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Somaliland opposition is livid with Riyaale’s trip to Jabbuuti

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Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.:

quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^The irony in this is folks who are complaining about Riyaale's Jabbuuti trip were clapping for his summon to Addis!

Total lie. What did Siilaanyo say about Ethiopia's invovlement in Somalia?


go ahead tell us ninyow.


Actually Siilaanyo along with other so-called ‘opposition’ groups went to Addis to see Zenawi…what they said to each other…we can only speculate! Adeer you are only harming your credibility if you assert that Ethiopia has no relationship with Siilaanyo & Waraabe! Granted that there is no deliverables required from them since they are not part of the current leadership but to suggest that they would’ve performed quite differently in the current political environment is just tororog….


EDIT: I forgot to ask you. Do you see eye to eye with Waraabe's characterization of Riyaale's trip to Jabbuuti?

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In that case, you misunderstand politics, saaxib. The words of politicians are never taken at face value or in the spirit of courtesy/solidarity when they're part of the problem they're commenting on. If that were the case we would have had all African leaders queuing up to condemn Mugabe for his recent madness. Any positive comments Riyaale would have made about that meeting would have been misconstrued, misused and misunderstood.


The whole raison d'etre of Somaliland is that they have NOTHING to do with the rest of Somalia.


You may need to rethink your own position on this. Maybe you are for Somaliweyn without knowing. Bal ka fakar. ;)

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^^He could have easily said: we have nothing whatsover to do with the Somali talks. Our country is fully independent. However,we hopethat our brother/neighbours Somalia sort out their problems and create a government, which will respect the territorial integrity of Somaliland and onw wishes to live happily ever after as Neighbours!


It seems rather odd to say that the peace-talks have nothing to with Somaliland given that there are thousands of Somalis that sought refuge to Hargeysa and there other political interests such as the war on "terror".

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NG, all Riyaale needed to say and North demanded could be summarized in the following passage:


Shacabka, hoggaanka, and Jamhuuriyadda SL waxay dareensatahay marxalada adag ee walaalaheenna soomaaliyeed maanta ku sugunyihiin. Waxaan dhiirigelinaynaa tallaabooyinka nabad doonka ah ee Jabbuuti ka bilowday. Waxaan jaarkeenna iyo dalka aan walaalaha nahay ee Jabbuuti ugu hambalyeynaynaa dawrka ay ka qaadanayaan dib u heshiinta walaaleheena Soomaliyeed. Ugu danbeyn, waxaa rabaa inaan walaaleheena somaaliyeed u sheego in si hagrasho la aan ah ay SL marwalba diyaar ugu tahay inay ka qayb qaadato xal u helida mushkilada soomaaliya ka aloosan!


That's deplomatic nugget for Riyaale's speech writers if he has any :D .


NG, tell me what you have against such a craft adeer!

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^^ I said it before and I repeat it again. He was replying to a loaded question and gave the best answer he could have given (under the circumstances).

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^^Usheeg odayga!




I'm merely coming from the diplomacy angle here. Any leader worth his salt will, when asked about a peace conference concerning a neighbour, reply in an 'appropriate' fashion regardless of the relationship between the two countries. Riyalle could have easily done that and also thrown in an appropriate caveat (see my previous example) to limit people's interpretation on the soveriegnty issue.


If we were to question everything he/SL did, we would come up alot of issues/actions that compromises SL's position. Did he not meet with Yeey? Is the Somali shilling still not being used in some parts of SL?


Me a Somaliweynist? As I said, give me 10 acres in the cultivatable south and who knows? ;)

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Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire:

It seems rather odd to say that the peace-talks have nothing to with Somaliland given that there are thousands of Somalis that sought refuge to Hargeysa and there other political interests such as the war on "terror".

My point in the other thread.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Which means it was a poor answer as Northern opined!

Not a poor answer from a Somaliland point of view, saaxib. Com one now, this is politics not sheeko maqaaxi.

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^^What are you saying Oodweyne? Where is the lie in this saaxiib? Did Siilaanyo go to Addis, the Mecca of Somali politicians? Did Waraabe go to Addis? Don’t fart adeer just tell us what is it that you are saying? Why do you always have a hard time understanding Ethiopia has today’s segmented Somalis in her thumps? And look what you are not saying…which is Riyaale’s trip to Jabbuuti is a break from the usual and predictable back and forth trips to Addis Ababa! Perhaps you would've prefered him not to go...


Mar baad arag markhuun boqol jiroo mayrasha aqoone

Marna tobon jir mawlaca kitaab meeriyad arage'e



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^^ Adeer i am on record saying that Siilaanyo would make a better leader than the current lot.


I dont have that much time on my hands but i will try to find that thread that reported all somaliland oppositon groups went to Addis at the same time... that is if my memory serves me!


So you oppose Ethiopia's freindly relationship with SL eh? And so does Siilaanyo?


Interesting turn ...

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Xiin this is some of Siilaanyo's expressed opinions on Djibouti and Somaliland's neighbours in general.


Axmed Siilaanyo oo la weydiiyay aragtidiisa ku waajahan xidhiidhka Somaliland iyo Djibouti ee xumaaday waxa uu yidhi, "Djibouti iyo Somaliya iyo Itoobiya dhammaantood waa dalal aynu jaarnahay oo dano badani inaga dhexeeyaan. Dadka waxna way idinka dhaxayn karaan waxna waad isku khilaafi kartaan, inaad wax walba 100% isku aragti ka noqotaan khasab maaha. Somaliland waxay leedahay masaalix, danta ugu weyn ee aynu wadanaana waa Ictiraaf, qoladii aynu Ictiraaf ka weynay macnaheedu maaha waynu la coloobaynaa. Haddii aanay dhibaato ama colaad kale inagu qaadin sabab aynu aflagaado ama dhibaato ama xumaan ugu gaysanaa ma jirto. Intii masaalix inaga dhaxaysayna waynu wada wadanaynaa, intii aynu isku diidanahayna waynu isku diidanaanaynaa. Markaas Djibouti iyo madaxdeedu annagu waanu ixtiraamaynaa waanan qadarinaynaa, waayo waa dad aanu walaalo nahay oo dano inaga dhexeeyaan oo aynaan kala maarmayn, in mar walba xidhiidhkeena aynu wanaajinana waanu doonaynaa".

Source: Wargeyska Geeska Afrika

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Waxa uu Md. Axmed-siilaanyo Ilaahay uga baryey in ummadda Soomaaliya dhibaatada haysata ka dulqaado, isaga oo u soo jeediyey in nabadooda iyo wada noolaanshahooda ay ka shaqeeyaan, iskana dhawraan fad-qalalada dib-u-dhaca ku keentay, isaga oo Md. Siilaanyo so gaar aj iga hadlaya dalka aynu dariska nahay ee Djibouti waxa uu yidhi; “Jabuuti waa dal aynu aad iyo aad isugu dhawnahay oo si buuxda wax u wadaango, cabashooyin badan baa mararka qaarkood saxaafadeena ka soo yeedha, innagu wadan madaxbanaanidiisa doonaya ayeynu nahay mar marka qaarkood way muqan kartaa masaalixda iyo danaha laba wadan leeyihiin in kastoo dano badani ka dhexeeyaan in qaarba macaagiska sidooda ugu muuqato oo dhinac uga muuqato, haddii uu isku dhac yimi waxa aannu jecelnahay in arrimahaas oo kale aannu dib isaga ilaalino, Ismaaciil Cumar Geele, waa Madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed, waa Madaxweynaha dalka Jabuuti, waxaan qirayaa oo aan xusuustaa isaga iyo Madaxweynihii ka horeeyeyba [Xasan Guuleed] in ay waxtar badan u lahaayeen oo qiimo iyo qaayo badan u lahaayeen halgankii hubaysnaa ee SNM ee xoraynta Somaliland, iyagana halgankii iyo madaxbannaanidii ay dalkooda ku hanteen in gacan badan ay dadka reer Somaliland iyo Soomaaliba u gaysten in ahddii ay maanta wax naga tirsanayaana aynu qirno in uu dadka Soomaaliyeed wax badan taray, in uu dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed hal-abuurkoda iyo nabadgalyadooda u tabcay dalkiisana dhisay dadkiisana dhisay waannu ku hambalyeynaynaa, waxaannu qiimo iyo qaayo ku siinaynaa sida uu dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa u hantay ee dalalka jaarka ahi uga baxsadeen dhibaatadiisa iyo hawlaha kale.”


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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

quote:Originally posted by Ceyrow jr.:


Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^The irony in this is folks who are complaining about Riyaale's Jabbuuti trip were clapping for his summon to Addis!

Total lie. What did Siilaanyo say about Ethiopia's invovlement in Somalia?


go ahead tell us ninyow.


Actually Siilaanyo along with other so-called ‘opposition’ groups went to Addis to see Zenawi…what they said to each other…we can only speculate! Adeer you are only harming your credibility if you assert that Ethiopia has no relationship with Siilaanyo & Waraabe! Granted that there is no deliverables required from them since they are not part of the current leadership but to suggest that they would’ve performed quite differently in the current political environment is just tororog….


EDIT: I forgot to ask you. Do you see eye to eye with Waraabe's characterization of Riyaale's trip to Jabbuuti?
I don't think anyone said Somaliland has no relations with Ethiopia. But given that we are speaking about individuals' such as Siilaanyo he differs much from both Rayaale and Faysal.


Siilaanyo himself stated that he will not except to being Ethiopia's puppet, and compared the autoricities in Muqdisho to those that took place in Hargeysa in late 80s.


Besides, don't act as though you have inside scoop of things, neither you nor I know exactly how Siilaanyo would have ran somaliland had he been elected.


ps. Djabtuuti are our fellow somalis and neighbors to the west. We share everything with exception of politics. They oppose the existance of Somaliland therefore Faysal Cali Waraabe has a point in stating that since Djabuuti hasn't shown any desire to recognise Somaliland then it's therefore not neccesary to make trips that will not bear any fruits to benefit somaliland. That is stricly his point and yes I do agree with him on that.

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