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Coup d'état attempt In Somaliland

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Coup d'état attempt In Somaliland


Abdirahman Waberi

“Democracy is based on the conviction that man has the moral and intellectual capacity, as well as the inalienable right, to govern himself with reason and justice. Harry S. Truman

When the news broke that the opposition party Kulmiye leaders allegedly offered a bribe money four times that of what members of Somaliland parliament earn a month in return they (MPs) would introduce a bill that would pave the way for a crafty presidential impeachment hearings in the Somaliland parliament and then vote for such measure, and the plot allegedly started, people realized how vulnerable and fragile Somaliland’s democratic institutions are and how it is so easy for a few desperate opposition leaders be plunge that infant democracy into constitutional crisis, national emergency and chaotic political situations, and then, may be the beginning of the end for Somaliland’s democratization process, aspirations of international recognition let alone the long struggle for justice, sovereignty and democracy.


Any seizure of the state apparatus by extra-legal tactics may be considered a coup, according to political scientists. The term Coup d'état is French for "a sudden stroke, or blow, of a nation". It often described as the “forcible takeover of the government of a country by elements from within that country, generally carried out by violent or illegal means. It differs from a revolution in typically being carried out by a small group (for example, of mischievous officers or opposition politicians as the case is for Somaliland’s recent conspiracy) to install its leader as head of government, rather than being a mass uprising by the people or overwhelming demand by the people for an immediate change.


This shocking strategy (of introducing bill in a parliament driven by bribery) constitutes the closest to ending the self-determination stand of Somaliland, as we know it. Nothing has so far challenged the freedom of Somaliland as much as this conspiracy did. Not the killings of westerners, not the president’s assassination attempts in Las-Anod. Nothing has jeopardized the very existence of this Republic more then this attempt of Coup d'état. I don’t want my argument to sound as if I’m implying if this president is gone then…NO. Imagine for once, a president impeached (any Somaliland president) based on bogus allegations driven by corrupted parliamentarians and then immediately after the damage is done, truth comes to light, on how it happened and what has just transpired in parliament and the whole scheme, THEN WHAT? Unleash anarchy? Dissolve the parliament? Run for the border? Nairobi and Sifir, here we come? How do you recover the sanctity of these institutions and how long?


No one should take this lightly. This act of national betrayal should be investigated thoroughly. These are offences in the highest nature against the people of Somaliland so far and as the highest elected officials entrusted with the security of this republic, the president and the vice-president with consultation with the house of elders should request the justice department to immediately appoint a panel of judiciary scholars or commission of competent jurists who should issue subpoenas to everyone believed to know about the matter to testify under oath in an open hearing about;

1- Who masterminded this act of treason with whom and when?

2- Who financed this deed and how and with how much?

3- Who accepted the kickbacks so far and when and how much?

The people of Somaliland deserve nothing less then naming names and full investigation; otherwise attempt possibilities aimed at national political collapse will be endless. Who knows what else is cooking in the minds of whoever is behind this awful deed… The fact of the matter is that history teaches us “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctionâ€.


Most people are looking at political party Kulmiye leadership with suspicions and disbeliefs since this shameful conspiracy came to light and the good supporters of the Kulmiye party who love Somaliland more then a political party also deserve the truth. If serious democracy is to holdfast in Somaliland, then these are not the kind of acts that supposed to be mixed-up with the daily political rhetoric and mistakes on either side that comes with the growing pains of republic in its infancy, and therefore brushed off easily. To the best of our little knowledge in political history, this kind of outcome is investigated with utmost seriousness.


Rather then putting forward a comprehensive national agenda and economic policies, hypocritical patriotism seems to be the motto of the Kulmiye party leadership since its inception, which is in a sense, has some comparative to the liberation struggles, members of its core leadership took part during the eighties wars against the genocidal dictator Siad Barre. So were many other current members of the other two parties, and in the current administration and thousands of others in all walks of lives in Somaliland. Adlai Stevenson once said, “ Patriotism is not short, frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetimeâ€



Abdirahman Waberi

Washington, DC

Radio Somaliland

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