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Afgoyee: Al Shabaab kill a Somali mother who sold an egg to Ethiopian soldier

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Hooyo Somaliyeed oo loo dilay ukun ey ka iibisay ciidamo Itobian ah


Afgooye, Somaliya ( 13-Agosto-08


Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Afgooye ee Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose ayaa sheegaya in dil xaqdarro ah loo geystay Hooyo Soomaaliyeed oo xabad UKUN ah ka iibisay Askari Itoobiyaan ah oo suuqa usoo adeeg doontay.


Hooyadan ayaa la sheegay inay toogteen niman afka soo duubtay oo ku dhawaaqayay (ALAAHU-AKBAR), iyagoo markii ey falkan dilka ah geysteena goobta ka baxsaday.


Haweenka ku dhaqan degmada Afgooye oo ka qaracmay sababta loo dilay haweeneyda ayaa dilkan ku tilmaamay mid arxan darro ah, islamarkaana eysan garaneynin diinta dhigeysa in nafta looga gooyo ruux bini`aadam ah oo xabad ukun ah ka iibiyay askari.


Dilalka loo geysanayo bulshada rayidka ah, khaasatan haweenka iyo caruurta ayaa mudooyinkan dambe noqday tusbax-go, waxaana soo baxay ururo diimeedyo baneysanaya dilka qofka muslimka ah, iyadoo aan la aqoon aayadaha iyo axaadiista u baneysay inay nafta ka jaraan Hooyooyinka Soomaaliyeed ee caruurtooda u xamaalanaya.


Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo falal raqiis ah naftoodu ey ku waayaan haweenka u xamaalanaya caruurtooda, kuwaasoo qaarkood caruurtoodu ogoomo yihiin.

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^^^Adeer its not important what you belive, this is documentation. Who lives in Afgoyee? The same unarmed clans that have been terrorised for the past 17 years by these militia holly fakers.

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^ since you claim it is documentation ... provide some reliable source of information not some apologist website ... prove to me it was infact Al-shabaab and not your beloved mercenaries !

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

^ since you claim it is documentation ... provide some reliable source of information not some apologist website ... prove to me it was infact Al-shabaab and not your beloved mercenaries !

Ha ku daalin addeer, at this point, I highly doubt that any amount of evidence would be sufficient to change his mind. Instead, he'll keep doing what he has always done: either ignore the evidence altogether, or try to change the subject by bringing up bullchyt [yet again].


If video were to surface of Xabashis engaging in a Satanic ritual involving the murder of Somali children, and women these people would find some way of blaming Al-Shabaab. Subhanalah! Qolyahan axmaarada baa sixir u qooshay baanu malayn.

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Adeer the Al Shabaab clowns specially those in Lower Shabbele former IndaCdists are well known for their btutality.


Again this is documentation, just like the pictures of the women and children they used to parade around in guns and their many threats against civilains.

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