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Jilib:Karbaashing Amxaar is sweet. More will come for years IA

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31/12/2006, Onkod News: Ciidamada Maxaakiimta Islaamka ee Soomaliyeed ayaa waxa ay galabta dagaal qarara la galeen Ciidamada Dowlada KMG oo taageero ka haysta Ciidamada Ethopiaynka waxaana la xaqiijiyay in dagaalkii galabta looga adkaaday Ciidamada kua soo duulay Dalka soomaliya iyo Dowlada KMG


Warar madax banaan ayaa sheegaya ciidamada Maxaakiimta ay soo gaareen ilaa iyo Xaramka lagana awood roonaaday Ciidamadii Ethopianka waxaa kaloo laga cabsi qaba in uu dagaalka ku soo faafo Gobolada Shabeelooyinka

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^Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in rows (ranks) as if they were a solid structure - As-Saff(61:4)


And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that they amass (of worldly wealths) - Al-'Imran (3:157)

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