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Che -Guevara

“I will get back to the Capital soon if Allah says� Qaybdiid

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It seems da boys from Mudug wanna blunge Somalia into another senseless war. I hope Qaybdiid and Yeey's tribesmen don't follow these tards.



Mogadishu 18, July. 06 ( Sh.M.Network )- Abdi Hasan awale Qeybdiid, one of the recently defeated warlords who is now in Galkaio district of central Somali regions has vowed returning back to the capital soon.


Mr. Qeybdiid whose militiamen were defeated after three days heavy fighting with the Islamists in southern Mogadishu expressed concerns over the Islamists dominance in the country and urged Somalis to give hand in withdrawing them from the country.


“The Islamists horror ones, they are dealing people inhumanely†he said adding that his defeaters starting evil acts in the country.


“We know what their intension is, they will not bring peace in the Capital but they will restart new trouble instead†Qeybdiid said through the phone in Galkaio.


He also said that Islamists are trying to instigate fresh feuds in Somalia after 16 years anarchy.


“Those who say implement Sharia Law are creating fresh fighting in the country, so I call Somali people to withdraw them from the Capital†he said.


“They are not working for the religion but they have hidden agendas, they started killing and imposing tough rules on the people†he added.


Qeybdiid also expressed optimist over returning back to the Capital.


“I will get back to the Capital soon if Allah says†Qaybdiid said adding that he will try to do so whether using power or other options.


“Mogadishu is my hometown and will be back soon when ever possible†he said.



Qaybdiid was the latest warlord to be driven away from Mogadishu after heavy fighting with the Islamists.



Shabelle Media Network, Somalia

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The Islamists horror ones, they are dealing people inhumanely†he said adding that his defeaters starting evil acts in the country.


“We know what their intension is, they will not bring peace in the Capital but they will restart new trouble instead†Qeybdiid said through the phone in Galkaio.

what a b.s


why do they even let donkeys like this guy talk


all of them warlords were defeated and humiliated


now that there popstar life is over it's hard for them to deal with it


what a waste

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^^ How do u access to Shabelle website? Both the websites are not working for me and

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^^Bisinkoy, widayo odeyga biyo ma sisido, dhunta aa wax ugu istageen ma ujeedido, mise maxakiinta ayu u dharana, waba yabe.

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^Odayga madaxwayno ankee hadii lagadhigay wali dagaal uu u oomanyahay. For 30 and odd years he is still thursty! :D

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