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Didn't know Universal TV was this Good In Reporting

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^Lol you must be day dreaming, Uni TV and good are completely two incompatible words...


Anywayz your links isn't working...

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Xoogsade, UTV are good in that it tries to maintain the middle ground and cover the news without taking sides. You can sense an element of sorrow for the Somali people in their reports and who can blame them? Emperor et al don't like such news,,,,,


I just wish they would stop shouting the news and just talk calmly :rolleyes:

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You have a point saxib. UTV tries to maintain a balance and plays the neutral card but still comes across as sympathetic to their own kind. Showing the news of the displaced, the general insecurity prevalent in Muqdisho and its environs is a national service in my opinion. They don't need to take sides, the reality on the ground speaks for itself. We need to know, the world needs to know what is going on in Muqdisho and its surroundings. As for Emperor and people like him from his clansmen who support warlord Yusuf, You have it right about them as well. Indha adeegoodaan la yaabay. Qofka iimaan quwad leh oo munkarka ka celiya hadduusan lahayn foolxumada waa u xalaal. A/Y dartiisay u Aakhiro seegeen. Qof karaamo leh hadday qabiil u garab istaagi lahaayeen waxba kama hallaabeen.




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i think $5 million should be raised in the diaspora to fund and stimulate the growth of Universal TV, their rare documentaries on Somalia are priceless. I hope they can make the transition to producing Somali tv-shows and talk-shows

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RAAD TV should be on air in two weeks time IA ,,, let's see wuxuu kaasina keeno bal.


Never watched the Universal TV ,,,, waxba kama sheegi karo.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^It's not RAAD but WARSAN... here is the link, sadly on youtube:


Norf and Xoogsade stop politicizing everything, I critizise the style of every Somali TV's reporting nothing in particular to Uni TV... poor lads need to do more that's all.

terrible video editing ... why do they make the guy jump from place to place :confused: it is detracting form what he has to say .. and he is always looking in the wrong camera

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