin kaga qeyb galaya Shirka Hogaamiyeyaasha Afrika iyo Dowladda Shiinaha,iyadoo kulankana uu socon doono muddo 3 cisho.


Warka ayaa sidoo kale intaa ku daraya in dhowaan ay soomaaliya soo gaari doonaan wafdi caalami ah oo ka socda Shiinaha kuwaasoo sii ambaqaadi doona Waxyaabaha ay wada saxiixeen labada dal.


Dowladda Shiinaha ayaa dadaal ugu jira sidii Qaarada Afrika xiriir ganacsi ula sameyn laheyd,iyagoo sheegay in ahmiyad ballaaran ay u leedahay in xiriir ganacsi kala dhaxeeyo Qaarada Afrika.


Wadanka Shiinaha ayaa %20 shidaalka looga qaadaa Qaarada Afrika,iyadoo lagu wado in sanadaha soo socdo kor loo sii qaado. Maxamed C/qaadir Khalaf



Maxamed C/qaadir Khalaf

Galkacyo, Puntland, Somaliya

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China to double its aid to Africa


The African leaders are being given a warm welcome

China has pledged to double its aid to Africa and provide $5bn in loans and credits over the next three years.

Chinese President Hu Jintao made the announcement as he opened a summit in Beijing attended by nearly 50 African heads of state and ministers.


The summit is focusing on business with more than 2,000 deals under discussion.


African leaders welcome their booming trade links with China, but critics accuse Beijing of dealing with repressive regimes.


Beijing says it is just doing business and has no political agenda.




"Our meeting today will go down in history," Mr Hu told the China-Africa summit.


"China will forever be a good friend, good partner, good brother of Africa," he said.





Beijing means business


Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi remembered China's support during many African countries' fight for independence.


"Our main challenge now is not to fight colonialism, but fighting poverty and backwardness and achieving economic independence," Mr Zenawi said.


"Africa needs the support of its friends to overcome this challenge."


The city has been smartened up for the arrival of the African leaders, the BBC's correspondent Daniel Griffiths in Beijing says. Red lanterns hang from trees and posters celebrate Sino-African friendship.


Trade boost


Mr Hu said that China would double its aid to Africa from its 2006 level by 2009, although he gave no figures.


Beijing will offer US$3bn (£1.5bn) in preferential loans and US$2bn (£1.5bn) in export credits over the next three years, President Hu said.


It will more than double the number of goods which do not attract tax when imported to China from Africa.


China will train 15,000 African professionals and set up a development fund to help build schools and hospitals.


China's drive to buy African oil and other commodities has led to a big increase in two-way trade, worth $42bn (£22bn) in 2005.


Africa is also a growing market for Chinese goods, but critics say Beijing is stifling African manufacturing.


Some analysts have said Africa is the only place left to go, as most of the world's other big oil reserves are already being developed by major Western energy companies.


The three-day summit is concentrating on the rapidly expanding economic ties between the two sides, and many new business deals are likely to be announced over the weekend.


Many of them are expected to revolve around China's hunger for African mineral resources, particularly oil.

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