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Somali troop move + Clashes puts an end to warlord daydream

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Somali troop move has peaceful intention - PM

- Saturday, August 20, 2005 at 03:00


By Guled Mohammed


NAIROBI (Reuters) - A Somali troop recruitment campaign is intended to create a national army and not attack any party involved in the government's internal differences, the prime minister of the divided administration said on Friday.


The government has recruited thousands of troops across the country in recent weeks in what looks to some Somalis like the prelude to an attack on bases held by cabinet ministers and members of parliament opposed to President Abdullahi Yusuf.


Some diplomats in the region have said they are concerned by the gathering of a group of about 1,700 fighters in the Bay and Bakol area, saying it would be positioned conveniently for any resumption of hostilities in the strategic town of Baidoa.


Earlier this year pro- and anti-Yusuf forces fought two battles for the town, which Yusuf, an Ethiopian-backed former army officer, plans to make a centre for his administration.


It remains in the hands of Yusuf's opponents, but military experts say a well-trained force -- which so far Yusuf has lacked -- would have little problem in taking it.


Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi, a Yusuf ally, said on a visit to Nairobi that the recruitment was aimed at creating a national army and nothing to do with planned military action.


"We are bringing forces from all over Somalia in order to establish our security forces and that is the sustainable force which would be useful for Somalia," he told a news conference.


Portrayal of the call-up as a hostile move to "invade" areas held by government critics would be misinformation, he added.


Diplomats monitoring faltering attempts to restore effective administration to the broken country of up to 10 million say any hostile military movement by any party in Somalia would be a serious setback to the reconciliation process.




Somalia has been without a central government since warlords ousted former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 plunging the Horn of Africa nation into anarchy.


Most of Somalia has since been carved into territories held by rival militias. Yusuf's administration, created at peace talks last year in Kenya, is fractured over key issues including where the fledgling government should be based.


Donor countries have said the administration is likely to receive significant foreign funding and assistance only when it takes clear steps to mend the rifts in its own ranks.


But Gedi said donors were not doing enough to help Yusuf's Transitional Federal Government (TFG).


"It's a concern of the TFG that the international community is very slow to support this process ... We request them to redouble their efforts," he said. "If it's a pre-condition for the international community to support Somalia after a full stabilization -- that is a dream."


Gedi said he had been due to have a breakfast meeting in Nairobi on Friday with parliament speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan, a political foe, but that the speaker had not shown up.


Sharif Hassan is an influential member of the anti-Yusuf wing of Somalia's transitional institutions which wants him to base his operations in the capital Mogadishu. Yusuf says the city, a hotbed of rival militias, is too dangerous.


"Unfortunately the speaker did not come to join this very important meeting of continuation of dialogue and negotiation. But we will never give up -- our doors are open for negotiation and dialogue," Gedi said.


Source: Reuters

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Nairobi: Raysulwasaare Geeddi oo sheegay in aruurinta ciidanka qaranka Soomaaliya ay meel fiican marayso.

- Saturday, August 20, 2005 at 10:33


Nairobi(AllPuntlan)- Raysulwasaaraha dalka Soomaaliya Prof: Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa sheegay in aruurinta iyo isku dubba rididda ciidan qaran oo Soomaaliyeed ay meel fiican marayso.


Raysulwasaare Geeddi oo saxaafadda kula hadlayay magaalada Nairobi ayaa sheegay in ciidanka qaranka Soomaaliya loo diyaarinayo aysan ahayn ciidan doonaya inay cid ku duulaan ama qabsadaan..


Kumanaan ka tirsan ciidanka xoogga dalka yaa laga soo aruurinayaa dhammaan daafaha dalka Soomaaliya, si ay u noqdaan ciidan noqda ciidanka xoogga dalka .


Raysulwasaare Geeddi wuxuu intaasi ku daray in ujeedada ciidanka qaranka la isugu aruurinayo ay tahay in lasugo ammaanka dawladda iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Dadaalka lagu doonayo in lagu aruuriyo ciidan qaran ayaa wuxuu ka socdaa gobollo kamid ah dalka Soomaaliya oo ay kamid yhiin; Baay , Bakool , Shabeellada dhexe iyo gobolka Hiiraan oo ah xarunta ciidanka ee Soomaaliya.


Wasiir kuxigeenka gaashaandhigga dawladda Soomaaliya Cumar Dheere ayaa asaguna sheegay in hawlaha aruurinta ay bar bar socdaan tabobaro lasiinayo ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliya.


Wasiir kuxigeenku wuxuu sheegay in la dhisayo xirfadda iyo aadaabta ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed , si ay ciidankaasi u noqdaan ciidan hanan kara hawsha wayn ee ah sugidda ammaanka dalka .


CCC Farayaamo



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Dagaal Ka Dhacay Xerada Hiilweyne Oo Sababay In Qaar Ka Mid Ah Maleeshiyadii Halkaasi Lagu Xareeyay Isaga Baxdo


Is risaaseyn xoogan oo manta ka dhacday agagaarka xerada Hiilweyne ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sababtay in ay kala tagaan ciidankii halkaasi lagu xereeyay.


Is risaaseyntan oo ka dhalatay hadalo hanjabaad ah oo maalmahan ay is dhaafsanayeen Duqii hore ee magaalada Muqdisho Ibraahim Shaahweeye iyo Gudoomiyaha Cusub ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa keentay in ay weerar iyo weerar celin isu adeegsadaan labadii maleeshiyo beeleed ee halkaasi ku wada jirtay.


Macalin Xaashi oo sheegta Gudoomiyaha Xamar iyo Xamar daye ayaa saaka xaqiijiyay in ay weerarku ku soo bilaabeen dhanka Maleeshiyadii Maxamed Qanyare oo iyagu halkaasi ku xareysnaa, waxuuna sheegay Macalinku in aysan jirrin wax qasaare ah oo xagooda soo gaaray.


Dhanka kale Cabaas Cabdi Raage oo ah Taliyaha Labada Ciidan ee ku xareysnaa Xeradii Hiilweyne oo aan qadka taleefoonka kula xeriiray ayaa ii sheegay in xagooda weerarka lagu soo bilaabay, waloow uusan Cabaas sheegin wax qasaare ah oo iyana dhankooda soo gaaray.


Wararka aanu ka heleyno labada dhinac ayaa xaqiijinayo in gebi ahaanba markii kala shakigu iyo is risaaseyntu dhexsatay labada dhinac ay kala tageen iyadoo Maleeshiyadii Maxamed Qanyare Gebi ahaanba Tageen Deegaanka Gubta oo ka mid ah Degmada Dayniile.


C/casiis Xasan Max’ed (GOLF), Jowhar Midnimo

Midnimo Information Center

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Dagaal saakay ku dhex maray maliishiyada Maxamed Qanyare iyo Macalin Xaashi

Somaliweyn - Muqdisho-Somalia - 20/08/05


Goddoomiyaha siyaasadda beelaha Xamar iyo Xamar Daye Macallin Xaashi Maxamed Faarax ayaa saakay website-kaan u xaqiijiyey in dagaal subaxnimadii hore ee maanta ka dhacay duleedka degmada Balcad uu halkaas kaga soo saaray maliishiyooyin watay shan tekniko ah oo ka amar qadanayey Wasiirka Amniga Maxamed Qanyare Afrax iyo Ibraahim Cumar Sabriye Shaaweey.


Macallin Xaashi wuxuu sheegay in arrintaan ay ka dhalatay hadal dhawaan ka soo yeeray Ibraahim Shaaweey oo uu wax ugu dhimayey dadka iyo shucuubta ka soo jeeda Xamar iyo Xamar Daye iyo guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Magaalada Cadde Xasan Cali Gaabow.



Macalin Xaashi


Wuxuu sheegay Macallin Xaashi in dagaal socday daqiiqado yar ay u suurta gashay maliishiyada Xamar iyo Xamar Daye inay fariisimahooda ka soo saartaan maliishiyadaas. Wuxuu sheegay Macallinku in walaaltinimadii iyo kalgacalkii layskula joogay uu jebiyey Shaaweey, wuxuuna uga digay maliishiyadooda inay dib dambe ugu soo laabtaan deegaannada dadka uu af xumeeyey Shaaweey.


Ma sheegin Guddoomiye Macallin Xaashi wax khasaare ah oo soo gaaray ciidamada Qanyare iyo kuwa Shaaweey, wuxuuna sheegay in dhinacooda aysan soo gaarin wax khasaare ah.


Maliishiyooyinka Qanyare iyo kuwa Shaaweey waxay ku sugnaayeen goobta la yiraahdo Hareeri Cadle oo u dhexeysa degmada Balcad iyo Caliyaale halkaas oo ay ku sugnaayeen iyagoo qeyb ka ahaa maliishiyo tababar ku qaadaneysay hiilweyne.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

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