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Minister Barre Hiiraale arrives in Baidoa.....

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Baydhabo: Wasiirka gaashaan dhiga Soomaaliya oo socdaal hawleed ku yimid magaalada Baydhabo.

Isniin, November 06, 2006


Baydhabo (AllPuntland)- Wasiirka gaashaan dhiga ee dawladda Soomaaliya Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) ayaa waxa uu gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Bay.


Wasiirka oo ka soo ambabaxay magaalada Baardheere ayaa magaalada Baydhabo waxaa ku soo dhoweeyay mas`uuliyiin ka mid ah xukuumadda SOomaaliya.


Wasiirka gaashaan dhigga ayaa waxaa la filayaa in uu kulammo la qaato madaxda dawladda Soomaaliya gaar ahaan ra`iisul wasaraha dawladda Soomaaliya Proff. Cali Maxamed Geedi.


Socdaalka Barre Hiiraale ayaa waxaa lagu macneeyay in ay ku aadantahay sidii uu xukuumadda Soomaaliya ugala soo tashan lahaa arrimo ku aadan xaaladda dalka.


Imaatinka wasiirka ee Baydhabo ayaa waxa uu ku soo aadayaa iyada oo dhowaan magaalada Baardheere ay ka soo baxeen arrimo ku aadan dagaallo ay markale isaga hor yimaadaan ciidamada Wasiirka iyo kuwa maxkmadaha.


Mahad Jama Koronto


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Barre Hiiraale oo galabta soo gaaray Baydhabo


Baydhabo 06, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Wasiirka G/dhigga dowladda KMG ah oo ay wehliyaan Xildhibaan Xidig ayaa galabta soo gaaray magaalada Baydhabo si uu kulamo ula yeesho Madaxda dowladda KMG ah.


Xubnaha wafdiga uu horkacayo Barre Hiiraale oo uu ka mid yahay Xildhibaan C/rashiid Xidig sida la sheegay iyo saraakiil kale oo ka tirsan ciidamadiisa ayaa safar dhulka ah galabta ku soo gaaray magaalada Baydhabo, ka dib markii ay ka soo ruuqaansadeen dhinaca Baardheere.


lama sheegin barre Hiiraale xilliga ay qaadaneyso booqashada uu ku joogo magaalada Baydhabo oo salka ku heyso taageero militari uu ka helo dowlada KMG ah si duulaan uu dib ugu qabsado magaalada Kismaayo oo 25 kii bishii Spetember ay ka fara maroojiyeen golaha maxkamadaha, iyadoo aan wax xabad ahi dhicin.


Waa markii ugu horeysay oo Barre Hiiraale soo gaaray, tan iyo markii uu ka soo baxay magaalada Kismaayo oo ay qabsadeen xoogagga maxkamadaha islaamka.




Ma'ed Caddaawe


Shabelle Media Network Baay

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^no Baydhabo isn't unsafe,but it's good he finally went with one side and resumed his job title of being minster of defense in the TFG,after he was battered in Bu'aale.

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^^^Buaale the damage went two ways, we even hear many top clan court commanders were injured or dead.


Lets wait and see, but the idea that Baidoa will fall soon, seems another Farataag moment.

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lol@Farataag moment,what would that be,tell me since you have been reading reerhebelnews sources.


--and nay there is nothing left pending to stay tune for,the damage went one way,hence col.Barre Hiiraale dan ayaa ku tidhi orod oo Baydhabo iska tag oo iska xodxodo Oday Cabdullahi Yusuf.

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^^^Lol at reer hebel news, then only BBC is reer English, CNN reer America and so on..


As for that why dont you investigate on your own, the Col Farataag moment of the clan courts..

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lol^sure, let us just say Barre Hiiraale wouldn't be sitting in Baydhabo today,if he knew hope was on the horizon. get it.

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Generale, I'm glad the minister has arrived Baydhabo safely. Do you know if his stay in Baydhabo is permanent or to get some monetary support from Amxaaro to wage yet another fruitless war to xagaa iyo Jubbada Hoose.

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^yes Fruitless oo afka lagu soo dhufto, axmaq weeye ninku.Nin colonel sheegta oo ka caqli xun ma arag wali, he makes military miscalculations time after time.


shoot....what does he think the ICU is, Gen.Morgan .lol


Duke,well he doesn't need to think about the strenght of the ICU,he has already seen it live in person,waana ta Baydhaba keentay naftu.

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Red Sea, hold it there man, you getting under the skin of some of his constituents here in SOL.


Generaloow, we’ll see IA, but I wonder if such character would be beneficial to Ina Yusuf and the TFG. I hate to be the devils advocate but I doubt if this character is up to that challenge. Ina Yusuf should consider passing some pink slips. The character is just a failure waiting to strike. A man of such position should be able to produce a high caliber united army inclusive of all Somali clans. Rumor has it that some of his family is distancing away from him and his embarrassment moments.

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^adiga laftaada ayaan waxba ula hadhin ninka ee ugow ninka adba.


He is embrassment to society for sure, and yes I want to get under the skin of those who stand with the warlords,such as Abdullahi Yusuf,what do you say about that Duke?

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