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International Women's Day

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Somali Women Receive the Key to the City of Ottawa


Shukri D'Jama is the founder and Director of the Ottawa Somali Women's Organization who actively works with families, single mothers, youth and elders in the community. Ms. D'Jama has assisted in the school system to provide support and interpretation to students and their parents. She has been an active volunteer for more than 10 years, with such organizations as Better Futures Better Beginnings, South East Ottawa, Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization, Somaliland Newcomers, Canadian African Women's Organization and the Horn of African Women's Association.

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im proud of these women, especially this one, cuz somcan institute of research & development is some serious shit.

Saadia Nuh is a Multicultural Liaison Officer with the Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization, providing assistance to students, parents and teachers in several Ottawa schools. For the past nine years, Ms. Nuh has repeatedly received glowing references from principals, teachers and parents for her invaluable contribution. In 1997, she co-founded the Somali Centre for Youth, Women and Community Development and served two consecutive four-year terms as Vice-President. Ms. Nuh also participated in the creation of SOM-CAN, an international research and development organization that aspires to keep Somalia alive in the minds of the international community.

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