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Language as an instrument of crime: A Primer on Isreali double speak

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*Bastille Day Weekend Edition

July 14 / 15, 2007*

*Language as an Instrument of Crime* A Primer on Israeli Doublespeak




It is indeed a great irony that George Orwell wrote *1984* in 1948, the same

year Israel was created. For this nation, above all others, has proven

itself most adept in the use and promulgation of *doublespeak*.


Defined by *Webster's Dictionary* as "evasive, ambiguous, high-flown

language intended to deceive or confuse," Israeli governments have always

relied on it to justify the expansionist nature of their state, excuse the

confiscation of land and minimize the extent to which its inhabitants have

been mistreated or abused.


A few examples:


*The Security Fence*


The monstrosity which Israel is constructing along the entire length of the

West Bank is no more for security than it is a fence. The barrier, started

in 2003 and now more than half complete, is scheduled to run over 450 miles

and reach a height of 25 feet ­ four times longer than and twice as high as

the former Berlin Wall. Composed of concrete and electrified wire,

surrounded by trenches and mounted with strategically positioned sniper

towers, calling it a "fence" is more than farcical.


In 2004, the International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled construction

of the barrier illegal (a verdict, of course, ignored). Within the last

week, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

issued a report indicating that it will "restrict access to workplaces,

health, education, and to places of worship." In addition, it fully

recognized that Arab-majority East Jerusalem will be severed from the West

Bank by its route. In another area, 50,000 Palestinians would be completely

isolated and restricted to the zone between it and Israel resulting in their

inability "to access critical services such as schools, clinics and shops in

either Israel or the West Bank without special permits."


More telling is where the barrier is being built. According to the UN

report, 80% of it on West Bank land.


The "security fence" is thus an offensive structure rather than the

defensive one it purports to be. It is just one illustration of how Israel

attempts to obfuscate a reality ­ in this case, a very expensive land grab -

through use of language.


*Moderate Physical Pressure and Work s*


Israel was at one time the only country to officially sanction the use of

torture, euphemistically referred to as "moderate physical pressure." Lea

Tsemel, a defense lawyer and founder of the Public Committee Against

in Israel (PCATI) remarked, "Israel is the only Western country that openly

uses . This is not some brute in the secret services beating up a

prisoner. It's done in the open. There is quiet legitimation by a

high-ranking commission and government ministers" (*New York Times*, May 8,



The *Sunday Times* had already arrived at the same conclusion in June 1977:

"Torture of Arab prisoners is so widespread and systematic that it cannot be

dismissed as 'rogue cops' exceeding orders. It appears to be sanctioned as

deliberate policy."


Whenever a detainee died under , it was dismissed as an unfortunate

"work ." It took a ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court in 1999 to

ban the practice. Unfortunately they have now reversed themselves. A

judgment issued this past June allows Shin Bet to use methods regarded by

PCATI as when in a "ticking " situation. With likely wide

interpretation of this circumstance, it appears a green light has just been

issued to reinstate the practice.


*The Absent Present*


This bizarre term was used describe those Palestinians who were not driven

out of Palestine in 1948, but remained within what was to later become

Israel. If they temporarily left their homes or were away from their land

during the war, they were prevented from reclaiming it. Confiscation of the

property of the "absent present" was then permitted (*Haaretz*, January 14,



*The Abandoned Areas*


"We take the land first and the law comes after."


*- *Yehoshafat Palmon, Arab Affairs advisor to the mayor of Jerusalem (*

Guardian*, April 26, 1972).


Whether to assuage the conscience of emigrating Jews or not, the Zionists

who founded Israel passed a series of discriminatory laws with harmless and

protective sounding titles explicitly for the purpose of expropriating

inhabited Palestinian land. In some instances, these laws were made



They carried such names as the *Emergency Defense Regulations*, the *Abandoned

Areas Ordinance*, the *Emergency Articles for the Exploitation of

Uncultivated Lands*, and as described above, the *Absentee Property Law*.


These laws all attempted to reinforce the myth peddled by Zionists depicting

Palestine as "a land without a people." Nonetheless, they were aptly

described by the Jewish writer Moshe Keren as "wholesale robbery with a

legal coating."


Definition of *Israeli doublespeak*: the use of language to hide crimes of

the state.


It would surely make Big Brother proud.


*Rannie Amiri *is an independent commentator on issues dealing with the Arab

and Islamic worlds. He may be reached at:



1. Zayid, Ismail. Zionism: The Myth and the Reality. American Trust

Publications, Indianapolis, 1980.

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There is nothing new under the sun in Israeli politics when it comes to Israeli antisemitism (anti-Arabs that is), human rights violation, war crimes etc. etc. One can talk about it, write, shout or fight about it, but nothing will change, it hasn't changed after 50 years of struggle. No more tears left for the humiliated people of Palestine - a sympathy that is of no good for them, so why even bother...

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