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Somali president to address US congress

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Mogadishu, Somalia (APA) Somali official on Wednesday revealed that President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of the Somali Transitional Federal Government will address the United States Congress during his forthcoming visit to the United States.


The Information Director of the Somali presidential palace Abdul Kadir Mohamed Osman said in a press conference in Mogadishu on Wednesday that President Sheikh Sharif’s tour to the United States is mainly to participate in the session of the United Nations General Assembly, but he will visit other US cities including Washington, where he will address the US Congress.


"The main purpose of the president’s visit to the United States is to take part with other world leaders in the annual meeting of the UN General Assembly and he will then travel to Washington to address the US Congress to spell out to them the latest developments in Somalia" the presidential information director said, adding that the president will also participate in a dinner to be hosted by the US president for the world leaders.


He said that President Sheikh Sharif will then travel to other US cities including Minneapolis, a city which is said to be hosting the highest number of Somalis living in the United States.


It will be the first time for the Somali moderate Islamist leader to visit the United States which is now supporting the TFG as much as it never supported a Somali administration for the last two decades.


Earlier this week, US helicopters attacked and killed one of the most wanted Al-Qaeda commanders in East Africa, Abu Yusuf Saleh Ali Nabhan, an action that was no doubt warmly welcomed by the Somali government.


Source: APA, Sept 16, 2009 SheikhSharif160909.jpg

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Can that "interpreter" be trusted ?? ,,,,



Like This:



Sharif: Asalam Alaykum Ayuhal ikhwa wal akhawaat


Translator: Fouck you all bloody amaricans


Sharif: Anaa hunaa liuhanni'akum calal fursa al-dahabiya allatii wallatii utiixat lii li-aqifa hunaa amaamakum kara'iisin lisoomaal.


Translator: I can't believe i'm here in front of the american dogs and donkeys loosing my faith.


Sharif: Al-soomaal taxtaaj liddacm al caalami litaqifa calaa rijlayhaa marratan ukhraa


Tranlator: Somlis don't need you at all ,, all they need is our warlords and those extremists who can bring peace to the country.




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I see now who was the official intepreter for the Somaliland delegation in Washington recently.



When Ahmed Douale said: we will meet with your Congress any where at any time.

J.B said: Waryaa Payne iga leexo!

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Originally posted by Jalle Liqaye:

Which ever he chooses I am sure an interpreter will be present.

Even if he speaks chineese, an inteprator is there, and you will have to know, he will be reading it from script which is already prepared and submitted to the interprator.


if it is live press conference where LIVE questions are being asked, it is different, and there are many qualified interprators out there.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

So he won't be the "first President to visit the white house in 40 years" with supporters so dumb who needs enemies?

The enemies are dumber

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