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News alert: Meeting held in Hargeysa to help out-flood victims..Southern Somalia

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Kulan Gargaar Loogu Ururinayo Dadka Reer Soomaaliya Ee Daadadku Qaadeen Oo Lagu Qabtay Hargeysa Iyo Dood Siyaasi Ah Oo Ka Dhalatay

Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 4 December, 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Hargeysa ( – Kulan qaadhaan dhaqaale oo gargaar ah loogu ururinayo dadka dhibaatadu ka soo gaadhey Daadadka iyo fatahaadaha Webiyada ee Koonfurta Soomaaliya ayaa maanta lagu qabtay Hotel Hadhwanaag ee Magaalada Hargeysa.



Kulankaa waxa soo qabanqaabiyey Guddi isugu jira Culima-udiin, Siyaasiyiin, Ganacsato iyo Salaaddiin oo la baxay “Guddida Ugargaarka Dadka ku tabaalaysan Webiyada”, waxaana lagu martiqaaday xisbiyada Qaranka, Golayaasha dowladda, Ganacsatada waaweyn, aqoonyahanno iyo culimada diinta.



Xoghayaha Guddida soo qabanqaabiyey kulankaas, Cabdulqaadir Cali Cambe ayaa ugu horrayn halkaas ka akhriyey baaq ay u gudbinayaan Shacbiga Somaliland oo ku saabsan gurmadka daadadka Soomaaliya.



“Markaanu aragnay daadadkii dhibta weyn u geystey Walaalaheen Soomaaliya iyo gurmadkii caalamku u sameeyey, waxaanu iska haysan kari weyney inaanu walaalahayo waajibka Islaamka ee naga saaran ugu gurmano oo taakulan loo fidiyo,” ayuu yidhi baaqa Guddida oo sharraxaya sababta kelliftey guddidan is xilqaantay.



“Sidaa darteed, waxaanu ka codsanaynaa dhammaan Xukuumad iyo Shacabba, reer Somaliland inaynu gudano waajibkeenna Islaamnimo oo aynu u gargaarno walaalaheenna dhibaataysan, Ilaahayna waxaanu ka baryaynaa inuu inaga badbaadiyo masiibooyinka dhacaya,” ayuu yidhi Baaqa Guddidu. Waxana uu u tilmaamay ciddii doonaysa inay kaalmadaa qayb ka qaadato ama wax ku darsato laba xisaabood (Accounts) uu guddidu ka furay DAHABSHIIL iyo Xawaaladda Al-Mustaqbal.



Waxa kale oo shirkaa ka hadlay Suldaan Axmed Daahir iyo Sheekh Maxamed Cali Geeddi oo ka tirsan Guddida.


read complete report here

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I wonder where Cabdilahi Yey is in the mix of all of these natural disasters. Hadii uu leeyahay dadkaasaamn madax wayna u ahay muxuu bariis ugu keeni waayay...oh I got it, it wasn't Puntland states..

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^^^Saxib the government has already spoken on this issue, however without security the TFG will not be able to operate for the people. Also note its the clan courts that are the obsticle and actually occupy much of these areas..

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Spoken...R U kidding me? We’re talking about people dying out of hunger!

Why didn't he use his Ethiopian counter parts to help these people out if he is sincere about his political motivation in becoming the nation's leader?


If he can't deliver simple clean water in Blad Wayne than what makes you think he can control Mogadishu and become president? Don't you think that is bit out of reach and unrealistic?

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^^^Saxib you are mixing things up. When it comes to natural disaster no human organisation least of all a bankrupt entity like the TFG can do anything.


Remember Katrina in the US, or the Tsunami a few years back. Or even this weeks tragedy in the Phillapenes..


The TFG has spoken about the issue, but it can do very little, actually no one can do anything but to work with the international aid agencies.

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^Jaylaani,why are you asking the General all those questions,he is simple SOL nomad,he has no idea of what these people' agenda are.


in reality,Ethiopia is Ethiopia and Abdullahi Yusuf answers their call,so does Riyale and his side kicks.


The real people who care about these people are their fellow Somalis,I am refering to the civilians not so call President of a country/state/region or whatever.

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^^^Saxib, I can speak for myself. Also we are all stooges in this game. The Can Courts are stooges to shady businessmen and Eritrea. So lets not highlight one group over the other.

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Originally posted by Ridwaan:

^Jaylaani,why are you asking the General all those questions,he is simple SOL nomad,he has no idea of what these people' agenda are.


in reality,Ethiopia is Ethiopia and Abdullahi Yusuf answers their call,so does Riyale and his side kicks.


The real people who care about these people are their fellow Somalis,I am refering to the civilians not so call President of a country/state/region or whatever.

Rayaale don't bring Ethiopians to kill other Somalis so stop it right there.


Where did you change your location from Hargeisa to wherever…if that is the case?





You have no idea do you...blind leading the blind. Even Ridwaan aka Red Sea has more clear vision of his political strategy than you…

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I dont' think I did.


As far as I know,you and few others here are stooges for this corrupt politicians,so care to not drag me along please.


So,since you are willing to answer the questions of Jaylaani,I will let you entertain his Quiz for a second and see what you have to say for these people.



Jaylaani,I always change my location if you haven't realized it,sometimes I put Berbera,Hargeysa,Burco,Oodweyne,Sheikh,and's just the way I do things in order to show that I am not just one dimmensional.

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^^^Saxib. The secesionist have no strategy, wehn it comes to the Clan Courts other than, they might defat the old enemy President Yusuf yey. This much even some of you have admited. The problem so far is that the Clan Courts ahve only taken out Yeys opponents without so much as lifting afinger against his power bases including Baidoa and Puntland.


Thats the difference, your whole rants and ravings are coming to naught.


Jaylani, Riyaale is arresting Suldans and sacking girls and torturing Shiekhs for what? Even the first defectors to the courts are from Somaliland :eek:


Give us a break.

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What strategy can you tell that Yey has which can be obtained?


He has been stuck in Baydhabo and little in Jawhar,he and his nonfunctioning so called government haven't been moving any way forward for the last two years.


It's redicilous for them to request that U.N's weapons' embargo to be lifted while civilians are dying in thier sight and eaten by crocs and other wild where is the stratagy you speak of?


I support the ICU,because of the good things that we have all witnessed for last 8-9 months..I am not blind you know nor do I intend to blindfold myself.


As for Somaliland,even I admit,that the current Riyale regime has no strategy,this is something I know and I am fully sure most SL residents are aware of nothing new there.


I don't know if you know this,but last friday there were hundreds who called for Jihad against Ethiopia in Masjids of Bosaaso,there was well respected Shiekh who left Galkacay in the middle of the night along with hundreds of supports and now with the Islamic courts union,there has been news report that he was armed as well as his companions and are stationed around Galkacayo.


The TFG in Baydhabo is sitting duck,has no where to go,it has the support of no one except few,even the last few supporters are losing hope after they admitted troops to enter Galkacayo.You should hear the voices coming from Galkacayo,they are loud and clear,they are sick of hosting the filthy Tigray soldiers as well the supposed government of the TFG.

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