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Sheikh Aweys: Waa isugu keena mid ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa Uganda

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Mogadishu 23, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Hogaamiyihii golaha Shuurada maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia, Sheikh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa sheegay in ay isugu mid yihiin ciidamada Uganda iyo kuwa Ethiopia.


Sheekh Aweys oo shalay wareysi siiyay TV ga afka carabiga ku hadla ee Aljazeera ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada ay beegsanayaan ee ku sugan wadanka Somalia ay qeyb ka yihiin ciidamada midowga Africa ee ka socda dalka Uganda ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho.


Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo aan sheegin halka uu ku sugan yahay ayaa waxa uu tilmaamay in aanu kala sooceyn ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa Uganda ee ku wada sugan magaalada Muqdisho.


Sheekha waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada Uganda taankiyo ay leeyihiin ay ka qeybqaadanayeen dagaalkii ugu dambeeyay ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho, sidaasi darteedna labada ciidan ay isugu mid yihiin .


Sheekh Aweys ayaa waxa uu intaasi ku daray in markii horeba ciidamada Midowga Afrika ka socda ee Uganda ay u yimaadeen magaalada Muqdisho in ay garab siiyaan isla markaana ay taakuleeyaan ciidamada Ethiopia ee kaga soo horreeyay dalka Somalia.


" Aragti ahaan nooma kala soocna ciidamada shisheeye ee jooga magaalada Muqdisho, waana beegsaneynaa" ayuu yiri Sheekh Aweys oo wareysi dheer siiyay TV ga Ajazeera.


Mar waxa laga weydiiyay war bixin ka soo baxday waaxda difaaca Mareykanka, oo lagu sheegay in ay qorsheynayaan Sheekh Aweys iyo ragga ku fikirka ah in weeraro ay ku qaadaan danaha mareykanka uu ku leeyahay gobolka geeska Africa ayaa waxa uu ku jawaabay in arintaasi aanu wax micno ah laheyn, isagoo tilmaamay in aanu jirin wax faa'iido ah oo ka soo galaya haddii ay burburiyaan dhismayaal isla markaana dad caadi ah ay laayaan.


Sheekha waxa uu sheegay in iyagu ay doonayaan in nidaam dhan ay buriyaan oo ay ku badalaan mid islaami ah hasayeeshee aanu dooneyn in guryo ay baabi'iyaan.


Sheekh Aweys ayaa waxa uu si aad ah u cambaareeyay madaxweynaha dowladda Masar Xusni Mubaarak oo uu sheegay in aragti ahaan uu taageeray fara galinta ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku sameeyeen dalka Somalia.


Waxa uu sheegay in hadalkii Madaxweynaha Masar uu ku sheegay in uu u fahmi karo sababta ay ciidamada Ethiopia u soo faragaliyeen dalka Somalia uu ahaa mid qaldan, isla markaana laga doonayo Madaxweynaha in arinkaasi uu dib uga laabto.


Waxa uu sheegay in ay ka filanayeen in ay garab siiyaan shacabka Somaliyeed, hasayeeshee hadalka ka soo yeeray madaxweynaha dowladda Masar waxa uu yahay mid aan laga fileyn hogaamiye carbeedm isla markaana muslim ah.

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Any armed group (including native Somalis from other regions) supporting the occupation and its puppet regime are legitimate targets.

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Thus Xasan Dahir, his clan militia, other clan militia who support, the Eritrean and Arab agents, as well as his terror network and their supporters are legitimate target by the security forces.


Any one who is caught in the plot to kill, maim any Somali official, civilian, place mortars to further the terror networksinterest will be brought to justice and executed.

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^Sh. Aweys is fighting for a just cause and will leave this world an honored man. What will Yey leave with? The power he's always craved for is now a passing mirage. At least Sh. Aweys once got to exercise some real power and was never a pawn for anyone.

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^^^Aways compared the occupation of lower Shabbele by his clan as the same as the locally run admins of Somaliland and Puntland, what honour was there when his militia were killing and subjugating, looting and taxing fellow Muslim Somali's for their own selfish benefit?


Xasan Dahir Aways is the man who promised to fight to the end and promised Janah then let the children die needlesly in the dirt streets of Burhakabo and Balidoogle , defending a shamm of a promise while he, his fellow thugs fled for their lives on a military plane to Asmara. Oh how precesious his life is compared to the children.


Honour you say, anyhow he is a stoog of Asamar and the Egyptian secret service. None of which are "Islamic organs".


Yey has never suffered from such complexes, he is a stright shooter who does not lie at every turn.

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Xasan Dahir and others kindly please keep making threatening statements.


Now even the OLF as well as the ONLF are running away from these deranged individuals.

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Sheekh Aweys ayaa waxa uu si aad ah u cambaareeyay madaxweynaha dowladda Masar Xusni Mubaarak oo uu sheegay in aragti ahaan uu taageeray fara galinta ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku sameeyeen dalka Somalia.

Read the article carefully. In it he lambasts Hosni Mubarak let alone the Egyptian secret service. Sh. Aweys was never anyone's puppet. You're bordering on hearsay. Produce some evidence or shut it mate.

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^^^Adeer of course he will because unlike what he thought the Egyptians could do nothing when the US eagle arrived on the scene.


Anyhow provide the link of the proof of what he said, English would be nice as well.

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Adeer will the UN security council do?



The UN and the Flow of Arms to the SCIC

The UN Security Council Monitoring Group—responsible for monitoring the UN’s ineffective 1992 embargo on supply of arms to Somalia—reported that several countries had been involved in the supply of arms to the SCIC, and through it, to the ONLF and similar groups in Ethiopia. Those mentioned are generally the usual culprits:
Egypt, which has long had its particular interest in destabilization in Ethiopia and reportedly in seeking a foothold in Somalia for that purpose, and certain of its Arab League colleagues in support of the Egyptian effort.


From the article:
Flawed Sheikhs and Failed Strategies: Lessons of the Jihadist Debacle in Somalia

By Seifulaziz Milas

Published on: Feb 20, 2007



As far as Egypt is concerned, this is nothing new. Historically, efforts at destabilizing Ethiopia—to prevent it from using its Nile waters—have always been part of Egypt’s foreign policy.

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^The quote is there in Somali. The source is an interview the Sheikh had with Aljazeera(23/6). I'm not into engaging in absurd role plays.


Likewise, undusting medieval UN reports on the ICU will not prove anything. Most of the claims made against the ICU have all failed to materialise. It did not have nor require outside assistance. It had the capabilities of a whole nation behind it but that nation was none other than its own.

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^^^So Xasan Dahir word [the man who promised to fight but fled] is now more the the UN report?

Ok so when the UN reported stated the Clan Courts was an Eritrean based group it was wrong?

Thus thats why they have a base in Eritrea and only Eritrea, coincidance right?


As for the support of a nation, it took four days to get rid of them, what nation? A clan yes, a nation no saxib.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^So Xasan Dahir word [the man who promised to fight but fled] is now more the the UN report?

Correct. The report had an agenda and was commissioned both to damage the ICU's reputation and to hide the UN's own shortcomings. Firstly, The UN's arms embargo, which was in place for a over a decade was clearly failing. Instead of conducting a proper investigation into how and why its embargo was being flaunted, the UN opted for the easier option. It drew up conspiracy theories of how arms were flowing into the country. Note well that the named countries all denied the charges. When pressed by the named countries to provide their evidence, the UN were silent as usual. Sheikh Sharif's reply to the report was that the ICU were armed by the Somali public who were themselves armed. Besides, the UN's approach was wrong as Somalia was awash with guns. Which is precisely why the report you so praise wasn't given the scantest of attention by credible analysts of the region.


Originally posted by The Duke:

Ok so when the UN reported stated the Clan Courts was an Eritrean based group it was wrong?Thus thats why they have a base in Eritrea and only Eritrea, coincidance right?

Now you're adding your own snippets to the report. Come on Duke, dust yourself off. Yes, the ICU now runs some of its operations from Eriteria but it was not based there at the time the concerned report was published.


If you want to argue why they are now based in Eriteria? Well, its quite simple. I'm sure you're quite familiar with the logic of my enemy's enemy is my friend. Eriteria is conveniently located and boasts of an audicious President with whom we share a common enemy. Its not uncommon for such parties to link up in their common struggle. You describe yourself as a realist or so i've gathered from your posts - should a realist be asking this kind of question?



Originally posted by The Duke:

As for the support of a nation, it took four days to get rid of them, what nation? A clan yes, a nation no saxib.

You can't end a single post without tossing the tribal question can you Duke? I'm afraid i won't go down that path. The myriad and hypocritical world of tribalism is not for me. There are greater battles at hand.

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