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ONLF oo guul ka sheegatay dagaal

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ONLF oo guul ka sheegatay dagaal

19 May 19, 2010 - 7:33:20 AM


Jabhada ****** National Liberation Front [ONLF] ayaa sheegtay in weerar ay ku qaadeen saldhig ku yaala Garrison ay ku dileen 94-askari oo Ethiopian ah, iyadoo xukuumada dalkaas ay maanta oo Arbaco ah xaqiijisay inuu weerarkaas dhacay.


Dowlada ayaa sheegtay inaysan waxba ka jirin dilka 94-askari oo ciidankeeda ka tirsan iyadoo xustay in ONLF ay weerar ku qaadeen, lagana dilay dhamaan ciidankii saldhigaas weeraray.


"Waxaan ku dilnay weerar aan ku qaadnay saldhig u dhexeeya Jigjiga iyo Harar 94 askari oo Ethiopian ah, waxaana dagaalkaas uu ahaa mid aan ku doonaynay inaan cadowga kaga yaabino" ayaa lagu yiri warbixin ay soo saartay ONLF.


Jabhadu ma aysan sheegin xiliga ay weerarka qaaday iyo khasaaraha dhankooda kasoo gaaray, waxaase inta badan labada dhinac ay saxaafada ka sheegaan warar iska soo horjeeda.


"Xoogag ka tirsan ONLF ayaa weerar kusoo qaaday saldhiga oo ahaa mid booliis, wayna ku guuleysan waayeen dagaalka, dhamaantood waa la dilay, inagana waxaa na gaaray khasaare aan badnayn" ayuu yiri Shimeles Kemal oo u hadlay Ethiopia.


Weerarkan ayay jabahadu qaatay iyadoo doorashooyinka dalka Ethiopia ay ka harsan tahay oo wax ka yar hal todobaad, iyadoo kooxdan ay horay u sheegtay inay beegsan doonto goobaha cod-bixinta.


Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa beenisa inta badan wararka kasoo baxa ONLF oo ah kooxda ugu weyn ee dagaalka kula jirta, iyadoo dhawaan ay Ethiopia heshiis la gashay koox kale oo lagu magacaabo Jabhada Midowga Xoreynta Somali-Galbeed.


Sanadkii 2008 ayay maleeshiyada ONLF ku dileen Gobolka Somalida-Ethiopia 77-qof oo u badan ciidamada Ethiopia, iyadoo weerar ku qaaday goobta ay quburo China u dhashay ka baarayeen shidaal.

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What is important is that Malqaqa is near the main town of Harar (between Jigjiga and Harar). It is good to move to the West, because this could encourage the Oromo's to take up arms and join in.

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Abtigis killing amhara's is an option but the whole point of having a war is so you can hurt your enemy and at the same time put the advantage to your side!!!


Killing 1 amharic soldier when their is another 100,000 soldiers to deal with is not big loss for them. Just do your calculations!!!


But if the onlf wants to remain on the war-path then it would be good idea to team up with the oromo's at least then you have the numbers to challenge addis ababa.


I prefer the onlf lay down it's arms, sign a ceasefire agreement and get top posts within the ethiopian government. Preferrably posts dealing with somalia. Its better u rule somalia from addis ababa and influence who is president of somalia which can benefit your people alot more because all somali politicians will be promising to build jubba, to give ur ppl kismaayo, and etc etc etc.


Either way today we all under ethiopians 1 way or another, the question is when will you start taking advantage of the situation and put yourself in the leading seat? Your ppl being based in ethiopia already gives u strategic position that other somalis dont have!!!

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For your information, the Amhara Democratic Forces Movement is established and this marks a huge development in Ethiopia. The Amhara's until now resisted organising along ethnic lines and this was a major victory for the TPLF. Now, they are saying they will fight as Amhara's (30 million) and the leaders of this organisation are former members of the EPRDF army.


The aim of fighting a war is to achieve your goals. Battles contribute towards that and to that extent any small victory is welcome. But no one is saying the skirmish in Malqaqa is the start of the demise of the regime.


The TPLF will be dismantled step by step and ONLF just needs to contribute towards that. There are others who are working to topple the regime.


What will happen after the TPLF is deposed is for another day to discuss.

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I support the right of self-determination for all Somalis, that being said does ONLF represents all the inhabitants of the vast region, even during the 1977 war before and after never once the term "******" was used to identify the area, Western Somali region is the only single somali region -of the five that make up Somali weyn- that includes all clans inside its borders, to exclude all these groups by instating a name that refers to a sub-clan is self-alienating, which is exactly what is happening right now.

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War anigu ONLF waan ku wareeray, miyeeysan garan in ay dhibaato uun isku ridayaan, heshiiya idinku dhexdeena marka hore ,so idinkan iska sooc soocay.

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Good development, 50 civillians were released from the Garrison.


Furthermore the returning Woyane troops shot the mayor of Malqaqa and his brother out of frustration due to there large military loss.


*Abtigii good point with the Amhara's they are making some maneuvers lately.Ethiopian regimes follow the same cycle, they never learn you cannot impose your will on others.

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