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16 years of murdering innocents, a terrible addiction

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I have a terrible addiction and I want to get over it.” The looter, occupier, scrap merchant and street thug says.




Indeed these groups who now so patheticly hide behind the clan, or who's sniffiling supporters make excuses for Kill, murder, maim, loot and think they are above the law


For 16 years they have left a terrible mess where ever they went and who ever they came close to.


Who can dispute this


1. These groups cleansed a whole clan from various cities including the capital.

genocide file


Toronto, March 9, 1993

Reports coming from Mombassa (Kenya) refugee camp paint horrible brutalities unprecedented in the history of Somalia. These reports are based on interviews with survivors of the genocide:


1. In the 1st week of February, the U.S.C. rounded up, from Mogadishu,

thousands of civilians, most of whom were professionals like doctors,

Engineers, teachers, etc. and summarily executed them.

2. Systematic gang rape on women

3. The use of axes to execute the civilians

4. forceful evictions of families from their homes

5. Mass looting of the properties of the fleeing refugees.

6. At the end of February, the U.S.C extended its brutal actions, to such towns as Afgoye, Merca, Brava, Jilib and Luuq Jelow where it waslearned that thousands more civilians were killed.

7. On March 1st, U.S.C. Guerilla Forces entered Galgayo on a hit and run mission, thereby killing hundreds of elderly, women and children.

8. The U.S.C. is also holding thousands more civilians as hostages.

It goes on further


Some of the Victims In the Genocide:


1. Prof. Ibrahim Abyan - Former president of the Somali National University

2. Abdurahman Shiek Hassan (ISFIIL1TO) - Human rights Lawyer

3. Hassan Hashi Fiqi . Lawyer/businessman

4. Dr. Muhumed Mohamed Omer - Medical doctor

5. Mohamed Gurey - Commercial pilot

6. Nassir Abdullahi Jama - Commercial pilot

7. Musa Yusef - Educator

8. Prof. Abdulaziz Shiek Ismail

9. Halima Ismail Qablan - Nurse

10. Dr. Abdi Ahmed Tuuhe - U.N. Staff

11. Abdullahi Haji Hashi Divie - businessman

12. Bashir Mohamed Ali - Civil Servant

13. Shiek Abdi Ciid - Community Leader

14. Ahmed Jama Nur - Senior Somali Airlines official

15. Bashir Mohamad Ali - Civil Servant

16. Abdinoor Aden Mohamed - University Student

Yet these crimes are excused in the pretext of "history" and any mention of them creates an out cry.

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Consequences of the Genocide


As a result of these atrocities, about 700,000 to 1,000,000 civilians have fled from Mogadishu and its surrounding areas. The majority of these refugees are now in Kismayo, (pop. 160,000) near the border of Kenya. As Kismaayo is too small to contain this large scale influx of the people, the refugees are at the moment without the basic necessities of food and shelter. Some of them have already become so desperate that they are risking their lives and are crossing the ocean on unsafe, dingy boats. According to a CNN report of March 2, about 100 of these refugees have died in the sea when their boat sank near Mombassa.

700,000 to 1000,000 fled their homes never allowed to return, they were chased all their way to their deaths in the seas and in the jungles.


What crime did all these people commit and who was behind it

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Equally obnoxious however, is the fact that the U.S.C. has also shamelessly incorporated many of Barre's senior government officials into its leadership. The sole criteria for keeping these officials is that they belong to the tribe that the U.S.C. draws its members from. A quick glance at these personalities clearly proves quite revealing.


1. Hussein Kulmie Afrah - Vice President for 21 years in the Barre regime.

2. Ali Mahdi (head of the U.S.C.'s so-called provisional government) - Former business partner with the SIAD Barre family.

3. Abdullahi Ahmed Addow - Somali ambassador in Washington for over 10 and Minister of the Presidency during the last few years of the Barre regime. '

4. General Mohamed Nur Galaal - deputy defence minister for over 5 years in the Barre regime.

5. General Mohamed Farah Aideed - a former aid de camp and bodyguard to Siad Barre. He also served as Somali ambassador to India until he was fired in May, 1990.

6. General Ahmed Jilicow - head of the National Security Service in the Barre regime. He was also in charge of the infamous "Godka" prison for a long time.

7. Colonel Mohamed Hassan Shabeel - a former division commander in the Barre regime who was responsible for the Genocide in Northern Somalia in 1988.


Thus the main players of the regime were spared while innocent women and children were made to flee their homes.


Ahh, it never happened right, or their lives, their homes, their dignity is not worth much to the neo-clan nationalists and new religious leaders.

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2007 The defeat of the looters Inc, clan courts and warlords who were all former members of the defunct USC. Are unable to overcome their decade and a half long habit of killing innocent people even those they claim for clan reaosons to be protecting.


For example

Xaalada kajirto magaalada Muqdisho waa sidee?

Written by Osman Dhayib User Rating: / 1


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Sunday, 01 July 2007


Xalada magaalada muqdisho ayaa ah mid roon marka laga reebo dilalka qorsheeysan iyo qarax yada lala beegsado ciidamda dowlada fedraalka iyo kuwa itoobiyaanka

Dilalka qorsheeysan ayaa waxaa lala beegsadaa dad somaliyeed qaarkood dad kashaqeeya hay adaha dowlada iyagoo loodilo shaqada ay qaranka uhaayaan .


Waxaakaloo jira dad loodilo ganacsigooda iyadooloona digo in ladilayo waxaa dadkaas kamid ahaa nin shalay lagudilay wadada howl wadaag

isagoo loo dilay in uu kaganacsan jiray moobeelada iyo batariyaalkooda una geen jiray ciidamada kana iibsanjiray waxaana loo dilay ganacsigiisa.


waxaakale oo loo dilay nin kale oo shacab ahaa aa shaxaad ugu tagijiray shaxaad ugu tagi jiray hoteelada waa weeyn mas uuliyiinta doowlada isagoo lagu dilay xarunta hormuud horteeda .


waxaakale lagu dilay magaalada muqdisho haweeneey kaganac san jirtay muuska iyo cambaha kana gadijirtay ciidamada ayaa loodilay ganacsigeeda.


Dilalka qorsheeysa ayaa lala beegsadaa shaqsiyaadka ayna ku dilaan magaalada dhaxdeeda iyo suuqyada iyada aysan jirin cid wax kaqabata.


baryahaan oo ay soobadanayaan qarax yadabam gacmeedyada suuqyada gudahooda laga tuuro laguna tuuro qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha dowlada oo halkaas kadukaameeysanayo ayaa waxaa ku dhinta ama ku dhaawacmo dad badan oo shacab ah .


sikastaba ha ahaatee shacab ka ayaa u nugul dhibaatooyinka dhacaya ayadoo aysan unixin shacabka qolyaha kasoo horjeeda dowlada iyagoo si bareer ah u dilaan dad rayid ah oo aan waxba galabsanin.


Last Updated ( Sunday, 01 July 2007 )

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Thus who is killed the old lady cleaning the streets, the child going to school, the innocent who's street is turned into a makeshift rocket launching zone. 95% of casualties are innocent Mogadishu folks who want a better life.


women killed in blast near market

From Times Wire Reports

June 27, 2007


An explosion near a busy Mogadishu market killed five women, and residents said an explosive device was apparently detonated by burning garbage.


"Five died. I could not count the wounded. They were all women who were cleaning the streets," said Hawa Ibrahim, a cleaner who witnessed the blast.


Somalia's capital has been hit by near-daily militant attacks targeting government troops and their Ethiopian allies.

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They commit naked murder, which not allowed in any law Islamic or other wise they bring harm on innocents and yet they the fake clerics and supporters deny any link, oh no its not them, though they send communiques from Asmara.

Here is aclear case.


The elder son of Abdurrahman Janaqow, the deputy chairman of Somalia's deposed Supreme Islamic Courts Council, Abdelqawi Abdurrahman Janaqow, was shot dead Thursday by Somali police after he killed an official in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, the police said.


He was shott attempting to kill a low level official who happened to be working for his district. Who gave him this right? :mad:

Then the supporters of this terrible criminal group who are in exile, make them out to have the best interest of the public. How so? :rolleyes:

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Many pundits are seeing these crimes for what they are. Crimes against the people.


Qaraxyada kadhacaya magaalada mugdishu ayaa ah kuwa aan hadaf la ahayn oo dadka rayidka ah lala begsanayo kuwaas oo dhubaatooyin badan u gaystay dad wayne farabadan, waxaa jirta caqlixuyn oo ah in dadka la oranayo waa loo dagaalamaya in hadana iyaga dhibaato la gaarsiiyo,waxaa jirta in Muqdisho

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Xeeladii dagaal ee sh/ shariif ma waxay isku badashay qarxinta h/ soomaaliyeed?

The ****** in Asmara and their clown supporters are being seen for what they are. The same groups who murdered countless innocents in the war years.


Koodxa ajnabiga u badan
ee uu hogaamiyo Xasan daahir ayaa shalay ku guulaysatay in ay xasuuqaan gabdho Goomaaliyeed oo ku guda jiray nolol maalmeedkooda shaqo, isla markaana dhaawacay kuwo kale oo aan ayaguna waxba galabsan, ayagoo sabab uga dhiganaya dilkooda dad naga soo horjeeda ayey shaqo u hayeen iyo hadalo kale oo aan qof damiirlihi qadan karin.


Dadka sidaas yeelayna dan kama laha dhibka soo gaaraya shacabka masaakiinta ah ee ay markii horeba ayagu dhibka gaarsiiyeen beerahoodiina 17
sano in ka badan xooga ku haysteen, dantuna biday markii xoolahooda beesha **** dhacday in ay laamiga xaaqaan isla markaana beesha **** laamigii uga daba tagtay ka dibna qarxisay ilaa iminkana la la' yahay karfan lagu aaso, waana dhib ay sabab ku leedahay ee dulmiga ku dhisan islamarkaana isugu gargaarta dulmiga laga galayo beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee nabada jecel.


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Ninka kasta oo Soomaaliya joogayna waa og yahay in
xasan daahir iyo shiikh shariif ka danbeeyaan dhibka maanta ka jira magaalada Xamar
waana kuwii lahaa maalintii xaafada Huriwaa lagala wareegay, waan badalnay xeeladii, xeeladii ay badaleena waxay noqotay
qarxinta gabdhaha masaakiinta ee markii ay dhinteen ka dib la waayey wax lagu kafano,
xaquuqdii ay dalka ku lahaayeena beesha Xasan u diiday intay dalka xooga ku haysteen, markii ay gumaysigii beesha ka baxeena loogu daray qarxin iyo sidee u shaqaysan kartaan.


dadka qaraxaas dhigayana waxay u badan yihiin haraadigii qoladii shiicadu taageeri jirtay ee maxkamadihii islaamka mana rabaan nabad ka caruta dalka Soomaaliya, waxayna fulinayaan balamo ay ka soo qaadeen dad shisheeye ah oo raba in aan dalkan nabadi ka dhicin, waana sababta ay u qarxinayaan dadka masakiinta ah ee aan waxba galabsan sida dhabdhihii ay shalay qarxiyeen oo kale.


Mana suuragalayso in la yiraahdo gaal baan taageero u ag fadhinayaa muslina waan ahay hadana aad tiraahdo ninkii gaal taageero u doontaa waa gaal.


waxaana fiicnayd in xasan daahir is xisaabiyo inta aanu dhiman si uu u ogaado danbiga uu galay inta uu le'yahay.


Qofku marka uu wax sheegayana waxaa haboon in asagu isi saxo marka hore, markaas ayaana lagu dayan karaa asaga, laakiin laguma dayan karo nin asagii qaldan dadkii masaakiinta ahaa ee uu lahaa diin baan ku dhaqayaana laynaaya.


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Dhaqanka xasana
wuxuu ka tarjumayaa dhaqamadii xun xumaa ee beeshu gobolada dhexe kala timid ee ahaa waxaad dili karto dil, waxaad cuni kartana cun, waxaad xoogi kartana xoog, waana sabata ku kaliftay xasan daahir in uu marna yiraahdo dhiig lama daadin karo oo waa xaaraan marna laayo maato meelo iska dagan, ka dibna diin iyo aayado qur'aan ah sabab uga dhigo dilkooda, beeshuna saas ku qanacdo ilaa markii horeba diin kuma socone lagana yaabee in aysanba ku dhalan diin maxaa yeelay quruumo diin ku dhashay sidan uma dhaqmaan.


Dhibka Soomaaliya ka socdana waxaa sabab u ah maxaa yeelay waligay kama maqlin nin ah oo leh sidan waa xaaraan in uu amaano maahane, intay dadka xasuuqayeena dhamaantood far iyo faraati ayey ahaayeen wayna ku midaysnaayeen dilka iyo dhaca loo gaysan jiray beelaha kale ee Soomaaliyeed ee dagan min Xamar ilaa iyo xuduudka keenya.


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To expand the topic these warlords/Looters send children to fight their battles while they run of and hide in Asmara.


With no proper military organization,hardware and the required commanders of a conventional warfare,the Clan courts sent mere boys to the front for what?


Required elements they lacked;


1.Command structure

2.Artillery power


4.tactics of engagements(as can be seen,the boys are just running and the whole place is chaotic,no order whatsoever).

5.Lack of logistics.


What were the ICU commanders thinking?Why send the boys to a suicide mission?Like any other one,the ICU massacred those boys!


P.s.The Video below is not for the sensitive and the faint ones.


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Nice report. Im sure the noble cyber wadaads of the forum will avoid this thread or jump in with the usual oneliners: "TFG waa maqar saar" "stooge baad tahay" etc. Remember how Juje fled the scene (and still keeps avoiding the issue) when confronted in that other thread?

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Awoowe, waa maxay cabaadkan cusub maanta!! Yeey hiding in a whole somewhere in Mogadishu, Tigre militia close to fleeing the capital, Mbagathi thugs crying peace peace...War cusub igadheh. smile.gif

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^^^GG. You have a point there saxib, all they do is make some silly arguments in their aim of attempting to hide the truth.


Jabhad, peace is important to the TFG and the Soamli people. They will ask for reason and rational. They will not kill innocents and loot their property or bomb old ladies


Not for land grabs, looting and suicide bombings and child sodiers. Thats the hallmark of thugs IndaCade and buffoon Xasan Dahir.



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Going back to the recent past..

Murder, slavery, beatings, theft in Somalia

Ali Musa Abdi


June 23, 1995

MOGADISHU, June 23 (AFP) - Farmers in Somalia's fertile lower Shabelle region came forward Thursday to tell stories of an area ostensibly at peace but where they say militiamen beat, murder, enslave, tax, steal and expropriate.

The farmers added that they ended up thanking the gunmen -- loyal to south Mogadishu warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid -- for not killing them.


These crimes continued untill the TFG liberated this region and for the firts time handed the admin over to the locals.

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