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Qabyaalad iyo Qaabkeeda

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Some deny they are 'qabiiliste,' while in fact all points indicate otherwise. Others hide behind the garment of regions. Some say we only "defend" our qabiilis interest and land, not that we initiate conflicts, while in fact that is not true.


Well, anyway, the qabiilists cannot hide from the reality of this article and it fits and describes them well beyond.



Qabyaalad waxaa lagu jiidan karaa waxna ku jiita dadkan hoos ku xusan:


1. Qof nacayb iyo qabyaalad lagu soo koriyey.


2. Qof maanagaab ah (low-level intelligence) oo kalsooni daro haysato sida:

  • Dadka aan maskaxdooda kaga shaqeesan karin oo aan ku kalsoonayn fikradaha maskaxdooda ka soo go’a.
  • Dadka u haysta inay fikradahooda ka liitaan fikradaha dadka kale.
  • Dadka iska aamina wax kasta oo uu u sheego qof ay isku qabiil yihiin.
  • Dadka laga dhaadhcin karo sheekooyinka halaasiga ah sida qabiilka iyo khuraafaadkiisa.
  • Dadka aan baaritaan (research) sameen karin si ay u ogadaan xaqiiqda.
  • Qof fuleey ah oo ka baqaya in reerkiisu ku qoslo hadii fikradiisu tooda ka duwanaato.
  • Qof aaminsan inaanu noolaan karin qabiil la'aantii.
  • Qof aamisan inaanu shaqo fiican heli karin qabyaalda la’aanteed.
  • Qof sidiisaba ka baqa inuu waxa saxa ah sameeyo maadaama dad badani ay kugu kacayaan markaad waxa saxa ah sameesid.
  • Qof aan wadaninimo lahayn oo qabiilkiisu wadanka kala weyn yahay.
3. Qof markii horena dhagarqabe ahaa oo dembiyo hore galay:

  • Nin qoyani biyo iskama dhowro.
  • Dhagarqabe dadkoo dhan inuu dembiile ka dhigo ayuu jecel yahay.
  • Dhagarqabe in keligii la ugaarsado ma rabo.
4. Qof aan diinta Islaamka iyo akhlaaqda dadnimada wax ka aqoon. Qofkaasi wuxuu:

  • Ilaahay kahor mariyaa qabiilkisa.
  • Diinta ka jecel yahay qabiilka.
  • Si khalad ah u tarjumaa aayadaha Ilaahay iyo axaadiista.
  • Wuxuu aaminsan yahay in noloshiisa iyo risiqiisu ku xiran yahay qabbiilkiisa.
  • Wuxuu cuskadaa sheekooyin iyo maahmaahyo been ah.
5. Qof tuug ah oo xaraanya cun ah sida:

  • Siyaasiyiinta afar jeeblayaasha ah oo jecel inay had iyo jeer xukunka haystaan
  • Warloodhiska (Dooxatada)
  • Inta u camirta oo xaaraanta la cunta labada kooxood oo kor ku xusan.
6. Qof aan lahayn aqoon iyo xirfa kale oo uu ku shaqeesto. (Dadka noocan ah waxaa ku jira qaar khibrad dheer u leh sida dadka maskax dooris loogu sameeyo isla markaana dad badan haligay)


7. Dad u adeega dano shisheeye oo aan si kale taageero ku heli karin sida:

  • Kuwii gumeysiga u adeegi jiray welina u adeega
  • Kuwa u basaasa dowladaha neceb dadka/dalka Soomaliyeed.
  • Kuwa ay ku shaqeestaan kuwa diinta Islaamka neceb.
8. Qof xumaanta iska jecel oo waxa xun ku istareexa, kala ah:

  • Dadka noocan ah qaarkood way jiran yihiin oo cuduro maskxada ah ayaa haya, waxaase nasiib daran kuwa daba socda oo u haysta qof miyir qaba.
  • Qaarkoodan xumaanta ayay wax ka helaan sida xoolo la bililiqeestay, dumar la kufsado, iwm.
  • Qaarkoodna sheydhaan ayaa ku adeegta oo waa nooca Ilaahay diinta inoogu sheegay.


Waxaa qore Heybe Yuusuf oo kamid ah siduu u dhigay urur la yiraahdo Soomaalida Qabyaalada Neceb.

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Thank you brother MMA.


There are many qabilist's on this forum the only diffrence being that due to the admin regulations and the little sophistication they have gained in the west, they cover up their sectarian ideology that has caused somalis so much pain under talk of X-lands.


That is not to say that there are no people genuinly in support of regional administrations or even a velvet divorce, but as usual the peoples wish for just self goverment is being hijacked in the intreast of their clan standard bearers.


Maybe this article will be of help to every right thinking somali.


Vive La somalie unite.

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Dadka iska aamina wax kasta oo uu u sheego qof ay isku qabiil yihiin.

some people actually believe in stuff they R told by tribe mates :eek: :eek: that is plain $tupidity :rolleyes:


anywho! MMA u hit on the head bro ..BIG UPS...

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Originally posted by Shujui-1:

i would be very grateful if u could find the time to transalte teh article MMA.

Kaaba, let me see if I can try. Be warned though, I am not good at it.


I will only translate the points I deem important, so I won't translate fully. I hope others would give you the full version.



The negative aspects of qabiil {qabyaalad} can be influenced and be influenced by the following listed people:


1. A person who had been raised in hatred and negative aspects of qabiil.


2. An ignorant person who is insecure or lack confident about himself, like:

  • People whose brains don't function much regarding about qabiil issues {fairly} and don't feel much confident about their own opinions.
  • People who assume their own opinions are the least worth while compared to others.
  • People who believe easily everything that had been told by a person who hails from their own tribe {unquestioned}.
  • People who can be persuaded with useless, futile stories about qabiil.
  • People who can't research the truth behind the stories they hear.
  • A coward person who is afraid his formed opinion, which is different from his family's, might be ridiculed and mocked by his family.
  • A person who believes he cannot live without qabiil identity.
  • A person who believes he cannot get a secure job without qabiil {read corruption}.
  • A person who occasionally is afraid if he does the right thing might be confronted by a lot of people {his qabiil's people, that is}.
  • A person who lacks nationalism and whose top priority, boastfully, is his qabiil rather than his nation {in this age, which majority Soomaalis are}.
3. A criminal person who already committed felonies:

  • An already soaked person doesn't care/mind about water {proverb}.
  • Criminal wishes and likes to make everybody commit crimes.
  • A criminal doesn't like if he is the only person hunted {likes company}.
4. A person whose knowledge of Islam and morality of humanity are minus scale. That person does:

  • Makes sure qabiil comes first then his God {unbelievable, but true; to believe this, go to any Soomaali city now, and proclaim "Yaa Muslimiin!" Reaction? Nothing. In the same manner, say aloud, "Yaa Hebel ahoow...!" You will see a rush of that hebel's people asking you what do you need, etc}.
  • Who wrongly interprets the Quraanka kariimka and the Prophet's hadiths {who falsely believe his life and incomes directly relate to his tribe.
  • Recounts and recalls fabricated stories and proverbs {about the glorious of his qabiil}.
5. A crook person who eats and takes anything including haram, like:

  • Shrewd politicians who always love to hold power
  • Warlords
  • Those who cheer and does what they do the two above-listed groups.
6. A person who does't have enough knowledge and expertise that can land him jobs.


7. People who work for foreigners/outsiders and who can't get enough popularity otherwise, like:

  • To those who used to work for the colonialists and still work for them {the new ones}.
  • To those who spy for the countries that traditionally dislike Soomaali/Soomaaliya.
  • Used by those who hate the Islamic religion.
8. A person who habitually loves the wrongs of others and feels comfortable with, such as:

  • Some of those people are mentally sick.
  • Some of them enjoy others wrongs, such as rooting people's properties, raping women, etc {of course when against the enemies of their qabiil}.
  • Some of them are used by devils and are the kinds Allah warned us in the Quraan.


Soon Wanaagsan.

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Ramadanul Kareem

Maskiin Macruuf Aqiyar


Qof fuleey ah oo ka baqaya in reerkiisu ku qoslo hadii fikradiisu tooda ka duwanaato.

Qof aaminsan inaanu noolaan karin qabiil la'aantii.

Qof aamisan inaanu shaqo fiican heli karin qabyaalda la’aanteed.



Hadaa nahay somali arimahaan waynagu badan yihiin waxbana kama qabano inay bataan mahane wax isbadal ah wali ma arkin qabyaaladna waa mida nakentay melaha aan aduunka ka kala joogno ee waxaan dhaho oon ahay allow dadkeena Qalbigoda kasar xumanta iyo qabyalada.

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