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General Duke

The suffereing of unarmed clans was greatest....

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^ Shabellaha hoose includes somali bantus if you didn't know. They live in places like Afgoye.


All the unarmed clans have suffered for the duration of the civil war worse then maruading nomads who get in clashes and get out just as fast.

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

The people of Somali Bantu have suffered for more than a hundred and fifty.......I say the have suffered the "greatest".

Indeed. HornAfrique wants to convince us Beelaha Banaadiriga are more marginalized than Somali Bantus. It's worth to note that most people from Beelaha Banaadiriga were able to leave Somalia during the early years of the civil war, while Somali Bantus have languished and only some of them recently managed to get out.

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

All the unarmed clans have suffered for the duration of the civil war worse then maruading nomads who get in clashes and get out just as fast.

Not all people from the armed clans were able or could afford to protect themselves; it's absurd to suggest otherwise because there were the weak and poor among them. That's why I stated every Somali group has suffered, some in a unique way, some with greater intensity, iwm.

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^^^The level of suffering was never equal. For example can you tell me a region like Lower Shabbele which was occupied by outside forces for duration of the war?

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Taliban, I know Munyo and other well known Benadiri and Bantu individuals who played a key role in the last regime. Bare's socialism and its framework policy of creating a climate propitious to the minorities was commendable, but still they hardly played a role proportion wise because their population is not small. They settle in the most populated areas of Somalia.


I agree with you and Duke that every clan suffered in this civil war but none surprises the ferocity of heavily armed nomads who had easily conquered Shabelada Hose and inflicted much misery and horror on a daily bases. But then, we are all similar to them(Benadiris). They blame each and every one of us regardless of which region you hail from. A nomad is a nomad to them as Lamagoodle is one of epithets they use to describe us.

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

I was refering to the entire history of the Somali Bantu not just the civil war.

What you were referring to is correct.

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