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General Duke

Prof Cadow: we are ready to talk to the TFG , why now?

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^^Firts dear brother its not tribe but clan, we are all from the same tribe. Second we have all heard so much from you but no action, you seem ever more isolated and becoming ever more desperate.


Let me repeat I am not your enemy, take it easy, and try live your life without hate.

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^Axmaar admeey kuu hadaayaan drug dealer-kii aad Mujaahid ugu wacdayee maalin cad bursadeenee. :D


Mr. Cyper Mujaahid: Jenerale doesn't hate any tribe. It's you oo qabiil dhan xumaaney laheen dusha ka saaray. Show diintaba meel kaama jirin maadaama aad hadiiba magaca qabiilka ku hadashey? Maandhoow keyboardka seefta ka aayar.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^Firts dear brother its not tribe but clan, we are all from the same tribe. Second we have all heard so much from you but no action, you seem ever more isolated and becoming ever more desperate.


Let me repeat I am not your enemy, take it easy, and try live your life without hate.

To me, you are my enemy, and nothing but more than our enemy of Ethiopia. You let us into this and you are respoinsible for the crimes against our muslim populations.


I can tell you one thing, and that is defeat is not part of our somali culture. You kill me today, I am going to regroup for your destruction by tomorrow.


And also, we are going to die in this cause since we are the only Muslim people with the Islamic spirit at heart. Only our people can stop this and by Allah's grace, we will drive the enemy out by all means necessary.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Irrational nonsence, keep deluding yourself, I have nothing but sympathy for you. As I have told you before do not blaspheme, repent.

Thats all.

This is the war that will make you grow with more distrust and disconnection with the rest of your people since you are one big Gaalo-raac who had no interest in our good affairs as Muslims.


You deserve to die in my hand!

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^^^Insults aside, the reason you came rushing to this thread was the name of Ibrahin Xasan Cadow in the title.


Thus go ask the man, why he squandered the opportunity before when they could have got a political deal. If he was against the TFG then why does he want to talk to them, now?


Saxib the Duke has not chnaged his stance, Cadow, Sharif Aahmed and the remenants of the courts have.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Insults aside, the reason you came rushing to this thread was the name of Ibrahin Xasan Cadow in the title.


Thus go ask the man, why he squandered the opportunity before when they could have got a political deal. If he was against the TFG then why does he want to talk to them, now?


Saxib the Duke has not chnaged his stance, Cadow, Sharif Aahmed and the remenants of the courts have.

It is your wishes that are fluctuating by the minute, not the firm position of the honorabl leaders of the UIC.


You are very feable minded if you think your friends had secured a tangible victory for you that can bloster your puppet TFG, but I am sure the world has not ended with today or yesterday. Life will continue and we will definately regroup and keep pressing the enemy until they withdraw with miser and defeat on their side, and you, the little chicken will then be our priorities to be eliminated once and for all.


You didn't destroy us, we are still alive. Our people are ready to fund the resistance here in the diaspora. We have the means, the will and the commitment to prolong this war as much as we want it for the destruction of what you brought to our people and muslim lands.


victory will only come as we shed more bloods of the enemy by sacrificing our precious lives, indeed.

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^^^That was indeed quite amusing. However it was Cadow who refused talks, its Cadow who no wants talks. Though so far no one wants to talk to him.


No one here is talking about a millitary advantage, but why on Earth so they want to open talks now? Is it because they have been defeted, were they relying on IndaCade to deliver a swift millitary victory?


As for shedding blood, and sacrifice, why are you still here waging a virual reality war, why has Cadow ran of to Yemen, why has Abukar Cadaan & his Ormo minions given up in Kenya, have they all "leaders" fled, leaving the young children to die in the fronts?


It was all a sick joke, but now everyone knows it is.

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"Nope!None is negotiating with them and infact,they shouldn't be given amnesty.Force was their ideal approach,and force will now be the ideal approach for the Government."

Amxaar waligaa rag kaa dhicin maayee bal alalaaska naga yaree!!

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

Waa naasiib daro...markii kumaan wiilaal ah oo mustaqbalkoodii ka horeeyo,ay miidaamiyeen ay in nabad ka hadlaan.

If Indhacade and few servile conformists of the clan doctrine were to be restrained from advancing the interest of the Islamists, we would have reached negotiated settlement. Geedi is learning from his mistakes and now realizes the need for discrediting and abandoning sub-states of Somalia. I wonder if Federalism is for reconciliation purpose alone.

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