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Fallout from the UN-approved Peace Keeping in Somalia

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Fallout from the UN-approved Peace Keeping in Somalia



Fallout from the UN-approved Peace Keeping in Somalia Is Somaliland the sacrificial lamb?






The second part of the title of this article is alarming. It is very much a calculated move on my part to sound alarming. Being alarmist has never been my character but today I will play the devil’s advocate.



Less than 1 hour ago, I read the English version of resolution of the UN Security Council on Somalia which has been unanimously passed by ALL council members. In addition to other things, the resolution reaffirms the respect for the ….. territorial integrity …… and unity of Somalia. The words in italics are not mine. These are the exact words in the UN resolution. It is a bombshell vis-à-vis the Somaliland cause.



In the nuances of diplomacy, each word in a resolution is carefully choreographed. Every word carries its own weight and is deliberately put there. In fact, the words territorial integrity …… and unity of Somalia are very much intentional. Not only that, they are very strong words. Somalia is to remain united with the blessings and under the auspices of the UN.



Somaliland is being sacrificed for political expediency in an effort to turn the tide against the seemingly invincible Islamic Courts, and to prop up the weak TFG. In politics, the end always justifies the means. It is an ill-advised policy, though, and I personally believe it will backfire. But that is another topic for another day.



With the passage of this resolution, it is evident that Somalilanders have been beaten in the UN political arena. Even worse, none of us saw it coming. To the best of my knowledge, no one spoke out publicly against the inherent dangers in the discussions of the UN resolution. I must admit that we have all failed in articulating our right to self determination. Evidently, our sales pitch for Somaliland’s recognition has not been effective.



Previously, it was the African Union and the Arab League who steadfastly campaigned for Somali unity. Now, the same policy is apparently being adopted by the UN at the expense of Somaliland. Somali unionists always routinely proclaimed that Somali unity is sacrosanct (muqaddas). What a turn of events for the UN to tow the line of the unionists!!



Does this spell the end of Somaliland as a Republic? I hope not but the signs are quite ominous. If it, God forbid, comes to the obliteration of Somaliland whose blame will it be? That is easy to answer. All Somalilanders are to blame for not doing their job in convincing the world to the merits and legitimacy of the Somaliland issue. What a monumental failure it would be!! I would say it would be the mother of all failures!!



It seems Somaliland has been caught off-guard. I am not aware of any plan B that can be immediately adapted. Without any more delay, the Senate, Parliament, Government, and the political parties must all put their act together before it gets too late. They must come up with a united front and a coherent strategy of damage control. We must ALL speak in one voice and time is of the essence.



I will now delve into some hypothetical scenarios with the intention of driving my point through. Forgive me for my out of character blunt and in-your-face approach.



1st Scenario: If Somalilanders were to choose between Abdillahi Yussuf’s Transitional Federal Government and Sh. Aweys’s Islamic Courts who would they choose? Would Hargeisa opt for the TFG and Burao for the UIC? Would the choosing between the two leaders spark a civil war among peace-loving Somalilanders? Would it pit brother against brother? Would we spill blood and kill each other again? God forbid. Amen.



2nd Scenario: Abdillahi Yussuf - with his Machiavellian way of plot-hatching - may provoke Somaliland into a skirmish with Garowe with the deceitful intention of instructing the African force to "stabilize" Somaliland. Mind you, he now has the mandate from the UN (substitute the N in the UN with an S. You see my point?) and the manpower and firepower from the AU.





Forgive me if my article sounds outlandish and provocative. Pardon me if I have hurt your feelings. I know I must have stepped on raw nerves and may have tormented scarred psyches. I ask for your forgiveness.



Mohamed Hussein "Dr. KHAN"


Hargeisa, Somaliland

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