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Yeey, a coward and a dictator..cannot trust the peacefull people of Baydhabo city.

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BAYDHABO: Dadka ag deggen Madaxtooyada Somalia oo lagu amray inay isaga guuraan halkaas

Posted to the Web Dec 03, 15:07



Baydhabo (PP) - Dadka Deggen agagaarka Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ee Baydhabo ayaa laga codsaday inay isaga guuraan halkaas, waxaana la sheegay in codsigaas uu yimid kaddib markii qarax uu ka dhacay albaabka hore ee Baydhabo.

Warar ay Puntlandpost ka heshay ilo wareedyo ku sugan Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxay sheegayaan in soo jeedintaan ay tahay mid ka timid dhanka Dowladda Federaalka Soomaliya ayna gaarsiiyeen dadkaas Booliiska Degmada Baydhabo.


Xarunta Madaxtooyada ayaa la sheegay in haatan ay tahay meel ammaankeeda si weyn loo sugayo, waxaana booliiska Baydhabo ay sheegeen inay ka baqo qabaan in loogu soo gabado dadka deegaankaas daggan oo waxyeello la gaarsiiyo xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Dhawaan ayaa waxaa ka dhacay Magaalada Baydhabo qarax weyn oo keenay cabsi ad u fara badan oo la soo darista madaxda Dowladda, waxaana wararka qaarkood ay sheegayaan in qaraxyadaas oo ahaa kuwo dhowr ah lala damacsanaa in Baydhabo la geliso isla markaana lala beegsado xarunta Madaxtooyada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay inuu ku boorriyay kooxaha sugidda ammaanka inay adkeeyaan amaanka isla markaana kordhiyaan howlahooda gaarka ah, waxaana dadka lagu amray inay ka guuraan xarunta Madaxtooyada agteeda loogu baaqay inay dagaal bartamaha Magaalada Baydhabo.


Qarax kan ka horreeyay ayaa la isku dayay in lagu qaarijiyo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed, Balse uu ka badbaaday, waxaana qaraxaas lala beegsaday Madaxweynaha xilli uu ka baxay xarunta Baarlamaanka oo uu socday Madaxtooyada oo ah halka uu rasmi ahaan u daggan yahay.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


Saaxiibkaa u ***

Daabaco Qormadan

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Waajid,the parliament itself is a target,the pple living around it are in grave danger for another suicide bombing or stuff can happen any time.How can relocating them be a sign of cowardice and dictatorship?The man he calls a coward is a commander and the only commander who has fought countless battles than any other somalian officer.This is only done for the good of the pple.Maybe Duuliye ought to weigh matters before he simple mindedly comments on issue as like the heading of this thread.Some folks got to look beyond their shoe laces.

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Duuliye seems to be losig the plot ever so slowly. Was it not a few days ago that the they Clan Courts sent bombs into Baidoa?


Every step must be taken to protect the governemnt and people of the city from these cowards.

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^Abdulahi-Ahmar has always been a coward and traitor and I can honestly say, Somalia is better without him...


Here is what a concerned Somali citizen said:

For us, Ethiopia will not rest until Somalia becomes its satellite as there are so many Somalis who are competing for its alliance, political and power hungry prostitutions. Ethiopia sees Somalia as its lifeline for economic, maritime gateway and business opportunities. Additionally, Ethiopia sees Somalis unpatriotic, politically disunited and physically fragmented. Ethiopia leads the scramble for Somalia, where she can transport its poisonous Qat, which is only consumed by beguile Somalis who are indirectly feeding and sustaining our historical enemys treasury and the military armaments of its marauding pundit militias. We must view Ethiopia as our past, present and future enemy. We must teach our children and other clueless Somalis to note Ethiopia as our real enemy that is after our resources, territories and wants to leech our blood and national resources. Those Somalis who allied with Ethiopia must be seen as the other face of the coin of Ethiopian.

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:

We must teach our children and other clueless Somalis to note Ethiopia as our real enemy that is after our resources, territories and wants to leech our blood and national resources. Those Somalis who allied with Ethiopia must be seen as the other face of the coin of Ethiopian.

Any society be it Palestinians, Arabs in general that teaches hate to children, that are below the age they can be held responsible for their actions, is doomed.

You teach children hate and war instead of science and social, economic, literature..and cultural aspects you are wasting valuable time.

It only takes 6 months to teach someone the most sophisticated methods of war and killing. It takes 20 years to learn how to help someone with heart problems or operations.

Ever heard of HizbAllah teaching children to hate Jewish? Never. Ever heard Iranians teaching children math by subtraction of Jewish Killed,like arabs do, never.

Ethiopian moslems know which one they belong to, but its never thought to create suspicion and mistrust between sunni and shiiia. Only arabs do this.

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^Its Muslims..Not Moslems..And please keep to the topic..Don't take us to the Middle East. Whatever you have against the Arabs is your own business..You sound like a confused individual. icon_razz.gif

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have you seen how habeshas keep on talking crap about Arabs infront of Somalis.


These guys have no shame or sense of dignity

they talk of Saudi did this and that the Arabs are doing this and that.


Real facts the wealthiest person in Ethio is a Saudii.e An Arab He expanded the Addis Airport,The Hilton if not Sheraton belongs to him and basically he is the biggest investor.

Strange at how an Arab beats them in thei own courtyard.

He gets shaddy contracts which allows Zenawi and his cronies to get Cashbacks etc.


Most of the Ethio 'expertriates' in ME are those that work full time during twilight hrs (escorts) From Telaviv ,Lebanon to Dubai excluding Riyaad.


This 'SF' Has no shame to talk about Arabs they have inferiority complex towards them.


'SF' before you talk about Arabs start with Alamoudi and recall all the Escorts from ME.

Then you can talk some sense.

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