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Enough of Sheikh Sharif now

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Lets take break from him, this is just a relaxing topic for those who got tired of Sheikh Sharif, rest please



Calling out Juje, Thiery, Xiinfaniin, AT&T and the rest.



PS: I was away and missed all the fun here about the El President.



PSS: Could not locate my topic of congratulation of him on Friday, so many topics about the Sheikh.



PSSS: I will post my stand on him another time, am not in da mood of supporting him for now!!

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You call for a rest from Sheikh Sharif, then spend the next 3 out of 4 sentences talking about him!


Typical oday icon_razz.gif

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Xiin actually throw afer 'election' Sharif party. And he put Bayaan out there supporting Sharif's presidency on behalf of Bulshada reer Puntland of MNPLS :D:D

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rest aa? war waqtii loo mahayoo resting,we got to start throwing the rotten eggs at the man..How dare he go to Addis? How dare he shake hands with collaborators[African leaders] and the neo colonists[Western Aid Providers] dare he??


Power has already gone to his head,attending an all HEAD OF STATES meeting? muxuu ismoodee sheikhuu. :D:Dicon_razz.gif

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loool@muxuu is moodey sheikhu, true yaa Malika.



PS: Had some rumours that there would be some coup de etat on him, the first coup since 1969

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