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Trust not their presents, nor admit the horse?’

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They (foreign troops) are (I believe) Trojan horses designed to, fool the unsuspecting, give the Woyanes and easy ride out of Somalia, and bring back the lost territories to the Trojan Horse Somalis. The Trojan Horses sponsored the Ethiopian Invasion in the first place. It was through the IGAD system that the sovereignty and dignity of Somalia was given and surrendered to the other nations. No need to even mention that Ugandan Forces have been under the pockets of General Gabre; probably out of choice and religious brotherhood, than compulsion.


It was through this system that the Woyanes entered Somalia and ultimately bribed warlord to form so-called governments.

It was the United Nations which passed the resolution that abolished the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia. They were the ones that gave the green light for the wicked Woyane Occupation. Right after the Invasion, the AU/IGAD openly blessed the war against Somalis, by the wicked Woyanes! It was they who destroyed the territorial integrity of Somali Waters and handed them over

various international Trojan Horses; this under the notion of fighting pirates. Why did they not fight pirates for the last 17 years?


Moreover, they never, even for a single moment condemned or spoke against the various human rights abuses committed by the Woyane forces. On the contrary, they gave them aid, political cover and immunity to carry out their massacres throughout Somalia. All this was done in the hope that the Ethiopians would prevail victoriously and prop up their Somali Trojan Horses to power.



When that didn't occur, they've taken another approach; a deceitful and cunning plot, which attempts to strike disarray and FITNA amongst the Somali Population. That is, we will let the Ethiopians leave peacefully, but only as long as there no “security vacuum". In simple English that means the UN will replace the Woyanes and provide security for the gangs of the Trojan Horses. They will have a mandate to protect and aid the very warlords who have slaughtered and taken part in great Woyane onslaught (revenge for previous wars). In fact, they'll have bigger and better equipped protectors, who will give them more audacity and impunity to do as they please. Finally, they will have a mandate to wage war against those that oppose the TFG!



This so called treaty of theirs makes no condemnation or mention of the gross human rights abuses of the Woyanes committed against the Somali Population. No, they will be given another 30 days to do as they please. And after this they'll have ninety days to relax across Somali cities and then head home peacefully. Clearly this means that what they have done is acceptable and thus a norm in the international arena. Moreover, this so called treaty calls for a condemnation of those that take action against Ethiopian Troops still left in Somali after 30 days. As if to say: “the boys are enjoying their last moments on holiday, give em a nice send off".



In sum, a badly coordinated and hastily rushed decision to bring thousands of foreign troops could bring a further fitna and suffering to the Somali population. As we know, the UN peacekeepers are notorious for sexual abuses, corruption and plundering of resources. Go and read for your-self what they have done in Haiti, Congo and various other places they've set foot in, including Somalia. There is also no guarantee that various armed groups will not wage war against the UN troops.


We ask:


who is responsible for any deaths and injuries that might occur? Or, perhaps, the real purpose of this deal is act as a Trojan Horse, so to speak? To appear seemingly as Arabian Horses and Knights that delivers the weak from their oppression? Those that remove their covers at the last moment and rush out with bloodied daggers made of sliver? Perhaps, a gross betrayal, similar to what the Jewish compromiser, Josephus, did to his fellow believers of tawheed (monotheism), when he sacrificed (for this own gain) them to the Romans Polytheists?


Certainly, we can't say that we have all these answers.


Suffice it to say that we have been here before:


Meetings called in grand halls of foreign hotels; long nights and anxious phone calls, and lastly; wild celebrations and euphoria at the dawn of another era (of peace). All of these have disappointed (in the past) and there is a great danger that this could be another scheming plot of the Trojan Horses, in order to turn the Somali Groups against another. To throw them into disunity, division and render the services they have offered as obsolete, unwanted and thus place the United Nations as their ultimate salvation and protectors. A mechanism designed to cut out Allah and his prophet as judges between the believers and replace them with men; to cut out the proven cure of and his Prophet as a means to salvation and replace them with false hopes of men! Lastly, a compromise (or a plot) to replace the law of Allah with the law of the Romans, just as the Hellenized Jews did, when they abandoned them to save themselves, whilst their brothers and sisters bravely stood up against the man- made law of Caesar!



quote:By destiny compell'd, and in despair,

The Greeks grew weary of the tedious war,

And by Minerva's aid a fabric rear'd,

Which like a steed of monstrous height appear'd:

The sides were plank'd with pine; they feign'd it made

For their return, and this the vow they paid.

Thus they pretend, but in the hollow side

Selected numbers of their soldiers hide:

With inward arms the dire machine they load,

And iron bowels stuff the dark abode.



quote:Laocoon, follow'd by a num'rous crowd,

Ran from the fort, and cried, from far, aloud:

‘O wretched countrymen! What fury reigns?

What more than madness has possess'd your brains?

Think you the Grecians from your coasts are gone?

And are Ulysses' arts no better known?

This hollow fabric either must inclose,

Within its blind recess, our secret foes;

Or 't is an engine rais'd above the town,

T' o'erlook the walls, and then to batter down.

Somewhat is sure design'd, by fraud or force:

Trust not their presents, nor admit the horse.



ps. my writing does a great dis-service to the epic of the ancient legends! ;)

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Another key leader against the two sharifs & co


Muqdisho.11.June.2008.(Sh.M.Network)- Shiikh Xasan Turki oo ka Mid ah Masuuliyiinta sida weyn uga soo hor jeeda dowlada iyo Ciidamada Ethiopia ee dalka Soomaaliya ku sugan ayaa waxaa uu si weeyn meel isaga taagay Heshiiska ay dalka Jabuuti ku gaareen Isbeheysiga Dib u xoreeynta dalka Soomaaliya iyo Dowlada KMG Soomaaliya.


Shiikh Xasan Cabdullaahi Xersi (Shiikh Xasan Turki) oo ka mid ah saraakiisha hor keceysa Ciidamada sida xoogan uga soo hor jeeda Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo siyaasada Dowlada KMG Soomaaliya ayaa si xoogan uga soo hor jeestay heshiiska ay Dowlada KMG Soomaaliya iyo Isbeheeysiga Dib u xoreeynta ay Dalkasi ku wada Gaareen.


Sheikha ayaa sheegay in heshiiskaasi aysan ku xusneeyn in ciidamada Ethiopia ay dalka ka baxaan kaliyana wax looga saari karana ay tahay Qoriga caaradiisa.


“Waxaa la qabsaday Caasimadeenii Waxaana ku qabsan karnaa oo kaliya Dagaal aan la galno Ciidamada Dalka Ku soo duulay” ayuu Yiri Shiikh Xasan Turki.


Waxaa uu shacabka ugu Baaqay in aysan ku sirmin Shirkasi isla markaana ay u diyaar garoobaan Jihaad lala Galo Ciidamada Ethiopia ee dalka Heeysta,taasina ay tahay Xalka kaliya ee Ciidamada Ethiopia dalka Looga Saari karo ayuu intaasi raaciyay.


Waxaa uu Xasan Turki Tusaale u soo qaatay Dagaalkii ay Sagashameeyadii shacabka Soomaaliyeed la galeen Ciidamadii QM ka Socday ee uu mareeykanka qeeybta ka ahaa kaasi oo maalin Cadd isaga guuray Dalka Kadib dagaal ay shacabku la galeen sida uu Shiikh Xasan Turki u dooday.


Waxaa uu mar kale ku Celiyay Go’aankiisa ahaa in uu diidan yahay In dalka Soomaaliya la keeno Ciidamo Ka socda QM.


Masuuliyiinta Isbeheysida Dib u xoreeynta Dalka Soomaaliya ee uu ka mid yahay Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa waxaa uu u adeegsaday Lahjad adag oo uu ku canbaareeyay waxaana uu ku tilmaamay In ay yihiin Rag iyaga ka cararay xili dhibaato xoogan lagu jiray.

Sheikh Xasan Turki oo xalay u qadka Fooneeyaha ugu waramayay Warbaahinta Shabelle xili uu sheegay in uu ku sugan yahay meel ka mid ah K/Soomaaliya ayaa mar wax laga weeydiiday in cimrigiisa uu ku dhameeysanayo Dagaal ayaa waxaa u sheegay in uusan rabin dagaalka balse ay danta ku qasbeeyso uuna nasanayo marka cadwga soomaaliya laga saaro oo ay nabad noqoto.


Heshiiskasi lagu gaaray Dalka Jabuuti ayaa waxaa horay uga soo hor jeestay Shiikh Xasan Daahir Aweeys oo xubin Buuxda ka Ah Isbeheysiga dib u xoreeynta Dalka Soomaaliya oo qeeyb ka mid ah Isbeheeysigaasi ay heshiiskaasi wax ka saxiixeen.


Shabelle Media Network Somalia.

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Excellent analysis by a poster over at Beerdhiga:


Posted By wadaad yare on 11.06.2008 14:11


Walaalayaal horta ilaahey kheyrka hana waafajiyo, raga jabuuti ku shirey nabarkey umada u geysteen koley wuxuu ka midka yahay nabarada waaweyn ee umada ku dhacey oo runtii uu raadkiisa xun umada ka saameyn doono meelo badan oo dadka badankiisa aan hada u muuqan.


Nimankaas maalin ka hor inteysan saxiixin heshiiska amaba saacado aan iraahdee sidaan u taageersanaa ilaahey kaliya ayaa ogaa adinkuna marqaati ayaad iiga tihiin. Qaar badan oo iyaga ka mid ahna saaxiibo iyo jaal iyo macrifo ayaan nahay. Laakiin qadiyadii na mideyneysey way u gefeen. Waxaanan u maleynayaa ineysan khiyaano u geyn ee karti xumo, wax qadarin la,aan, culeys nafsiya oo dhinacyo badan ah iyo cadaadis, natiijada oo la deg degsadey, culeys dhanka Eriteria uga yimid intaasoo dhan ayaa isku biirsatey, markaas ayey saxiixeen wax is dhiibid aan shuruud laheyn u eg.


Taasi qofkii munsif ah oon wax kale u muuqan wuu arki karaa, laakiin maxaa hada nala gudboon weeye su,aashu?


Sida aan wararka ku heley raga guduhu waxey arintaas u saareen gudi culimadii ugu caansaneyd ah, oo fatwo kasoo saara arintaas. In waxaana laga yaabaa maanta ama beriba raga guduhu arintaas ku dhawaaqaan ah in culimadaas laga war sugo waxey go,aan ku gaaraan.


Waa arin fiican, culimada camalkaan jihaadigaa marjica u ahaa in loola laabto arinta, maadaama hogaankii siyaasadeed uu qaatey go,aan aan umada u cuntamin.


Nimankaas iney qalad taariikhi ah galeen waxaad ku ogaan kartaan cid iyaga ka baxsan oo dadkaas marjica ah taladii ma aysan u bandhigin. Muqaawamdii gudaha uma bandhigin. Kuwii Asmara oo ay isku ururka ahaayeen warkoodba daa oo way kala tageen.


Xataa karaamadooda iyo qawlkoodu inuu fulo uma aysan fakarin, waxey u egyihiin dad inta gacanta la qabtey wax laga saxiixdey.


Wixii hada ka danbeeyana hadeysan shakhsiyan is daba qaban waxey noqon doonaan warqad loo isticmaalo leynta iyo bur burinta walaalahood, sida Fatax qabsatey oo kale. Goormaan baraneynaa shirqoolada R/Galbeedka iyo makrigooda khabiithkaa?


Xalkiisu maahan sida raga qaar inaad geestaas istaagto ood sidii dibi carsan faagato ood tiraahdo cidna lama hadlayo, laakiin xalkeedu waa inaad acsaab baarid ah iyo taxadar kula mufaawadooto. Waa inaad ogtahay iney shar maahane kheýr kula rabin oo ay dabin kula gaadayaan. Waxaad uga badbaadi kartaa inaad wada tashi waasic ah dadkaaga iyo qawaacidaada la leedahay ood wada tashi joogtaa la leedahay.


Waxyaabaha lagu qaldey nimankaan waxaa ka mid ah, waxaa laga soo buuxiyey agagaarkooda ganacsato iyo bulshada rayidkaa oo iskaga dhigey iney wakiil wakiil ka yihiin bulshadii soomaaliyeed. Dhab ahaantiina qaybahaas waxaa loo yaqaanaa intrest groups oo danahooda ayey u ololeeyaane shacbi uma ololeeyaan. Weligood intii dalku ixtilaalka ku jirey bulshada rayidkaa oo ka hadleysa miyaa la maqley? kamaba hadli karaan oo hay,ado shisheeye ayey danahoodu ku xiranyihiin oo waa dad dano gaar ah ilaalinaya. Ma qabo in la colaadiyo oo waxaan qabaa iney bulshada khidmo u hayaan, laakiin arinta siyaasada hada taagan dhex dhexaad kama noqon karaan oo waa intrest group. Markii arintu qabaa,il is heysta aheyd laga yaabee iney macquul ahaan lahaayeen, laakiin arinta hada waa loolan R/Galbeedka iyaga maal geliyaa qayb ka yahay. Waa af wax cuney xishoo.


Jariimooyinka aan kasoo waaqsiga laheyn oo shaahidu zuuryaalka faraha badani isku kaashadeen raga jabuutina ugu danbeys la marsiiyey waxaa ugu weyn in arinta loo sawiro khilaaf aan dhamaad laheyn oo soomaalida dhexdeeda yaala!


Soomaali fara badan iyo ajniba oo arintaas isku kaashadey waxaa hal ku dhig u ah 17 sano ayaan is dagaaleyney, hadana wayba sii durugtoo 18 sano ayaan is daaleyney ayaa la yiraahdaa. Meel aan run laga sheegeyn xal lagama gaaro. Ciidankaas kumanaankaa oo magaaladii qaybo badan dhulka la simey ayaa la rabaa in mushkilo daakhili ah laga dhigo!


Wallee sidaas ayaan heshiis iyo kheyr lagu gaarin.


Ragaas Jabuuti waxaa la qabadsiiyey oo afkooda lagu tirey beentaas iney iyaguna wax ka jiibiyaan, sida Fataxda Falastiin afkooda loogu tirey in dhulka falastiin laga heystaa yahay oo kaliya intii laga qabsadey 1967. Wixii ka horeeyeyna iney afkooda ka dhawraan oo ceeb tahay ayaa laga dhaadhiciyey.


Raga jabuutina sidaasoo kale badalkii xoreynta dalka dib u heshiisiin ayaa afkooda lagu tirey.


Dhowr talaabo dib waad noo celiseen, laakiin(waman yaku thaa fadlin, fayabkhal bi fadhlihi calaa qawmihi yustaghna canhu wa yuthmami)


Ninkii fadli ilaahey siiyo oo dadkiisa uga bakhiila waa laga kaaftoomaa waana la caayaa. Umadu way idinka kaaftoomi doontaa sida kuwa idinka badan ee Impagati looga kaaftoomey. Waxaad sameyseena waxaa u riyaaqsan Mareykan, EU iyo xulafadooda. Gudahana waxaa u riyaaqsan taageerayaashii Tigreega caleemaha qoyan u ruxi jirey oo ka nixi jirey markii ay maqlaan askar Tigree ah ayaa la laayey.

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