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Che -Guevara

Puntlander by Defualt

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^ I think he makes sense. He is saying, for the sake of our common goal, let us put our differences aside.


I agree with him, and yes we need to unite against amxaarada, and I believe anyone who opposes this isn't a somali and should have his/her head cut aka generaalka.


He had a right to voice his displeasure and his lack of naxariis didnd't turn me off a bit, I think he has valid reasons as to why he said what he said, but at the end of the day, we can't just all be sitting around allowing amxaaro to eliminate our people one by one. For the good of our land, we shall fight against amxaaro at all costs and I know you are with me, because sheikh sharif is fighting for it as well. icon_razz.gif

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^As long as he is not Yeey sympathizer, he is ok. But he is very direct and blatant. He is right there is serious divisions within our people and lot of grievances whether real or perceived. Acknowledging that and uniting for our common interests is the way forward.


P.S. I was told Sheik Roobow is your new fav. LayzieG was become ecstatic when Roobow raided Balidoogle.

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These are the writings of a traumatized individual, still mentally suffering from the horrors of the vicious civil war. I applaud his(her ?) honesty and sincerity when discussing the trauma he went through and how it has completely changed his mentality, principles, and a point where he hardly(and self-admittedly) recognizes it himself.


Laakin hathal-keesa kasoo qaad malaha.


For if every Somali were to hold on to their grievances and atrocities that happened to his clan, there will never be a Somalia. Some generation has to rise above the bile, the hate, the distrust, the suspicion, the murders, the rapes, the bombings, the intentional starvation, the air-bombing, and the persecution, rise up above all that and forge a vision of a United Islamic Somalia, where all the still-visible wounds are healed and hearts brought together. That is the incumbent obligation of my generation. And we are rising to meet the challenge, inshallah.


The only group capable of that level of national healing is the Islamic Courts of Somalia. Why ? Two reasons: a) because their healing process is from the bottom-up. Starts with the average man and woman, provides them with justice, and rights the wrongs of yesteryear. A shining example of that is when Somalis from all over the world and inside the country, including 3 of relatives, came back to claim their stolen property. Even more crucial than property was there emphasis on social equality and instilling the values of Islamnimo and Somalinimo in a hell-city that was divided and re-divided along a tribal hierarchical 'spheres of influence'. No more caste, no more 'my qabil'. You start poppin' off the mouth about 'my qabil this', and you will get justly karbaash' a dog. Lesson learned ? Only those on the level of animals speak in tribal terms.


The TFG, however, is hell-bent to continue with it's fowr-bointi-fife tribal politics. It gathered together the morally depraved corrupt clan elders for a 'Reconciliations'(gag) meeting that culminated in embarrassment and ridicule when the clan elders rioted and demanded the bribe money they were promised to attend. These clowns are dad wax ka sugayaan. These bozos are supposed to provide even sham semblance of a government, and at every turn fail disastrously.


ICU brought peace, stability, healing, and closure to the masses, to Ummada Soomaliyeed. The TFG brought more death, more destruction, more genocide together with enabling the occupation of the country to it's ancient enemy while rewarding it's tuugo and henchmen with the millions of dollars that were intending to alleviate the suffering and displacement of the people, a suffering they wrought on the same people they were supposed to serve.


Open-and-shut case as it is, You, good reader, come to your own conclusion.


b) They are the only group to not only speak of Islamic governance, but have implemented it to international applaud and demonstrated results at home. It is with thick irony, that dhabo-dhilifs extraordinaries, Messrs. Riyaale and Cade also announced Shariah law in the summer of 2006, during the height of ICU nation-wide(Hargeysa to Kismayo) popularity.

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Kashafa, the one dimensionality of your POV makes it difficult to take you seriously. I hate to break your resolve, but the ICU were not God-sent! And quite frankly, for good or bad, they are gone. Now move on, and talk about how things could be improved henceforth. This wallowing and pining for the good old days of the ICU is a little.. ineffective.


And if you're interested to know, I personally, would not consider living under anywhere they dictated! :D


(And if it would make your next reply to me any less harsh - I wouldn't choose to live under the TFG either)

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Many can closely relate to his experiances. A very young man once told me if my older brother had the opportunity he would kill you for being from that tribe!


I didnt know whether i could run for my life or ask him why all the hatred. but i guess they were traumatized n i cant question their emotions. though i had a very similar experiance, i feel for every innocent somali who is suffering. the 11 year old boy in mogadishu is not the same 11 yrs old boy in 1991, so lets foregive and work towards brotherhood n sisterhood for the sake of our kids n the land they will call home.

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Looyaan shows,and tells us why he doesn't care about who gets bombed in Mogadisho,I think this is shared by many Puntlanders, there is so much mistrust, but Somalis have to move on!

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It is not only Puntlanders(the clan oriented sections among them) who are careless about Muqdisho resident's plight. There are plenty other somalis from other clans - including some with blood relations to Muqdisho residents- who are indifferent for their own sub-clanish reasons. Whether one experienced life altering personal tragedies, or whether someone views the Xabashis to be helping their clan score a victory against a foe, somalis generally make their stance based on their clan associations. Both victim and nonvictim seem to take the same stance. It is not always about pesonal tragedies and grievances which determine one's position on the current issues.


Some in Muqdisho celebrated the Arrival of Ethiopians while others picked up guns against them. That explains clearly the devisions among somalis.

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It is not always about pesonal tragedies and grievances which determine one's position on the current issues.

That's true in many instances. It is majority of Somalia turned a blind eye to Mogadisho or just pay lip service.

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One woman sang, "ninkii dhuuf ku yimid geeridu dhibaysaa, *** dhamaayo waan dabaal dageynaa"

Unfortunately, the same is true now. I've seen Islaamo sidaa ku heesaayo.


Um, after reading the rest of what he wrote to justify the murder of innocent Somalis, I think he's full of emotion and fear...


It saddens me that it has taken so long for people to move on, and let go of their emotion of hate.

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