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General Cabdullahi Axmed Jaamac Oo lagu Soo Dhaweeyey Boosaaso.... Watch the Pictures

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could you take some time to explain what his qualification, his qualities are? And what he differs from other 'generals' out there?

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This is his bio. He looks better than Uusay atleast on paper.


Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama


National War Hero; A man of Peace


Abdullahi Ahmed Jama was born in Erigavo, Northeastern Somalia, in March 13, 1951. He completed his primary education at Dayaha, the storied boarding school near Erigavo town.


Upon graduation he was accepted into the newly established NTEC (National Teachers’ Education Center) at the outskirts of Mogadishu, known as Lafole, where he worked briefly as a teacher. Though he saw teaching as a noble calling, Jama found the sense of sacrifice in military service more to his liking.


This was no accident. The trajectory of Abdullahi’s career was already set at an early age by three closely linked facets of his heritage: 1) The fact that he hails from a prominent Makhir family noted for bravery, 2) the sense of adventure that his naakhoude father (one of the renowned captain-owners of the East) had instilled in him early in childhood, and) 3) the bride that the people of Makhir coast/Puntland traditionally take in doing the best possible job.


Abdullahi joined the Somali National Army and was sent to the then Soviet Union for training as a Cadet Officer in 1970.


He attended the prestigious Military Academy in Odessa (Ukraine), earning his first degree in Military Science in 1973.


In 1980-83 Jama attended the Staff College in Cairo, Egypt earning Masters Degree in military science.


In 1988-89 Jama attended the US Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and earned a diploma in strategy and decision-making.


In 2000-04 Jama attended Bryan & Stratton College at Rochester, NY and earned a degree in Accounting.


As a career Military Officer and Leader, Jama held many positions in the Somali National Army: from Battalion Commander to Army Commander. He was by far the youngest Officer to head the Directorate of Operations of the Somali National Army, where he distinguished himself as an Officers’ Officer.


Jama is a veteran of the 1977 ****** war, where he received two (2) bronze medals and one (1) silver medal for bravery as well as numerous certificates of merit for outstanding conduct.


Jama served as a distinguished lecturer at the Somali Staff College. He authored four (4) publications and numerous articles in Somali for the Somali National Army in the fields of tactics, operations and military strategy.


General Jama is one the Somali military officers that refused to participate in the so-called Somali civil war that pitted brotherly communities against one another to advance the selfish interests of craven faction leaders and atrocious warlords.


Though he followed closely the situation of his beloved Somalia, General Jama chose to stay out of the fray of the internecine wars that have been tearing the country apart for the past 17 years.


The one exception is when he was called back by the community in the early 1990’s to assume the position of Governor of the Makhir/Sanaag region. The vexing challenge facing the community at time centered on the need to liberate the region from a well-armed and religious group that had forcibly occupied the region’s principal seaport, Lasqoray and its environs. Shortly upon arrival the General mobilized the community’s defenses and was able to put in place a strategy that resulted in solving the situation peacefully without further bloodshed.


For the past few years, the General has been living with his family in Upstate New York. He is now ready to once again answer the call of duty to return to the motherland to offer the type of transformational leadership that he uniquely qualified to provide.

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The Duke has met the man and is impressed by his demenour.


He is a General and a CPA.


Puntland needs security and an auditing expert,

again Gen Abdullahi Jama is the man...

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Sidee loogu soo dhoweeyey degmada DHAHAR Mudane Musharax Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka jiir daawo Cusub


Waxaa soo gaaray maanta Degmada Dhahar Mudane Musharax Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac (Ilka jiir) isagoo ku yimid degmada socdaal uu ku kormeeraayo degmadooyinka gobolka sanaag Dadwayne aad u badan ayaa soo dhoweyey musharaxa iyadoo soo dhowaynta ay ka soo bilaabatay ilaa 40 km dhinaca bari ee magaalada ee ayaa waxaa la dhigay ciidan gaaraya 500 dhamaan wadooyinka Alxamdulah iyo Sheerbi ilaa iyo Degmada Dhahar.


Waxaa soo dhoweeyey musharaxa dadwayne aad u balaaran oo uu horkacayeen Gudiga ilaalinta degaanka iyo waliba waxgaradka culumada cugaasha isimada iyo waliba dhamaan dadwayanaha degmada dhahar ku waas oo ku soo dhoweeyey caleemo qoyan iyo waliba halku dhigyo sawiro iyo waliba borar muujinaya xamaasada degmada dhahar walaw laxiray goobaha ganacsiga waxbarashada iyo waliba dhamaan qaybaha adeega bulshada ee degmada.


Captain Ciid Ducaale (Wiilkii COl Ducaale Allaha u naxariistee) oo gacan qaadaya General Ilka Jiir..




More pics, visit

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^Yeah, but whats with the soldeirs dust all over their body...



Good to see General Ilkajiir finally arriving Puntland.... Welcome to the motherland.

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^No major road was ever built in this region, but this landform on which the armed vehicles of the dignitaries have travelled is rugged and pinkish. Its landform is known as the Sool Plateau or (Xadeed).


The physical formation of this region's environment differs in landscape. There's the Gebi Valley, the AlMadow, and the Sool Plateau.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

It's nice to feel home.



^Is your message addressed to Abshir? :D


It feels good to be home, smile.gif

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