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Buuhoodle Airport Ready To Welcome Honorable Suleiman Xaglatoosiye

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Originally posted by Qudhac:



why dont you explain to dalmar why mr Xaglatoosiye is banned from landing in puntland airports.


what does pirateland admin have against this man who is suppose to be working for the freedom of "tolka".


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Originally posted by 'Dalmar':


It ain't none of your business, Why you care?


The only thing you should know is both Xaglatoosiye and Puntland State of Somalia are against snm militia/somalidiid

warkaa mayska hubtaa??? the "TOLL" are standing together against the snm miyaa??


lool sxb its time you stop hullucinating and smell the coffee hating riyaale and loving faroole makes no sense when they have the same political goal, to stop the SSC dream ever getting off the ground.


but hey if you wish you can keep singing faroole tunes because to be honest we in somaliland kinda like faroole too he is good partner :D:D

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I think you should wake up and smell the coffee,



In reality hating Faroole and loving Riyaale doesn't make sense, doesn't make sense as well,


Riyaale is a former siyaad Barre spy, a senior offial of NSS, once NSS, always NSS


Riyaale secretly promotes somali unity, people of Las Caanood know him well that he is corrupt, the only reason he is working for secessionist is so he can buy more properties for his family in Cairo, Paris, and London


People of Las Anod and SSC, know their real enemy, the 77 years old warlord Siilaanyo and snm militia


Riyaale only fooling snm secessionists, not once but for more than decade, you should tell to Riyaal 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'



At least, we are not waiting for Faroole to free our land, that is our sole responsibility, we have a new leader and a new leadership, we will organize ourselves to create army that will free all our land 100%, we have nothing against Faroole because never inavded our land



On the other hand, secessionists are waiting the former NSS Office Riyaale to bring the imaginary recognition, what a fools!

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Who said he was banned to land in Puntland? Is that not the same nonsense you were saying about the Garad, and he landed in Bossaso?


Puntland is the home of Suleiman Xaglatoosiye he needs no invitation to come there and will be welcomed..

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G. Duke


Thank you for saying Puntland is the home of Suleiman Xaglatoosiye


Faroole have to address beenta badan ee la faafinayo, otherwise silence means agreement


Puntland Admin should send special airplane to Hogaamiye Sulieman Xaglotoosiya, and they have to welcome him like statesman

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Faroole have to address beenta badan ee la faafinayo, otherwise silence means agreement


Puntland Admin should send special airplane to Hogaamiye Sulieman Xaglotoosiya, and they have to welcome him like statesman



they say ignorance is bliss..... you saying Puntland Admin should send special airplane, yet you making airstrip in banaankii hawd for him to land :D

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Originally posted by Qudhac:


they say ignorance is bliss..... you saying Puntland Admin should send special airplane, yet you making airstrip in banaankii hawd for him to land

Qudhac, as you pointed out that ignorance is bliss.. Get educated for yourself because I smelt ignorance from your posts.. Number one ignorance is to hate others’ successes. What has to with development made by Buuhoodle people and your nonsense spins...Nothing! Congratulate their acheivments and stop being hater..

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JB, somalidiidka kusoo duulay dhulkiisa, ayaa loo tashanaya


If you wish to welcome the Leader,you need to change sides



Lakiin, waanu lasoconaa inay ciyaar kaa tahay :D

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