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Farole Promises grand Puntland conference after Atam is terminated

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President Farole said that he will call for an all inclusive Puntland conference for all the involved members and parties concerned traditional elders, envoys, politicians and civil society organisations who have a vested interest and strong commitment in the preservement of the State and the upholding of the legal agreement in the establishment of the autonomous federal state of Puntland, Somalia.


This is a chance for the brothers who were all along calling for an all inclusive conference to be held such as the newly SSC group and others who feel left and gotten the better of during the original agreement and the power sharing formula.


So what would the brothers want to be discussed and possibly solved except the re-negotiating of the power formula structure?


Please forward relevant points on the discussion points for this thread.

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Duke the conference is about Puntland, its well-being and its people.


It's a great gathering of the People who first made Puntland, the pillar of the society, the great chiefs, traditional elders and society leaders to come and talk about Puntland, the future and reassess and correct what they think has not yet gone to plan or not achieved so far.


It's a conference where the loudest and people with the staunched cries of 'injustice' can address the gathering and bring along final solutions to what they see has the state and current government failed to achieve yet.


It's a conference for the progress of Puntland and it's future. A new strategy is needed as the nation is in dissaray, terrorism, insecurity, the borders, the army, failed government policies and long term grievances will be discussed so that the foul cries of unfairness of certain quarters can be quenched.


To you now.

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Puntland needs accountability adeer, not a grand gathering of clan cheifs.


It needs for the election system to change, for there to be a better run admin at all levels.


Faroole is wasting time with this crap.

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"Waxaan kaloo sheegaya arrintaas markay soo dhamaato dadka Reer Puntland oo dhan Odayaashiisu iyo Ururada Bulshadu inay isugu imaan doonaan Hadii ILAAHAY idmo Shir Wadatashi ah sidii dalka loo hormarin lahaa oo dardar loo galin lahaa."

^This are exactly the Presidents words. It will be a consultation conference on the advancement of the country in other words 'State' and how to make it more effective.


So all what you have listed is on this grand conferences agenda and the chieftains plus the civil society organisations will have a say in it.


This is a step taken as seen by the President to find the grass-root organisations and the up-holders of peace such as the traditional elders to come together and consult about progressing the state and make it more effective.

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^^^The energy and money needed on this grand meeting, should be spent on the armed forces and the creation of a civil service. Puntland does not need a meeting, a conference it needs accountabuility.


Faroole needs to open up first, and stop making sweeping statements at every turn.


Fight the bandits by all means. But dont waste our time with this nonsense, the state is 12 years old, its boundries are well known, its people and Diaspora are now in tune.


It needs leadership of a different sort, and Faroole seems to be talking..


Apologise, I am in a bit of rush...

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That's what he's saying and the consultation will be about that, there a political grievances and we know that.


The Maakhiris in support of President Farole said that they will crush Atam and in exchange they want a promise of reform so the consultations will be along those lines.


The building and restructuring of the armed forces is on the agenda so are many other things, the talking points vary really but the most important ones are social cohesion, political reform and unity of the people.


So let's see where it will take us or if it save the skin of Farole.

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I too think its a waste of time. Clans will never agree on anything. Each want a bigger fish than the rest and its very hard to reconcile.


I think he should ignore clan grievances and let the people decide by one man one vote sytem that's fair and transparent. In that way any clan that thinks they've got the numbers and influence can show at the ballot box.


But one thing is paralysing Faroole and its not clans, its ignoring one of the biggest structutes that's a foundation to any goverment: a military might that is deterrent to any potential trouble makers. Its before anything and everything including developments that he is always talking about.

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He is not an issue,let him have his 15 minutes of fame. Puntland has seen bigger enemies and darker days...


Anywho Samafal is spot on, its the security forces that require the attention of Faroole.

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