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Somali gunmen attack Ethiopians, kill official

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MOGADISHU, June 14 (Reuters) - Somali insurgents assassinated a local official on Thursday and attacked Ethiopian troops overnight just hours after a second attempt to start a peace conference was postponed, residents said.


Islamist-led insurgents have been fighting the Somali government and its Ethiopian allies since the New Year when they were ousted from Mogadishu in a two-week offensive.


Large-scale battles have given way to guerrilla-style hits, and the overnight strikes on the Ethiopian troop positions were the heaviest attacks since last month.


Witnesses said one civilian died when the attackers simultaneously opened fire and launched rocket-propelled grenades around midnight at three positions held by the Ethiopian troops, in Somalia to support the interim government.


"It was a brief but heavy exchange," resident Ibrahim Maalim said. "Gunmen simultaneously attacked Ethiopian troops staying at the old pasta factory, the stadium and the former defence headquarters. I saw one civilian killed."


A Somali jihadist group calling itself the Young Mujahideen Movement claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Ethiopians, saying it had no casualties but "it is expected there were some killed and wounded among the enemy ranks".


The Web posting could not be immediately verified but was on a site used by al Qaeda and other Islamists.


A Reuters correspondent heard heavy explosions and automatic fire that lit up the sky during the attacks.


"The gunmen hurled two hand grenades at Ethiopian troops staying at the pasta factory," said Ruqia Ali, who lives near the factory. "The troops returned fire. It was a nightmare. A heavy exchange ensued. I had to hide under the bed."




In a separate attack on Thursday morning, two men with pistols shot dead a district commissioner from the Shibis area of north Mogadishu, locals added. "He was walking alone when they shot him several times. I saw his body lying on the ground, with blood everywhere," resident Abdullahi Ahmed said.


The flare-up of violence -- which also included a grenade attack on Ethiopian trucks that killed one civilian on Wednesday -- followed the one-month postponement of a peace conference that had been due to start on Thursday.


The government-organised and internationally backed National Reconciliation Conference, which was first postponed from April, had been intended to bring together in Mogadishu 1,355 delegates from different clans and factions across Somalia.


The meeting was delayed because many delegates have not yet been chosen and the venue, a rundown and bullet-scarred former police compound, is still not ready.


Foreign diplomats had been pinning their hopes on the conference as the best way to try to secure lasting peace in Somalia, which has been in anarchy since the ousting of a dictator in 1991.


The Somali government had no official comment on the latest violence in Mogadishu. But a security source, who asked not to be named, said authorities had arrested several people for the attacks on the Ethiopian troops.


Troops sealed off the targeted areas on Thursday.


"This was the heaviest exchange since the war ended," taxi driver Abdullahi Ali said, referring to the last heavy round of street-fighting in April. "This is bad for my business, I cannot freely transport people now."

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Mogadishu 14, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Maamulka gobolka Banadir ayaa sheegay in ay ka dambeeyeen weeraradiii xalay iyo dilkii saakay loo geystay Guddoomiyaha degmada Shibbis kooxo isku xiran isla markaana ay baaritaan ku wadaan, ka dib shir deg deg ah oo maamulka gobolka uu la yeeshay guddoomiyeyaasha degmooyinka gobolka Banadir.


Agaasimaha waaxda warfaafinta gobolka Banadir, ahna Afhayeenka maamulka gobolka Max'ed Muxudiin Cali oo u waramay idaacadda Shabelle wax yar ka dib markii kooxo ku hubeysan bustoolado ay saakay ku dileen Suuqa Manabolyo guddoomiyihii degmada Shibbis Abuukar Bandaas, ayaa waxa uu sheegay in maamulka gobolka Banadir uu durbo bilaabay baaritaano ku aadan arinkaasi, isagoo sheegay in guddoomiyaha gobolka Banadir uu kulamo kula qaatay xarunta gobolka Banadir maamulada 16 ka degmo ee gobolka.


Kulankaan oo ahaa mid albaabada u laaban ayaa Afhayeenka waxa uu sheegay in diiradda lagu saaray amaanka gobolka iyo sugidda nabadgalyada mas'uuliyiinta gobolka Banadir.


Kulankaan ayaa intii uu socday Max'ed Dheere waxa uu ugu baaqay saldhigyada degmooyinka gobolka Banadir in si deg deg ah ay u sugaan amaanka madaxda dowladda ee degan degmooyinkooda.


Afhayeenka waxa uu sheegay in Max'ed Dheere uu u qeybiyay maamulada degmooyinka qalab isgaarsiin ah oo ay kula xiraan saldhigyada u dhow haddii ay arkaan wax dhibaato ah oo nafsadooda ku wajahan iyo shacabka intaba.


Hadalka Afhayeenkaan ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli saakay abaarihii 7:20 daqiiqo dil loogu geeystay Suuqa Manabolyo Guddoomiyihii degmada Shibbis Marxuum Abuukar Bandaas,


Waa guddoomiyihii 6aad oo ka mid ah maamulada degmooyinka gobolka Banadir iyo Maxkamadda B/weyne oo lagu dilo magaalada Muqdisho tan iyo markii dowladda KMG ah ay ka howl-gashay caasimadda Somalia muddo 5 bilood gudahood ah.


Xilligii gobolka Banadir uu maamulayay Cadde Gaaboow waxaa la dilay dabayaaqadii bishii Feberaayo Guddoomiyihii degmada Yaaqshiid iyo guddoomiye K/xigeenkii maamulka degmada Madiina, halka K/xigeenkii Cadde Gaaboow ee dhinaca nabadgalyada iyo siyaasadda maamulka gobolka Banadir Allaha u naxariistee Ibraahim Shaaweey qarax Miino lagula beegsaday kolonyo uu watay wadada Florance, iyadoo qaraxaasi ay ku geeriyoodeen 6 kale oo isaga la socday halka isaga oo dhaawac daran ka soo gaaray qaraxaasi uu ku geeriyooday magaalada Nairobi.


Markii xilka gobolka Banadir uu qabtey Max'ed Dheere Waxaa la dilay Guddoomiyihii degmada Heliwaa, guddoomiyihii degmada H/wadaag iyo guddoomiyihii degmada Shibbis oo maanta la dilay..


Sidoo kale waxaa toogasho lagu dilay taliyeyaal ciidan oo dhowr ah oo qaarkood ku nafwaayay qaraxyo ka dhacay caasimadda.


Sidoo kale Waxaa Weerar Bambaano lagu qaaday Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Max'ed Dheere agagaarka Siisii horraantii bishii la soo dhaafay, iyadoo weerarkaasi uu ka badbaaday guddoomiyaha, iyadoo sidoo kale isku day dil ay ka badbaadeen K/xigeenada maamulka gobolka Banadir ka dib markii qarax Miino Remote ka laga hagayay lagula beegsaday wadada Ex Ctrl Balcad isla bishii la soo dhaafay gudaheed.


Ilaa iyo wali lama yaqaan kooxaha ka dambeeya dilalka loo geysanayo maamulada degmooyinka gobolka Banadir. inkastoo maamulka gobolka Banadir uu ku eedeeyay dilalkaasi in ay ka dambeeyaan dad nabadda ka soo horjeeda.

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