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Manhal Specialty Hospital opened in Hargeisa

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Manhal Specialty Hospital opened in Hargeisa


[Manhal Hospital opened in Hargeisa]


This specialty hospital will provide cheap eye surgery and will help 95% of patients with seeing problems. According to Manhal who opened this hospital, normally a typical patient would have spend more than $2000 USD on top of travelling and accommodation expenses for a similar treatment overseas.


The hospital will bring down costs for the locals to as little as $30 for most common treatments/operations, and just $1 dollar for medication or outpatient care expenses. This is made possible by funding recieved from WHO and Arab Medical Union as well as Manhal's own charity organisation.


The new hospital will work with existing medical institutions such as the Hargeisa Group Hospital.



Eye Camps at Hargeysa and Borama Hospital



[Dr. Abdi Elmi Obsiye (Guji Sawirka dhexdiisa si aw u waynaado) ]



Hashim Goth, Harowo reporter = BOORAMA, Last month May an eye camp was fulfilled at Hargeisa Group hospital and manhal Hospital (New Hospital), This eye camp was sponsored by the Arab Medical Union/EMRO/WHO and the local Ophthalmic Doctors from the Somaliland regions.


I have met Dr.Abdi Elmi Obsiye on his return from Hargeisa Hospital and asked him, how fruit-ful was eye camp ? This was the most useful eye camp done in Somaliland and the Somaliland Ophthalmic doctors have also gained enough experience and knowledge frome their brothers of Arab Medical Union responded Dr,Obsiye again, this week anather preparation for Borama eye camp had started at Borama out patien department, and Dr,Obsiye was there screening the patiens.


This Eye camp will be done on 19 Jun,2006, by the KIKUYU Eye team doctors and is sponsored by the ministry of Health of the Health commitee Board of the Region, During this period over 800 person will be screened and about 450 patiens from deffernt regions of somaliland will restore their vision.



Somaliland graduates first post-civil war nurses

By Moha Dahir Farah Jire


HARGEISA, Somaliland- The first batch of nurses have graduated from Hargeisa Nursing College after undergoing three years of study in a ceremony held at the nursing station and officiated by the vice president of the republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Yousef Yasin.


The ceremony was also attended by cabinet ministers, members of the parliament, the mayor of Hargeisa Eng. Hussein Mahmoud Jicir and representatives from UN agencies.


The VP emphasized the importance of health for the community and highlighted the importance of having well-trained nurses.

He also thanked the chairman of the school, Mr. Ahmed abdi Quule, who produced 56 nurses from the college.


Mr. Quule noted that the last time the college had trained health workers was in 1987, and congratulated the students and advised them to continue their education until they reached the stage of medical doctors.

Vice president Ahmed indicated to the gathering a role model for the graduates, foreign affairs minister Dr. Edna Adam Ismail, who rose from a nurse and tried hard to climb the ladder all the way to her present portfolio as head of the foreign ministry.


“I wish you will see her as your role model and I wish you will reach the same level as her one day,†the VP said.


Dr. Ismail, who also attended the ceremony, said that she was very proud to see the youths graduating from Hargeisa nursing school and it reminded her of when she was pursuing her education in nursing.


The minister of health and labor Mr. Osman qasim Qodah on his part pointed out that his ministry had embarked on reopening the college after many former nurses had either died or retired.

The director general of the ministry of health, Mr. Ahmed abdi jama, briefed the gathering on the history of the college, saying that it was established in the 1930s and was elevated to a nursing school in 1960 with the main aim of producing fully trained nurses and midwives.

Due to the civil war of the early 1990s it could not continue to function, then was re-established in 2003.


International agencies such as the UNHCR, WHO, UNDP and UNESCO also collaborated in the training of the nurses.

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