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War has been evaded in Somalia........

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Some insights and commentary from myself on the situation in Somalia on the ground as we 'speak' now!


War has been evaded and as usual all parties after the 'hype' are ready again to hold negotiations, come and sort out their differences on the negotiation table, so much of talk of war by the clan-courts then!


Rival entities are competing politically in Somalia and it seemed that the world has decided simply that they can't afford another crises in a very volatile and strategic region close to the Middle East as the Horn of Africa!


Again Europeans and the US couldn't agree on a strategy. Europeans are for talks and backing the clan-courts as again diplomats have been brainwashed into supporting the courts of murderers and rapist while the US holds its positition that the courts are of the same make up as the toppled Taliban regime in Afghanistan, which Europe ofcourse denies!


It's a mystery, US secretly pushes and power's the TFG through its strategic ally and supporter of the region, namely Ethiopia!


Our country will stay forever like this, until one breaks out of this cycle of listening and adhering to the wishes of third parties! I only wish the Somalis could sort it out between themselves!


Again another round of talks to start in couple of weeks/months time, then the same tired old story, we never seem to learn from our mistakes it seems!


A President that says he's not committed and retracts his words of saying 'that the door for reconciliation and peace are indeed closed' and talking soft now!


On the other hands we've clan-courts, who have been tamed and who suddenly say 'Actually we don't mind Ethiopia overstaying'!


No principles and commitment whatsoever. Adeer Abdullahi Yusuf has to learn that those folks(read union of il-desperados) are simply wasting his precious time, they want to hold Somalia hostage as they did for the last seventeen years. Now they bring into Somalia, radical ideas and believes linked/related with the welt-anschaung of Al-Qaeda!


War is just too costly for the International Community and all parties said it's not worth 'Yes simply Somalia isn't worth that sacrifice', to unleash a world crisis and another war between the civiliations or as they called it 'The jihads African front' after Iraq and Afghanistan!


So much of warmongering and we're not even on the bring of war, more and more useless talks and negotiations that will lead to nowhere!


Courts are simply binding for more time, believe it or not some people might have given them one or two brotherly advice or they were threatened by the resolute of Ethiopia not to move an inch or were persuaded by the International Community to share power, how humiliating this is!


I don't know what to say, you continue on my behalf inshallaah...............simply more suffering and period without any real resolve. God help the Somali nation and its couragous people inshallaah!


Inshallaah it's good that war has been evaded because I don't believe that the warrying parties 'bargaining' over the helpless people of Baidoa, who suffered already so much, as their city became synomous with the term of 'city of death', is any good!I'm grateful that war has been avoided and hence History from repeating itself!


Thanks alot,


Your Sheikh FiqqiKhayre!

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Sadly I've to confirm to all the participants in here that

'The Jihaad is off'


Maybe next time inshallaah! Ethios still in Somalia or what? Why are they lying to us? We didn't deserve that!


Hassan Dahir and Sheikh Shariif already put their 'war garment and gear on', what is this betrayal all about!


What a pity...........Can't stop crying for Ethios aren't leaving our country as I hoped they would be by tuesday?

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You are one small tribalist, who is much lower than the General Duke, the fiercest qabiilist online!


Talk and you will see how to destroy the black jews in the Horn of Africa.

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I for one will laugh a good laugh and will watch the civilian support garnered in the name of Islam to wake up and open their eyes to the dirty politics that has too much to lose by actually fighting!


The meaning of Jihad has been made a mockery in Somalia for a long time to come and I believe this single factor, more then Ethiopian troops, will lead to a disintegration between the real and the opportunistic members/backers of the ICU before a general diverging between the populace and the ICU even takes place at first.

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It's a notion of headline news grabbing policy on the behalf of the Union of Il-Desperados!


With the call to jihaad they trying to undermine their political failure's and the fact that they're a bunch of clueless tribalists with some hardline religious zealots amongst them!


I feel sorry for Al-Shabaab', who were told they would either go to Jannah or that victory would be theirs. Ethiopian women in the armed forces captured were also 'promised', each Shabaab who captures a female ethiopian soldier can keep her! But he has to make sure that she ain't 'pregnant' after that, they can have a 'relationship' with them of an intimate nature!


She then become's what their 'right hand' ownes! No marriage contract needed at all! If it would be me, I wouldn't rush into it because Ethiopians are really 'filthy' and 'diseased ridden' individuals!


So far for that!


Your Sheikh FiqqiKhayyre

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The mother of all somali-websites '' this afternoon still believed, that ethiopian troops could leave Somalia by the end of today!


Again Qaadisiya has been proven to be warmongering liars. We will not forgive you. Go to their site if you understand somali!

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So you are mocking dhiig aan waxba galabsan daadan lahaa because of this evasion?


Ma saasaa dagaal iyo dhiig ugu oomantihiin? If so, maxaa idin dajiye Yurub? One way tikid iyo couple hours flight ayaa idinka xigo safkaas horeeye aad dagaal ula rabtiin.


Awalba geeljire mentality waxaan camal ayaa laga sugaaye, dhiig daado ma'ahee wax kale inay meesha keenin.

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