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Exposing The Lexicon Of The Anti-Somaliland Camp

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By Rooble Mohamed


The lexicon of the anti-Somaliland camp revolves around several mantra words such as dissent, limited government acreage of influence, clan dominancy, hijacked will, secessionist, northwestern Somalia, accidental president, pre-colonial, post colonial. They tells us if you are democratic why do you suffocate dissent voices, why do you arrest and deport native Somalilanders who oppose Somaliland's decision to withdraw from the union. We tell them you are right my sisters and brothers we should not be doing that. Either we are democratic or we are not. Every Somaliland citizen should have the freedom to voice his/her opinion in Hargeysa; a valid point, well taken. Unlike you, our brothers and sisters, we are democratic and own up to our shortcomings.


They say, the influence of the government of Somaliland is limited to only certain areas and doesn't reach the whole country. Valid point again, well taken. A government that cannot spread its authority to all the parts of the country cannot be a viable government. But aren't we much better being here than going to where you want to take us. The chaos and fratricide taking place in Somalia. They say one clan dominates Somaliland. Here, we say if domination means majority, we say you are right, there is a majority rule in Somaliland, and it doesn't matter whether it is based on clan or party, majority is majority, democracy dictates it and the ballot box decides it.


They claim that the people of Somaliland have been hijacked and the majority of them are not in favor of the region's secession. We say this is simply untrue. Anyone who goes to Borama, Hargeysa, Buroa and Erigavo will testify to the truth of our statement. The large turn out of the Somaliland people during the visit of the AU fact-finding mission to these areas in 2005 was the best testimony to the people's desire for freedom and sovereignty. We will not mention the referendum in which more than 90% of the Somaliland people said an emphatic YES for independence, because you already know it and you deny it so there is no point of repeating it to you. We tell them, the Somaliland people have said their word and are ready to say it again and again if need be.


They like to use the word secessionist ad nauseam. In their parlance the word entails an accusation of treason, conspiracy and sedition. We tell them; YES the people of Somaliland decided to withdraw from the union, the union that they have initiated in the first place. They ditched it because it brought them nothing but misery, genocide and destruction. The great Somaliland poet Timacadde had foreseen it when he said "Ri' dhashaaba la iskaga draa rubuca jiilaale, ma riwaayad baa calanka sow ruuxna kuma ray-yo", a line that the anti-Somalilanders would like to ignore when they marshal Timacadde's verses to support their arguments.


The anti-Somaliland camp make it a rule to call Somaliland, the northwestern region, a name that is neither pre-colonial, colonial nor post-colonial. A name coined by anti-Somaliland UN workers to undermine the Somaliland people's claim for statehood. These people, however, have no problem in calling the former ******teenia, Puntland. Well anyone who learned civics at the primary school in the early sixties can easily recall the name ******teenia. At the time Somaliland was known as the Northern regions and never as northwestern region, even the Southern people used to call us Reer Norad.


The latest additions to the anti-Somaliland lexicon include "accidental president". We say, President Kahin's rise to the presidency was no more accidental than the that of Daniel arap Moi after the death of Jomo Kenyatta in office and no more accidental than that of George Bush when he won the election with a contestable marginal majority. It is pointless to argue with people when they deny basic truths. As the country's vice president it was constitutional for Kahin to succeed the late Egal. His prevalence later in a bitterly fought presidential election has dissipated the fallacy of a one-clan rule. Indeed Kahin's succession and election process was a brilliant example of democratic rule in Africa.


Talking about pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial status of the Somali people, we say that the African continent as a whole was a colonial creation. And the OAU and its successor the AU have both made the colonial legacy indelible by making colonial borders sacrosanct. It is, therefore, outlandish to accuse the International Crisis Group, ICG, or any other analyst of fabricating history. Somaliland's demand for the recognition of its colonial borders complies to the letter with the AU charter.


One final point we would like to remind the Anti-Somaliland camp is the old adage which says "do not kill the messenger" as they have made a habit of incriminating analysts, scholars and journalists who report their findings of the situation on the ground. We tell them that I.M.Lewis, Iqbal Jhazbhay, Matt Bryden and the ICG, Drysdale, Ali Mazrui, J. Peter Pham and others who write about Somaliland do so according to their own conscience and judgment. They are only messengers but the source of the message is the people of Somaliland. Therefore, we call the anti-Somaliland camp to stop haranguing these truth seekers about what they should and should not write. We tell them, you better engage the people you claim to represent and win their hearts and minds instead.




SL Times



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^^I.M. Lewis, Iqbal Jhazbhay, Matt Bryden, J. Peter Pham, are all known anti-Muslim and pro-Somalia-disintegrations.


What else could you relate here f any importance? Even the AU you referring here are guilt of favoring the Ethiopians against Somalia in the war of 1964 and 1977, ruling that Oggaddenn/Somali Galbeed belonged to Ethiopia.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Now u facing da whole world ,,,,,,,,,,,, total madness iga dheh ,,

There are two worlds, the world of Islam and the world of non-muslims. So, which one you think I was confronting to?

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