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Somalia, U.S. told to work together

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Somalia, U.S. told to work together

Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune

December 8, 2005


Minnesota Public Radio: Debate Somalia



Somalia is a priority for the U.S. State Department, which is engaged in "quiet diplomacy" to help buttress its fragile transitional government, a key state department leader said Wednesday night at the University of Minnesota.


Somalia is strategic to the U.S. war on terror, Jendayi Frazer, assistant secretary for African Affairs, told more than 500 Minnesota Somalis.


And the department is urging Somalia's government leaders to work out their differences through dialogue -- as opposed to armed conflict -- so stability can return.


Frazer, who is new to her post, told the crowd: "I'm eager to hear from you."


Frazer was among several high-ranking officials, including Somalia's representative to the United Nations, who spoke at the sold-out forum organized by the Minnesota International Center to explore Somalia's political climate and the implications for Minnesota's Somali population-- believed to be the largest concentration of Somalis in the United States.


Somalia hasn't had a central government since 1991, when civil war erupted.


Since then, there have been 14 attempts at national reconciliation, the U.S. State Department said. Most recently, in 2004, a transitional federal parliament was created, and it elected a transitional president.


Initially there was hope this government could stabilize the country, speakers said.


"All the warlords were in Parliament or the Cabinet, so there was hope they'd all be rowing in the same direction," said Ali Galaydh, former prime minister of Somalia and faculty member at the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.


But that unity was fleeting. The president now operates out of the city of Jowhar, about 55 miles north of the nation's capital of Mogadishu, while the majority of parliament is based in Mogadishu.


And the president, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has closer ties to Ethiopia than some Somalis are comfortable with, Galaydh said.


The two government factions are at an impasse, speakers said. And while speakers disagreed on the severity of the impasse and the source of it, they all agreed that the major players -- in Somalia and the United States -- must step up to the plate to try to bring stability to the country.


"We think there is light at the end of the tunnel," said Elmi Ahmed Duale, Somali ambassador to the United Nations.


Duale added that the United States can play a "vital role" in making that happen.


Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., told the crowd that he is drafting a resolution to confirm the United States' commitment to Somalia. That resolution could state, for example, that the United States is a partner in achieving stability in Somalia, he said. Or it could include a provision to appoint an emissary to serve as a liaison between the governments.


"I welcome your input in such a measure," Coleman told the crowd.


Coleman, like the other speakers, urged Minnesota's Somali community to play a constructive role during this difficult phase of government.


"I feel we have to be strong enough to support the peace process" without focusing exclusively on personalities," Galaydh said.


The forum is expected to be broadcast on Somali cable access television this weekend.

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Minnesota: Dood Xiis leh oo la xiriirta arrimaha Soomaaliay oo Xalay lagu qabtay Jaamacadda Minnesota













Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka iyo Senator Coleman oo Isku Raacay In Dowladda Soomaalidu Eey Marka Hore Khilaafkeeda Xalliso.

December 08, 2005

By: Abdirahman Ceynte


Minneapolis, MN (HOL) – Boqollaal Soomaali ah ayaa soo buux-dhaafiyey shir xalay looga doodayey arrimaha Soomaaliya oo Jaamacadda Minnesota lagu qabtay,ayna soo qabanqaabisay hay’adda Minnesota International Center.


Marti sharaftii ka doodday arrimaha Soomaaliya waxeey kala ahaayeen: Danjiraha Somaliya u matala Qaramada Midoobay, Dr. Cilmi Axmed Ducaale, Ra’iisul Wasaarihii Carta, imminkana macallin ka ah Jaamacadda Minnesota, Prof. Cali Khalif Galayr, Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka ee arrimaha Africa, Danjire Jendayi Frazer iyo Senator Norm Coleman-ka Minnesota laga soo doorto.


Waa markii ugu horeysay ee sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan maamulka Madaxweyne Bush uu la hadlo jaaliyadda Soomaalida tan iyo intii uu xafiisk hayey. Sidoo kale, waa markii iigu horreysay ee aan arko Soomaali isugu jirta cirroole iyo caruur, caalim iyo caami meel qura kuwada dhageysanaya dood af-ingiriis ku baxeysa oo Somaliya lagu falanqaynayo


Ambassador Jendayi Frazer: “Soomaaliya hub dheeraad ah uma baahnaâ€


Haweeyneyda u qaabilsan Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka amuuraha Africa, Ambassador Jendayi Frazer oo doodda ku hormartay ayaa tiri “Xiriirka ka dhaxeeya dowladda Mareykanka iyo Somaliya waa mid aad u adagâ€. Inkastoo ay raacisay in arrimaha Soomaalidu ay “muhimmad gaar ah†iyada u leeyihiin, haddana Ms. Frazer, oo iyada ruuxeeda qaraabo ku leh Minnesota, waxeey tibaaxday in xukuumadeedu ay xoogga saareyso howlaha gargaarka bani-aadannimo iyo wixii la halmaala. Sanadkii la soo dhaafay, ayeey sheegtay Kaaliyuhu, in, ku dhawaad deeq gaareysa $30 million oo dollar uu Mareykanku howlo bani-aadannimo uga qabtay dalka Somaliya.


Dhanka nabadeynta ayeey Ms. Frazer sheegtay in dowladeedu ay si weyn ula socotay dadaalka ay wadaan Ururada Bulshada, isla markaana ayba taageereen. Laakiin Ms. Frazer waxeey hoosta ka xariiqday sida loogu baahan yahay in Dowladda Soomaalidu “khilaafkooda isla dhexdooda ka xallistaanâ€, ka hor intaaneey sugin in kor looga soo dhaadhoco. Waxeeyse ka soo qayb galayaashii ugu bishaareysay in arrimaha Soomaaliya “laga daneynayo Aqalka Cad, Aqalka Odayaasha iyo Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda ee Mareykanka†ayeey tiri “Si aysan Soomaaliya gabbaad ugu noqon argagixisada caalamiga ahâ€. Marwo Frazer ayaa ku nuuxnuuxsatay in dowladda Mareykanku ay si weyn u taageeraasan tahay go’aankii Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ku diiday in xayiraadda xagga hubka ah laga qaado Somaaliya. “Somaliya hub dheeraad ah uma baahna†ayeey uga jawaabtey su’aal la weydiiyey.


Ambassador Cilmi Axmed Ducaale: “Waan hubaa in nidaam la isku halleyn karo uu Soomaaliya ka soo bixi doono dhawaanâ€


Danjira Somaliya ee Q.M, Md. Ducaale oo hadalkiisu koobnaa ayaa kadib markii uu taariikh kooban dulmaray wuxuu ka hadlay in Beesha Caalamku ay diyaar u tahay ineey gacan u fidiso Dowladdiisa, wallow uusan marnaba soo hadal qaadin khilaafka Dowladda ku dhex jira. Wuxuuse ku gaabsaday in hormar uu dhexda ku soo jiro. “Dalal badan oo caalamka ka tirsan ayaa taageero noo fidiyey†ayuu yiri.


Prof. Cali Khalif Galayr: “Itoobiya weey ka go’an tahay guul-darrada Somaliyaâ€.


Dr. Cali Khalif Galayr oo waayahan dambe reer Minnesota ahaa ayaa hadalkiisa ku billaabay mahadnaq uu u celiyey dowladda Mareykanka, gaar ahaan Senator Norm Coleman sida uu arrimaha Soomaalida isugu taxallujiyey. Wuxuuna sheegay in go’aanka ay Dowladda Mareykanku ku taageertay in ciidamo shisheeye aan loo dirin Somaliya uu yahay mid taariikhi ah “Waxaad moodaa in la isku raacsan yahay inaysan Soomaaliya hub dambe u baahneyn†ayuu yiri.


Dalka Itoobiya ayuu Dr. Galayr ku sheegay in laga yaabo inuu shakhsiyaad gooni ah taageero, laakiin uusan waligiis taageerin Qaran Soomaaliyeed “Itoobiya weey ka go’an tahay in Qaranka Soomaaliyeed uu guul-darroodo†ayuu yiri Dr. Galayr.


Prof. Galayr wuxuu ku dheeraaday in loo baahan yahay in bal marka hore Soomaalidu iyaga heshiiyaan, ha ahaato dalkii ama qurbaha-ba ha ahaatee. “Waan ogahay inaan Baarlamaan Starbucks la yiraahdo (qaxwo ay Soomaalida Minnesota ku fadhi-ku-diriraan) aan halkan ku leenahay. War aan isu nimaadno oo aan wada hadalno. Cidna ma diidana maamulka jira ee siyaasadohooda qaar kamid ah ayaa la diidan yahay, taasina waa caadi, ee xaalad abuurka hala joojiyo†ayuu ku dooday Mr. Galayr.


Senator Norm Coleman: “Dadaalkii dibu heshiisiintu waa qossol ku-jabâ€.


Senator Coleman firfircooni dheeraad ah ayaa caawa hadalkiisa ka muuqatay, hadalladiisana si taxaddar leh ayuu u soocanayey. “Maslaxadda dabiiciga ah ee Mareykanka ayaa ku jirta in Soomaaliya laga ilaaliyo ineey xarun u noqoto argagixisada†ayuu hadalkiisa ku furtay “Si taas loo gaaro waa in la dhiiri galiyo wada hadalka iyo nabadda†ayuu raaciyey Coleman oo hadalkiisa sacab iyo alalaas lagu kala goynayey “Dadaalkii dibu heshiisiinta ee laba sano in kabadan Somaliya laga waday halis ayuu hadda ku ku jiraa†ayuuna raaciyey.


Mudane Coleman iyo Danjire Frazer waxeey isaga mid ahaayeen taxaddar-ka hadalladooda taxaddar-ku ka muuqday, taas oo badananaa astaan u ah siyaasiyiinta Mareykanka. Saas oo ay tahayse, caawa waxaa Coleman la weydiiyey su’aal kululayd oo la leeyahay†hadalladaada qaarkood ayaa qayb jaaliyadda kamid ah ka xanaajisaâ€, taas oo uu uga jawaabay inuu si weyn isugu dayo inuu wanaag ka shaqeeyo, kala duwanaansho dhanka aragtida ahna uu jiri karo.


Fursadaas ayuu Sen. Coleman uga faa’iideystay inuu dabool qaado kala aragti duwanaan ku dhex jirtay Danjire Ducaale iyo Prof. Galayr “Intii aanan meesha soo galin ayaan ogaanay inuu jiro kala fikir duwanaansho, laakiin wixii aan isku raaci karno ayaan isku soo raacnayâ€.


Su’aalo iyo Jawaabo:


Marwo Frazer iyo Md. Coleman ayaa ku celceliyey taageerada bani-aadanimo ee Somaliya, ka ilaalinta argagixisada ee xuduudaha Somaliya iyo xayiraadda dhanka hubka ah ee Somaliya. Laakiin waxeey si taxaddar leh uga hadleen khilaafka u dhexeeya labada gole, oo ay labadooduba isku raaceen in marka hore Soomaalidu soo xalliyaan khilaafka u dhexeeya, ka hor intaan tallaabo kaleba la qaadin.


Dr. Galayr mar ayaa la weydiiyey inuu ka fikiray bal inuu siyaasadda Soomaaliya faraha kala boxo mar hadii uu saddexdii dowladood ee hore uu ku soo jiray, dadka kalena u banneeyo “Waa inaad u shaqeysataa wixii aad rabto. Qofka su’aasha i weydiiyow, hadii aad moodo in laguu yeeri doono, xaalku sidaas maahan “ ayuu kula kaftay qofkii su’aasha weydiiyey.


Danjire Ducaale waxa la weydiiyey Hogaamiye Kooxeedyada imminka wasiirada noqday sidee loola heshiin karaa. “Hadda hogaamiyeyaal ayaan ugu yeernaa. Balse wada hadal ayaan la fureynaa†ayuu yiri.


Inkastoo aan hal qoraal lagu soo koobi Karin baaxaddii hadallada marti sharafka doodda, haddana waxaad mooday in nuxurku uu isugu soo biyo shubanayo in siyaasaddii “halkeeda ku sii haynta†ahayd (Containment Policy) ee Madaxweyne Clinton uu ku qafilay Somaliya aysan dhab ahaa is rogin, ayna Mareykanku jeclaan lahaayeen ineey amuuraha gudaha ee Somaliya faraha la soo galin, inta ay Soomaalidu khilaafkooda wareersan xallistaan. Laakiin dowladda Mareykanku ay il-gaar ah ku hayaan argagixiso ka dillaacda Geeska Africa.


Waxaa kaloo agaasinka shirka laga dhadhansan karay in Soomaalida la tusaalaynayo sida, iyadoo lakala aragti duwan yahay, si qaddarin leh loo doodo oo la isu dhageysto.


Xusid waxaa mudan inuu caawa si aamusan safka hore u fadhiyey Goddoomiyaha uu Gobolka Banaadir uu u soo magacaabay Ra’iisul Wasaare Geeddi, Mudane Max’ud Xassan Cali (Cadde) oo qoyskiisa oo Minnesota deggan u soo guryo- laabtay kadib markii uu waayahan ku maqnaa Soomaaliya.


C/raxman Ceynte

Hiiraan Online

Minneapolis, MN

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08 December 2005


U.S. Welcomes Somali Efforts To Establish Effective Governance

Leaders in Mogadishu and Jowhar spur dialogue among divided Somali sectors


The United States says it welcomes recent efforts by members of Somalia's parliament, backed by civil society, to bring reconciliation among Somali leaders.


In a statement December 8 on Somalia, State Department deputy spokesman Adam Ereli said, "The United States looks forward to a meeting of the full Council of Ministers and a successful and representative session of the Transitional Federal Parliament as a means of resolving existing disagreements within the framework established by the Transitional Federal Charter."


The United States is on record as urging the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to quickly address the challenging tasks of beginning a gradual process of establishing effective governance.


Somalia has not had a national government since January 1991 and in many ways remains a fractured society. In March 2005, a statement from the U.S. Department of State praised the leadership of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the African Union for establishing the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. (See related article.)


"The United States strongly supports the establishment of a functioning central government in Somalia capable of bringing the Somali people out of a long period of civil conflict," the March statement said.


Following is the text of the State Department statement:


(begin text)



Office of the Spokesman

December 8, 2005






Somalia - Efforts Towards Dialogue



The United States welcomes the recent efforts of Members of Parliament in Mogadishu and Jowhar, backed by Somali civil society, to reinitiate dialogue across the divisions of the Somalia Transitional Federal Institutions. The November 15 and 29 resolutions of parliamentarians in Mogadishu and Prime Minister Gedi's efforts to convene the Council of Ministers are important vehicles through which Somali leaders might seek to resolve their differences.


The United States supports the Transitional Federal Institutions and calls upon all Somali leaders to take concrete steps toward reaching agreement through inclusive dialogue. The United States looks forward to a meeting of the full Council of Ministers and a successful and representative session of the Transitional Federal Parliament as a means of resolving existing disagreements within the framework established by the Transitional Federal Charter.


(end text)


(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:

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Gallaydh, by far, is the most optimistic Somali politician I have listened to his thoughts. I never met him but heard him talk on the radio the other day. People tend to be pessimistic about the future and suffocate us with tales of doom to justify their shortsighted agendas when there is hope and the country seems to be coming together albeit in slow motion. His ideas were safe and patriotic. He sounded to have more faith in Somalis than in our neighbouring Ethiopia and mentioned how the country at large enjoys relative peace though progress in Some towns like Muqdisho needs to occur. You have to respect such a man who keeps his soul untainted and protected from the evil who whispers into his peer's ears.

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