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Nuur Cade oo La Amaanay - YEY oo La Soo Hadal Qaadin!

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Midawega yurub oo amaanay dadaalada dib uheshiisiineed ee raisil wasaare Nuur Cadde.

Sh, M network 13 Feb 08, 16:49 hormarinta gargaarka bini aadanimo ee midawga yurub Luis Michel ayaa soo dhaweeyay dadaalada dib uheshiineed ee uu wado raisil wasaaraha cusub ee dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia Nuur Xasan Xuseen “Nuur Cadde”kadib markii uu kula kulmay raisil wasaaraha magaalada Brussels ee dalka biljamka


Waxa sidoo kale uu sheegay Mr. Michel in ururkiisu uu dhiiri galin doono isla markaana uu taageri doono dowladda raisil wasaare Nuur Cadde oo isku dayeysa inay laheshiiso mucaaradka dowladda.


“waxaan soo dhaweyneynaa oo aan taageerayaa dowlada Nuur Cadde oo intii yareyd ee aay jirtay sameysay dadaalo lataaban karo maxaa yeelay waxa uu isagu soo bandhigay inuu wada hadal layeelanayo mucaaradka,bulshada rayidka ah,iyo bulshada dibadaha kunool” ayuu yiri Luis Michel isagoo intaa kudaray in raisil wasaaruhu uu ubalan qaaday midawga yurub inuu dib uhabeyn uu kusameyn doono oo uu horumarin doono dastuurka isla markaana uu sidoo kale sameyndoono tirakoob ku,aadan doorashada kadhacaysa dalka Somalia sanadka2009.


Luis michel oo hadlayay kadib markii uu soo gabagaboobay kulan ilaa hal sac qaatay oo uu layeeshay Nuur Cadde ayaa sheegay in laisku dayi doono in lasoo dhameys tiro ciidamadii midawga afrika uu balanqaaday ee tiradoodu gaareyso ilaa 8,000 oo askari iyadoo haatan aay Somalia joogaann tiro aad uyar oo ciidamadaasi ah oo kasocda wadamada Uganda iyo Burundi oo kali ah kuwaasi oo aan wax saameyn xaga amaanka ah kulahayn magaalada muqdisho iyagoo ilaaliya goobo cayiman oo ciidamadoodu aay daganyihiin oo kali ah.


Shabelle Media Network

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Commissioner Louis Michel praises Somali Prime Minister's commitment towards peace and stability



European Commission Press Release

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel, today welcomed the significant progress being made by Somali Prime Minister Nur Adde at restoring peace and stability to his country after almost two decades of conflict.

Commissioner Michel welcomed Prime Minister Adde's efforts to move forward the peace and transitional process in Somalia and expressed his support and encouragement for the Prime Minister to lead his country towards full, inclusive, democratic and transparent elections in 2009.

Commissioner Michel stated; "I welcome and fully support the efforts of Prime Minister Nur Adde. His government has introduced a new and significant positive dynamic in the Somali political process. He has shown his commitment to an inclusive dialogue with the opposition, civil society, the diaspora and all stakeholders inside and outside Somalia. He is determined to make inter-Somali reconciliation a reality on the ground." He added, "I am very pleased that the Prime Minister has given me his personal commitment to develop a road map for the Transitional period to include a constitution, census and elections. This action has my full support."

The EU Country strategy for Somalia, with a proposed allocation from the 10th European Development Fund of more than EUR 254 million for the 2008-13 period, will underpin and support the implementation of the road map.

During an hour-long meeting, Commissioner Michel pointed out the need for the African Union Peacekeeping Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to reach its full potential of 8,000 troops and for the international community to support the development and reform of the Somali security forces. This is a crucial step in order to allow for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Somalia. The EC has provided EUR 15 million contribution from the Africa Peace Facility and EUR 5 million from the Instrument for Stability in support to AMISOM.

The Somali political and security crisis has caused a major humanitarian disaster with almost 2 million people, including roughly 1 million 'Internally Displaced Persons' (IDPs), estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance. Commissioner Michel called on the Somali Prime Minister and the Somali authorities to ensure full respect of human rights and international humanitarian law and to facilitate the voluntary return of displaced populations in the country. He also underlined that the deliberate targeting of aid workers was against all international conventions and only brought further suffering to the Somali people.

The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) provided € 18 million in humanitarian assistance in 2007. It aims to provide at least the same level of assistance in 2008.

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^^^Nuur Cade AKA Qunyar Socod, looks like if he is winning not only the hearts of the ordinary somalis but the rest of the world too.


He has committed to solve the problems through dialogue and peaceful means, we now have the leaders of ICU willing to talk to him without any conditions which is good news, so well done to him.


But where is Yey? when will he smell the coffee and realise tthe time is changing and that his allies(USA & Ethiopia) and now looking for an exit strategy? I believe the old man is confused and has poor advisers who apparently can not comprehend the dramatic changes that are happening in front of their eyes!

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All this progress in the short period Yey was in hospital, Nur Cadde is a man on a mission.

Somalia needs healer’s men that will unite the warring factions, men like Sheikh Sharif and Nur Cadde that will bring solutions through peaceful means.


This is turning point for Somalia do the masses want this type of men that we deserve or should warlords (Yey, M Dheere, Barre Hiralle, Morgan) who do not see beyond their feet control the nation.


A famous Greek Philosopher once said


“A nation prospers when old men plant the seeds of trees never expecting to sit under the shade”


Now that we have one good man in this retched TFG we should enforce and support him as much as we can.

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Originally posted by Toure:

All this progress in the short period Yey was in hospital, Nur Cadde is a man on a mission.

Somalia needs healer’s men that will unite the warring factions, men like Sheikh Sharif and Nur Cadde that will bring solutions through peaceful means.


This is turning point for Somalia do the masses want this type of men that we deserve or should warlords (Yey, M Dheere, Barre Hiralle, Morgan) who do not see beyond their feet control the nation.

Question is, what risk is he at by trying to change the course of TFG? Will he get out alive?

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I believe it’s a sacrifice worth taking all great men sacrificed a lot when carrying out acts of courage and some lost their lives. Of course I feel for Nur Cadde family.


Nephthys if he gets assassinated by trying to bring Somalia back on its feet his deeds will be rewarded. Not to mention joining the list of great Somali patriots who have perished.

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