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General Duke

Puntland oil drilling to start soon.....

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I pray they don't find a drop of oil. We have enough problems without oil. We can't afford another Middle East or Nigeria oil conflict. We need to focus on how to eradicate qabyaalad based nation and governance. Unfortunately, Cadde is at the center of it all. Uuseey gotta go back to Aarawa. PL was doing just fine without Cadde and the dollar manufacturing machines.

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But Puntland Petroleum and Minerals Minister Hassan "Allore" Osman rejected the reports, telling the BBC Somali Service during a Sunday interview that the Puntland government might hire nationals from Somalia's neighbors with expertise in the exploration field.


"Security [of drilling sites] will be left to the people of Puntland, or from other parts of Somalia," Minister Allore said.


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If its gonna benefit Somalia as a whole or invite anyone from other parts of somalia and offcourse show example of brotherhood,create employment to all somali people which is highly needed in the region then it will be acceptable by the people



Originally posted by Jimcaale:

We have enough problems without oil. We can't afford another Middle East or Nigeria oil conflict. We need to focus on how to eradicate qabyaalad based nation and governance. Unfortunately.

This might also happen if not planned well.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


...This as an article on African Energy.

It discusses the realities, the main issues, security, clans and even touches on the secessionists and the Al-Shabaab.

Isn't this map completely inaccurate. Puntland authorities has, through the provision of wrong and biased information, divided the Sanag region, giving a large territorial portion of Makhirites to the Somaliland.


Have they ever thought of the implications this biased geographical info would have on potential regional reconciliation as proposed and recommended by Dr. Ahmed Dirie . You can see through this Range-Map an arbitrarily drawn tribal demarcation.




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General, After his unsuccessful attempt at Majiiyahan and Galgala, now Cadde Muuse’s teetering administration has its eyes on other lands.


I tell you this from the start sxb - Don't count your chickens before they hatch. It’s NOT going to happen ee waxba hasii miliqsane dhareerka iska bi’i.


Your foul-mouthed chieftain has nothing more to offer than a load of profanities.

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All this talk of drilling when the basics are not in place. Anyone familiar with the oil and gas industry please give these guys a heads up!

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Two balls: There was no real issue or setback with regards to this deal. I have posted what these companies and authorities have issued on their sites.


Northerner: You must know more than Conoco Philips who's blue print they are following or even the companies in question who have long experience with oil.


Security is the main issue, but the homeowrk has been done.


Even Cnooc is coming to North Mudug, they dont have experience? laughable indeed

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Wasaarada Macdanta iyo Tamarta Puntland oo shaacisay in la bilaabay baaritaankii macdanta pl.


Wasiirka Macdanta iyo tamarta ee DGPL Xassan Cismaan Aloore oo maanta la hadlayay saxaafada ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay haadan kooxdii ugu horaysay ee baaritaan samaynaysa ay maanta u anbabaxeen deegaanka dharor Band oo ay ka bilabayaan baaritaanka macdanta baarista ee deegaanada DGPL.


Wasirka ayaa sheegay in ay kumaakun oo reer Puntland ah ay si wayn uga faaiidaysan doonaan hawlaha shidaal baarida iyo soo saarista isla markaana ay wax wayn ka badalidoonto sicir bararka baahsan ee taagan waxana uu sheegay in ay ka shaqayndoonaan dad aad u tiro badan oo kumakun gaaraya kuwaasi oo u badnaan doona dhalinyarada ku sii jeeda tahriibta iyaga oo jibaaxaya badwaynta naftoodana khatar galinaya waa sida uu wasiirku carabaabaye.


Hawlaha macdan Baarista Puntland ayaa ahayd tan ugu mashquulka badan Puntland iyadoo maamulka hada jiraa uu cimrigiisa ku qaatay soosaarista Macdan iyo shidaal laga soo saaro deegaanada Puntland kaasi oo aan ilaa iyo hada fari ka qodnayn sidoo kalena aysan muuqan wax dadaal ah oo ka muuqda maamulka iyo shirkadaha baaraya macdanta ee afka un laga sheego kuwaasi oo aan wali imaan puntland iyaga oo ay u dhamaystiran yihiin qalbkoodii baritaan diyaarna ay u yihiin in ay hawasha baaxada leh ay faraha lagalaan.

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