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The new government of Somalia ‘established’ in May 2004 promised a lot for vastly increasing hopeless Somalis around the world. It promised the end of many years of unlawfulness and division and a welcomed return to a national state free form the evil of tribalism. These promises instilled hope on to many Somalis; hopes which are shared freely among all decent Somalis, hopes, which positively motivate all decent Somalis to stand side by side with their government, whatever their intentions (good or bad). Decent Somalis are the innocent children, the middle aged and the fragile elderly, whose hopes are keeping our country alive during these distressing and embarrassing years. This hope of a unified Somali state is what keeps many decent Somalis going despite the persistent troubles which have faced our beloved country over not just the last sixteen years but for many many years.


Despite decent Somalis constantly supporting their government, their hopes are shattered simultaneously without any care or consideration. It will never be enough for decent Somalis to continually back their chaotic government without receiving some sort of assurance from them: as the brilliant saying says, “respect works both waysâ€


The current ongoing saga between the parliament and President takes us Somalis back to memory lane, we all recall the previous unsuccessful attempts to create a Somali government; most notably the Abdiqassim Salaad Hassan ministerial era, in which similar to this current Government, the Somali people were left hopeful and optimistic, but those previous hopes were undelivered and the Abdiqassim Transitional National Government (TNG) came to an expected end. In fairness to Abdiqassim’s TNG, Abdullahi Yusuf’s governments has more resources to aid their administration, despite this, slow progress is being made by them, progress which is becoming even slower as the government continue to drag their hills, hills which are ironically full of weak policies and empty promises!


Our worst nightmare would be having more undelivered promises and the reoccurrence of another failed government. Lets all pray to Allah that history does not repeat itself even though it seems inevitable.


In order to prevent this happening again the Somali people needs to co-operate with each other and for once consider the interest of our nation. The warlords have a duty to build our country, in which they played a major part in its demolition. The first steps in co-operation should come from within the parliament; they all need to set their differences aside and work on the one key factor they have in common, the similarity of their nationality. We are people of the same race, same religion and with only one prime language, surely these similarities should unite us and make our target of unification much easier. Tribalism is what divides us and it is this seemingly incurable disease that continues this division. Therefore cooperation of tribes is essential in our struggle for long lasting peace and the hopes of building a prosperous country.


Speaking of prosperity lets remind ourselves of the natural resources in which our soil hides, Somalia is full of uranium and largely unexploited reserves of iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt, natural gas, and oil reserves. It just goes on to prove the evident point that despite Somalia being one of the poorest counties in the world we are yet one of the richest as Allah (SWT) has blessed us with the beautiful religion of Islam and alongside that blessing comes the natural resources.

Allah (SWT) has helped us set the foundations for possible prosperity. What is needed now is to develop a stable government that can take advantage of these resources.


Our government may be corrupt, our nation in total ruin, our people depressed and our faith troubled. This makes us a nation faced with damning disadvantages such as these. However, let’s not make these facts a foregone conclusion and let’s begin putting this stressing period of our country part of history and start a nation fit to represent Islam. Let’s build a nation, which all of us and our future generation can be proud of and a nation, which represents our country in its most shining light. All decent Somalis should continue to give their support to the government as at this moment, they are our only hope. Let’s hope for once and pray to Allah (SWT) that the government come to appreciate and value decent Somalian’s support and let’s finally see if “respect works both waysâ€.

Long live Somalia! Long live Somalia! Long live Somalia!

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In response to your article, I would, "waano abuuris ayaa ka horeysay." So, don't waste your energy, these warlords will never bring any good to our people. Its time to promote our respected leaders who have the respect of their people at heart, and can surely make the job done with sincerity.

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