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Dagaal xooggan oo saaka ka qarxay gudaha Kismaayo

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The figures of the death-toll vary. Some report 5. Some report as high as 30. Some report 12.


The more reliable news media like the bbc are reporting 10 deaths so far. Though not all are resultant from the battleground, 4 or 5 were reported to have died trying to flee the town.


We will see how this all unsurfaces, what is suprising is the gedo foot-soldiers for the shabab movement.


It really just proves to you their loyalties are always somewhere else those certain people, it's not the first time they bum down to a distant group nor will it be the last.


Shame on gedo yet again doing a dog-act.

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NGONGE-There's comparison, but the "Isamists" are better structured than government forces.


Johny..Don't get your hopes up, I hate to see the disappointment on your face.

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Sheekh Cali Dheere -- “Dagaalkani Mujaahidiinta Dhexdooda uma dhexeeyo, umana dhexeeyo Garabyada jihaadka kuwada jira. Dagaalkani uma dhexeeyo Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-Shabaab umana dhexeyn doono, mana Dagaali doono idinka Alle S.W”. Waxaan is-haynaa Axmed Madoobe iyo Ciidamado uu wato.

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Originally posted by Cowke:

We will see how this all unsurfaces, what is suprising is the gedo foot-soldiers for the shabab movement.


It really just proves to you their loyalties are always somewhere else those certain people, it's not the first time they bum down to a distant group nor will it be the last.


Shame on gedo yet again doing a dog-act.

Not that any of what you have said is correct, but can I ask what the objectives were behind the concept of "Caanoole" and Ras Kamboni being a one-clan Islamist movement if not vehicles for clan ambition hidden behind veneers of Islamic garb?


What has happened in Kismaayo was a year in the making. It was only a matter of when Shabaab's patience would have seen their limit. It is a fact out of the three groups who united to wage war against the personal militia of Barre Hiiraale, Al Shabaab is the only group to have had a non-clannish agenda. Both Kambooni and Caanoole were clan agendas and such clan agendas were destined to showcase themselves and could not have survived with the non-clannish agenda of the militant but non clannish Shabaab.


The chickens have come home to roost awoowe.

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The skirmishes in Kismayo will drastically alter Xizbul Islam’s character, I predict. With or without Aweys this organization will have no choice but to ally itself with Sharif. One can start a war in the moment’s strength but as the caste that drained the source of its strength alshabaab’s fight in Kismayo will spell its demise. Madoobe’s venture might have been frustrated but it has not been aborted. And the struggle to reclaim the original objectives of the movement by accepting the strategy to gradually revive Somali state for the sahwah to realize its goals will continue.


Naxnu maca sharif …and with Xizbul Islam coming to Sharif’s flock, the Keligii Muslims veil will have been effectively pierced through.

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In the end gloating over victory in Kismayoo is a fools errand, indeed 20 years of sometimes monthly changes of power should mean that this particular story has a long long way to run.

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Johnny B   

Che`, really?


Neither is 'Madoobe' ball-headed 'shangole' nor can you chase a local out of town. period.


This is indeed an opportunity for Somalia. Hizbul-Islam is a local Somali rebel , Al-shabab is not, and that is a reason that appeals to the nationalism of Hizbul-Islam, which can turn the not-so-secret-anymor e talks with the Government fruitful and in the process undress and dissolve the Kebab faces union. icon_razz.gif

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In the long run, as I have said it is likely that this is the beggining of the end of the "Islamist" groups. A skirmish like this started the downfall of the Shabaab militia in central regions which they have yet to recapture.


Like NGOONE states clearly its all about clan, now whole clans will not be aligned with the Shabaab, and thats when they lose.

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Whoever came up with this blanket assertion Xisbul Islam is a "local Somali group" or that Xassan Dahir is nationally minded must have been seriously misinformed about Somali politics. The only difference between Xisbul Islam and Al Shabaab is a competition for limelight if the movement actually succeeds. Al Shabaab are younger men with energy and vitality the elder warriors cannot compete with if they were to share a single name. This is perhaps the only reason Xisbul Islam exists or a man like Shiekh Turki (who is perhaps the single most extreme religious personality in the Somali Republic) would choose to join them instead of the Shabaab.


There is nothing local about the objectives of the Xisb and certainly nothing less extreme. They are just as extreme in objective and just as international at least when it comes to ambitions against neighboring states. Al Itihad under Aweys in Luuq had just as much if not more foreign fighters although the conflict then was more contained. I cannot fathom what would make anyone think Xassan Dahir or Turki would join forces with Sharif and AMISOM against their ideological brethren except a very naive and unrealistic hope in the unseen.


These two men are the most wanted Somali extremists in the world. They are in the lists of everything from Interpol to the U.S State Department and still are even after much begging from the UNPOS and Sharif's government. They have zero incentive to capitulate and go against their ideological brethren because of a small time political disagreement especially since the Shabaab are making such an effort to pin their fight against a single man and not the political group he represented.

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Originally posted by Jalle Liqaye:

In the end gloating over victory in Kismayoo is a fools errand, indeed 20 years of sometimes monthly changes of power should mean that this particular story has a long long way to run.

Yes indeed it’s fools errand to celebrate any token of victory as Kismayo is certainly one in anywhere in Somalia given the current circumstances yet it should not escape from one’s mind that the current Kismayo fight has a far reaching political and military ramifications for alshabaab in particular, and for Somalia in general. It poses a question that’s seldom asked which is why continue a fight under the leadership of alshabaab when it is clearly known that this group is an extension of a global movement presenting itself under new and a different condition? This question is so profound that it requires a different, fundamental treatment to effectively lessen the impact of this alshabaab controversy if not completely doing it away.


And with this new conflict between XI and AS, wiilasha afka duuban waa loo baqay

I am biased of course :D

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