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M/wayanaha Maakhir state oo baaq ugu diray Maamulka S/landP/land

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Madax waynaha Maamul gobleedka Makhir state Of Somaliya Mudane Jibriil calisalaad ayaa Baaq u soo jeediyey Maamulka lamagac baxay Somaliland iyo Maamulgoboleedka Puntland oo



Dhowaanahaba ku Herdamayey Gacan ku hayta iyo sheegashada Gobolka Sool ee Magaalada laascanood waxaa uu ku baaqay Madax wayne Jibriil cali salaad in laga taliyo Nabadgelyada iyo Xisiloonida Dalka madaama aan waqigan hada la joogi loo baahnayn Dagaalo iyo Dhibaato dib uga soo cusbaanaata Dalalka iyo dadka Xaqdhowrka iskule ee Deriska ah,


Madax waynaha Maamulka Maakhir state of Somaliaya waxaa uu si wadani nimo ku dheehantahay oo naxariisle uga Codsaday Maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland inay joojiyaan gebi ahaanba Colaada iyo dagaalka ay ka wadaan Magaalada laascanood iyo Gobolkla sool waxaan Madax waynuhu uu Ka codsaday Shacabka soomaliyeed isimada waxgaradka dhalinyarada iyo Ururada Rayadka ah inay tixgelinayaan nabadgelyada oo ah buu yiri Shay qaaliya oo aan la heli karin,


Madax waynaha oo ku sugan Degmada Xingalool ee Gobolka sanaag ee Maamulka maakhir state ayaa Carabka ku dhufatay isgoo ku hadlay Magaca Maamulka makhir state in dowlada Federalka ah oo Maamulka makhirsate hoostimado la tageero iyadoo dowladuna ay ka shaqaynaso xasiloonida iyo dib u soo celinta Hanaanka Qaranka Somaliyeed.


Mudane Jibriil cali Salaad Madax wayanah DG MSS ayaa sheegay oo ku soo celceliyey in aan loo baahanay dhig data iyo Dagaalo Dib uga bilaabma Gobolada dalka Soamaliya waxaana uu madax waynuhu shaaca ka qaaday inuu diyaar u yahay Maamulkiisu wax kasta oo ay ku jirto dantra Umada Somaliyeed.



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You did not even read the article you posted.


Madax waynaha Maamul gobleedka Makhir state Of Somaliya Mudane Jibriil calisalaad ayaa Baaq u soo jeediyey [/b]Maamulka lamagac baxay Somaliland[/b] :D iyo Maamulgoboleedka Puntland oo


loool. when the bullets fly I can count on Col Jibril to be shooting at the self declared secessionist ;)

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U should listen to the president's call ..... don't switch positions we all know Bugland has nothing to do with Maakhir. They made their choice and got their freedom from Garowe militia.

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^^^thats not even clever. The border between SANAAG & BARI and SOOL/NUGAAL are not open.


Again are you cloosing the border adeer? Col Jibril is no secessionist saxib.

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I say it again ,, it is closed in Maakhir, and now it is gonna be closed in Sool. Just watch.


Ha degdegin sxb ..... si baad u yara kacsan tahaye.

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^^^lool. Makhir is SOMALIWEYN adeer, so why are you claiming them, were they not the same people who shott at your clans men in Dhahar?


Again your ignorance with these matters comes out, the clans of SANAAG/SOOL also reside in BARI/NUGAAL so they will cloose the border on themselves?


Just to make you happy, loooool. You sound desperate adeer, why?

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