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Haa Seefta Abu Ayyoub, Mayya Seefta Alshabaab

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^^well put indeed. Yours yaa Abu Diaby, unlike Kashka's, are germane questions. As'ilatun tadhraxu nafsahaa calaa maaidati niqaash, fahal lahaa min mujiib! Does good Kashka understand Siyaasati alsharciyah? Does he understand, masaali fiqh as it relates to masaalix wa mafaasid? To what end does his group fight if they could not even appriciate the value of dailague among Muslims, especially when in disagreement?


Slogans are cheap. Jihad. Xaq. Sharaf. Gobonimo. Though great in concept, those words require much bigger sacrifice than good Kashka and his friends are willing to pay. It requires the courage to say I was wrong, and agree with your brother when the very survival of the nation is at stake. If its current course remain unchanged, Somalia risks desappearing from khariidhatul caalam. Sadly Kashafa does not know, or if he knows, apparantly does not care.

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Great participation all, will respond in detail to all posts/questions soon-tyme inshallah. I will prove, convincingly(to any objective eyes), that the saarim of Abaa Ayoub Al-Ansaari is the exact same sword being wielded by the Noble Resistance in Somalia. I will draw parallels between events that happened during the Great Fitnah and current situation in Somalia, while extracting the lessons to be learned and applied as to break the current impasse and move forward decisively for the salvation of Umada Somaliyeed oo Xalaasha(Meeji, it stretches from Qabri-dahaar to Barqaal, Zeylac to case u didn't know)


I can understand why Barafasoor G and Xiin both want to avoid discussing xuroobal fitnah. Simply put, because it renders their blind support for Shaykh Hotel(and the bas.tardous entity he heads, Tigray Founded Goverment) it renders that support untenable, illogical, and in fact, criminal. At the risk of simplifying their well-written well-argued posts, the one constant theme that I kept hearing was: "The Scholars support Sharif-ka. Who the heck are YOU to come against their fatwas ? The Scholars SAID SO. Are YOU more knowledgable than them ??? Huh ? Huh ? Huh ? " Akhyaarta, when Munkar and Nakir are questioning me in the grave, asking me how is it that I came to be a b!tch-made Xabashi servant when I was born a Xaneefan Musliman, telling them: "My Holy Scholar told me it was okay, lesser of two evils and all that" isn't gonna get me off the hook. You know what the textbook defense of every war criminal is ? "I was just following orders of my commanding officer". Whops, doesn't that sound like: "I was just following the Holified Fatwas of my Holy Sheik". Abti, you think that sheeko bararaleey is gonna get you past Munkar and Nakir ?


Lastly, let me say this: Regardless of our understanding of the events that took place between the Companions in the Great Fitnah and beyond, one thing is crystal-clear in their conduct: They have never ever consorted and conspired with Kufaar against Muslimeen. They have never ever seeked the aid and protection of Kufaar against Muslimeen. They have never ever aided and abetted the wholesale genocide of Muslim civillians under the guise of 'collateral damage'. All which are things that Shaykh Hotel and his Xabashi mongrels have not only done happily in the past, but are ready to do again and again and again when called upon. If I were a Shaykh Hotel groupie, I would not be arguing from an Islamic perspective.(that is indo-adayg oo weligeed la arkin). Just as Shaykh Hotel himself has abandoned his erstwhile Islamic platform and has now positioned himself as a secular, western-loving, obedient vassal to the Antarnashanal Kamoonity, so should his supporters. Carab'ta waxay dahaan: Man rakiba ximaarayn shaq'qa duburah. He who rides two donkeys tears his back. It is laughable to see peaceniks try to make a "Islamic case" for Shaykhuna Al-Sheraton, he who has so expertly whored himself out to the Antarnashanl Kaamonity(Beesha Caalam-ka), he who has promised to stamp out 'radical Islam', he who has said publicly on BBC radio that there is no need for Shareeca law, the TFG secular constitution will suffice, thank you very much. But no, all of that is irrelevant because a group of Celestial Holy Scholars declared him to be Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen and his Government to be Divinely Sanctioned.


Yeah, and Americans are supposed to be dumb for voting for Bush.


I am glad that Xiin and Barafasoor G did not contest the quote below, and since silence is akin to consent, I take it they agree with me wholeheartedly when I say:

Aboo Ayoub Al-Ansaari would not have shaken hands, pledged his allegiance and undying support and friendship, and grinned like the village i.diot with the malcoon who has made it his life's work to destroy Islam in the Horn of Africa. Aboo Ayoub Al-Ansaari would not have allowed to be transported like a monkey in a cage by the very same mercenaries whose hands are still wet with the blood of those they have killed and destroyed.

I am glad that we can at least agree on that. By the end of this discussion, I am sure they'll agree with the rest of my points, inshallah. 'Cuz I finna break out them heavy gunz of irrefutable daleel.


Stay tuned, abtiyaal.

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Kashafa is good at dramatizing things, and as a result blowing them out of proportion. He’s good at rapping around hearsays and rumors. He is funny and at times witty. He is gifted in the art of swearing and cursing. But in this thread, his argument is demolished. His logic is shown wanting. His are pure slogans, and nothing more. In other words, we have pierced through Kashafa’s rhetorical veils, and found a naked man.


Abu Ayyoub al shabaab

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

Great participation all, will respond in detail to all posts/questions soon-tyme inshallah. I will prove, convincingly(to any objective eyes), that the
of Abaa Ayoub Al-Ansaari is the exact same sword being wielded by the Noble Resistance in Somalia. I will draw parallels between events that happened during the Great Fitnah and current situation in Somalia, while extracting the lessons to be learned and applied as to break the current impasse and move forward decisively for the salvation of Umada Somaliyeed oo Xalaasha(Meeji, it stretches from Qabri-dahaar to Barqaal, Zeylac to case u didn't know)

tick tock tick ...

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Oki. Rumour has it you're waiting for the rider with the answers to descend the Torabora.





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^^ looooooooooooool. Waraa, you got jokes. Nah, abti. I formulate my own answers based on my own reasoning gleaned from the Kitaab, the Sunnah, universal constants, and the lessons of history. In that order.


Rest assured, Kash-$-Moni Rekordz is a wholly independent label.

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