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Let the Eradication of Alshabaab Begin!

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15 Ruux oo ku geeriyootay Qarax is-miidaamin ah oo Muqdisho ka dhacay iyo Ciidamada Amisom oo Duqeeyay Suuqa Bakaaraha


Sabti, January 24, 2009(HOL): Qarax is-miidaamin ah oo khasaare xooggan geystay ayaa wuxuu maanta ka dhacay Wadada Makka Al-Mukarrama ee Magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo qaraxaasna lala eegtay Ciidamada Amisom ee Wadadaas ku sugan.


Inta la xaqiijiyay 15 ruux ayaa qaraxaas ku geeriyooday, kuwaasi oo 14 ka mid ah ay ahaayeen Dad Rayid ah oo la socday gaari BL ah oo Wadadaas socday, halka ruuxa kalena uu ahaa askari ka tirsan Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka oo joojiyay gaari waxyaabaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay oo marayay nawaaxiga Gurigii Shaqaalaha ee Wadada Makka Al- Mukarrama. a24-5610.htm

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Check this photo on Garowe. a_27/Somalia_13_killed_in_Mogadishu_violence_trigg ered_by_suicide_bomber.shtml


I heard this story and watched it on Jazeera and was a bit puzzled. Do they look like they have any burn marks evidence of explosion? I don't think so. Their vehicle doesn't even have any dark marks. The story, on the other hand, mentions that after the explosion there was a 30 minute battle in which AMISOM tanks were used.


After the explosion AMISOM forces opened fire and killed and injured many. This is not a new tactic and has been used by AMISOM and the Ethiopian forces before. Whenever they are attacked or exploded, they open fire at whatever moves and take it out on the people. That also seems to be apparent in the picture. Check it out again...the cause for the death of those people definately doesn't seem to be from an explosion but rather could be from gunfire.


In addition, after the explosion, AMISOM continued their "peacekeeping" mission by bombing various places in Mogadishu including Bakara market for over two hours causing many casualties.


ps Isn't it ridiculous how they said that they know it was a foreigner because they found his arm and it was light skinned. First of all, that huge explosion is not going to effect his skin color? Second, don't these people know that somalis come in all colors and shapes and sizes.


Another example to not believe everything you read and that the foreign invaders and the media will try to twist things.

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