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General Duke

Mayor of Mogadishu Gaaboow attacks cowardly bombers..

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MUQDISHO: Cadde Gaaboow: “Weerarradii xalay ka dhacay Muqdisho waxay u muuqdaan kuwo waxyeello u geysanaya…”

Posted to the Web Feb 20, 06:57



Muqdisho (PP) – Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Mudane Maxamuud Xasan Cali Gaaboow (Cadde) ayaa sheegay in weerarradii madaafiic ee xalay ka dhacay Muqdisho ay ahaayeen kuwo laga naxo oo aan loo dulqaadan Karin.




“Xalay Muqdisho waxay ku bariday dhibaato xoog badan oo aan loo duqaadan Karin, waxaana ka dambeeyay kuwo aan doonayn dowladnimada iyo midnimada Shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo weliba yoolka ay higsanayso Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri Cadde Gaaboow oo sheegay in dhibaatada ka dhacday Muqdisho xalay ay ahayd mid ay abaabuleen kooxo wax-ma-garad ah oo shacabka ku dhex jira.




Mudane Cadde Gaaboow ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in kooxahaas ay doonayaan oo qura in dhibaatada ka jirta gudaha Soomaaliya ay sii xoogeysato, balse dowladdu waxay ka qaadaysaa kuwaas tallaabooyin lagu xadidayo waxyeelladooda.




“Shacabka waxaan kula talinayaan inay iska dhex qabtaan kuwaas doonaya inay dhibaateeyaan, waxaana ka codsanayaa inaysan isku dayn kuwaas oo arxan laawayaal ah, wanaagga oo aad ka shaqeysaan idinka ayay dan idiin tahay shacaboow” ayuu yiri Cadde Gaaboow.




Cadde Gaaboow ayaa dhanka kale sheegay inay dowladdu yeelanayso shir ay kaga hadlay sidii shacabka looga qaban lahaa damiir-laawayaalka caadaystay inay shacabka dhibaato ka dhex abuuraan.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadisho


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Guddoomiyaha Muqdisho: “Qaraxyadii xalay waxaa ka dabeeyay kuwo aan ka naxayn Shacabka”


Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 20/02/07


Mudane Maxamuud Xasan Cali (Cadde Gaaboow) oo ah Gudoomiyaha Muqdisho ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in weerarradii xalay ee madaafiicda ahaa ay ka dambeeyaan kuwo aan doonayn in Soomaaliya ay dhibka ka baxdo.


Cadde Gaaboow wuxuu sheegay in Qaraxyadii xalay Muqdisho ka dhacay ay ahaayeen kuwo ay ka dambeeyaan kooxo aan doonayn inay Soomaaliya ka baxdo dhibka, isla markaana si weyn uga soo horjeeda dowladnimada iyo isku duubnaanta Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.





“Shacabka Muqdisho waxaan kula talinayaan inay iska qabtaan kuwaas doonaya inay dhibaateeyaan, korkoodana ka ridaya madaafiicda, waxaana leeyahay kuwaas idiinma wadaan horumar ee waxay idiin wadaan inaad ku dhimataan falalka foosha xun ee ay sameynayaan” ayuu yiri Cadde Gaaboow oo hadalkiisa uu u muuqday mid caro ay ka buuxdo.


Mar uu ka hadlay sida ay ka yeelayaan dhibaatooyinka ka taagan Muqdisho ayuu yiri Cadde Gaaboow “Dowladdu waxay sameynaysaa qorshayaal ay kaga hortagayso kuwaas wada dhibaatooyinka, isla markaana shacabka waxyeellooyinka u geysanaya, mana dhacayso inay ku sii dhex nagaadaan shacabka gudihiisa”.


Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe)



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THis stooge is funny , more like he is working for his stomach , last time i remmember he was die hard iuc since the power shifted all of the suddent his TFG stoog and speaker ......



HE cannot walk outside on his own Town sxb ...... on top that his wanted by his own clan who are the largest in town and armed ....


General this dawlade will not disarm xamar while the rest of somalia is Armed

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^^^That was the line of the warlord Qaynyare, saxib whats going on in Xamar has proven beyond doubt for the need to disarm all the groups who have weapons there, all theese weapons achieve is to further harm the people, they the bombers are unable to even capture a single area of the city.. Thus lets not watse furtehr time speculating and work towards disarmamnet of all of Somalia starting with the capital.

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Cadde Gaabow “Nabad diid ayaa Qarax ka Geysanaya Magaalada Muqdisho.


Muqdisho , Talaado , Febr , 20 , 2007,


Duqa Magaallada Muqdisho Maxamuud Xasan Cali “Cadde Gaabow) ayaa sheegay in Maamulkisu ka xun yahay Qaraxyada isdaba jooga ah ee Maalmahan ka dhacayey Magaallada Muqdisho..


“kuwa geysanaya Qaraxyadaasi waa Nabad diid aan u Ogoleyn wax Horumar ah ayuu yiri Cadde gaabow oo sheegay in Muqdisho aysan u Baahneyn Qaraxyo kale wuxuuna sheegay inkii Xalay uu ugu Darnaa Qaraxyada ka dhacayey Caasimada..


Duqa Magaallada Muqdisho waxa uu ugu Baaqay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed in ay ka soo Qeybgalaan kulan balaaran oo uu dhawaan soo Agaasimi doono Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir kaasoo looga Arrinsanayo Amaanka Magaallada Muqdisho.


Duqqa Magaallada Muqdisho ayaa ka Gaabsaday in Qaraxyadaasi ay lug ku leeyihiin Dowlada Federaalka wuxuuna Tilmaamay in Kooxaha Nabad diidka ay iyagu Horseed ka yihiin Qaraxyada la Ridayo kuwaaso Waxyeello ka soo Gaartay Dadka Rayidka ah


Wasiirka Warfaafinta DFKMG “Saxaafad aan Wadani aheyn ayaa Buunbuunineysa waxa Xun, Wasaaradeyduna Waxba kalama Socon Ammarka ka soo baxay Nabad Sugida”


Wasiirka Warfaafinta Xukuumada Federaalka Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed ayaa sheegay in Wasaaradiisu aysan waxba kala socon Ammarkii shalay ka soo baxay

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So far these cowards haven't killed a single ethiopian, it's only innocent civilians that have fallen victim to their lame arab type insurgency. I hope the icu styled death penalty where multiple stabbing with rusty knives was the prefered method has not been abolished yet.

The culprits need some nice torture when they get captured.

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General duke ......



I dont know reason why u are blinding your self .... I' dont oppose TFG but it must change ites stragety .....


what happend lastnite was shame full , Tigrey troops were attack and they answered back with their artilary power leveling city after the fight was done . it quite clear the majority of citizen do not support Tigrey troops in xamar .... Infact the tigrey troops dont come outside at day time or do any patroling ... They are being shield in their bases no matter where they are west ,east , norht , south of Moqadishu . Therefore i beleive tigrey troops should withdraw from the city and let the residents choose their destiny ....


Caddo Gabbow is hiding in hotel globel like the rest TFG unwanted mens in xaamar ..... TFG should replace these mens with people who have influnce in the city and listn to the demand of the citizen .

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^^^Bambo, you have proven to be a reasonable person over time, I respect and comemnd you for it. The TFG has a clear straegy ad it is not to allianate the public, the mortar attacks where not done by the TFG but by the groups hiding out inside the city who want to terrorise the civilians.


You have a point with regards to some officials in Banadir and even in the top government positions have proven to be quite incompetent at times, and they shoudl be replaced.


Let me assure you that there is no agenda to kill or maim civilians by the TFG, the Mogadishu media is as ever playing to the clan cards, which will not really hurt the governemnt.

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