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Debate by MP Asharo and Prof. A.rahman

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Debate by MP Asharo and Prof. A.rahman




Later, it gets out of control.


Mineapolis:-Dood xiisa leh oo dhex martay xildhibaan Mudane Cawad Ahmed Cashare iyo Prof. A/rahman Ibbi.


Wafuud ka kala socota dowladda federalka soomaaliyeed iyo kooxaha isbahaysiga Asmara .ayaa dhowaanahan safaro ku kala bixinaya dalkan maraykanka, iyadda oo waftiga dowladda uu hogaaminayey. Xldhibaan Cawad Axmed Cashare Oo ka qayb galay shirkii barlaamanadda adduunka oo ka dhacay Magaaladda New york, ka dibna safaro ugu kala baxay gobaladda kale ee Dalka maraykanka, Mudane Cawad casharo waxa uu hadda ku sugan yahay gobolka minnesota.Oo uu ka qayb galayo shir lagu qaban doono Minnesota asbuuca dambe, siddo kale waxaa iyaguna shirar noocan oo kale ah ka wadda minnesota kooxda asmara ee la baxay Dib u xoraynta soomaaliyeed.


Haddaba doodii dhex martay waxay u dhacdey


Source: Dhahar

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walaahi it was dood Kulul, thanks for Sharing with us bro . Odayga Duqa ah aan la yaabay Naxariista Meeshi ay ka aaday... Inaa Lilaahi Wa inaa ileehi Rajicuun Ceebeey tacaal.

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Farxaan, the old man has been rational and reasonable in his approach of the dire situation. He was giving out historical perspective as to the conflict in Somalia as well as the hypocritical stance of those in Asmara


However, I don't know if you have paid attention to their exchanges of views and questions.


Asked why would he lend support to Hussein Aideed the man who profited from the sale of water from the river through coercive method and systematic killings, the so called Prof. justified in his answer that it was the cumulative product of the 21 Years rule of Siyaad Barre that led many like Hussein Aideed and himself to see the power struggle in different light, in clannish grievances, and that whatever he or his colleagues did or has done is justifiable.


Before this above analysis, he was praising Barre's Government prior to the 'civil' war, saying that it was a good Somali government that was irretrievably lost by our people.


I don't understand the proponents for the anti-peace objectives vs. the TFg; anti-government squad has been very irrational in their approach of the Somali Dispute, not to mention exploiting the fake nationalist fervor as a means of consolidating moral support and impunity to their reckless adventures.

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Subxaan. Duqan inuu intaa dhaamo ayaa moodijiray.


Wuxu garanwaayay waxa

garatay. I am sure had the people that are being killed in Mogadishu were from his own clan, he would have condemned the inhumane genocide that is taking place in Mogadishu today.


Waa ciro cimri joogta oo ceeb lagu sagootiyey.

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Why are you sounding so rightfully upright when the Mele Zenawi's secret agents are running the affairs of the residents of Hargeisa? At least Mr. Casharo is arguing that 275 members of Somali parliament have, wrongfully or rightfully, approved the coming of ethiopean soldiers to Mogadisho to assist the F government to disarm the public. Who have approved the presence of Mele Zenawis militia in Barbara to control and manage the port? Why the residents of Hargeisa can not speak their minds? Why are they pychologically proscuted in their own city by the Mele Zenawi's secret agents? Did the SNM gang's so called parliment voted for Mele to be their prime minister? Listen to one of the most objective and enlightened Somalis testifying on personal level on the fact that the SNM gang YOU support, to the last drop of your blood, have handed the control of my city Hargeisa to Mele Zenawi. He is no other but a true son of Somalia: Prof. Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar...

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Cashara looks deceptively a good muslim before you listen to him, no wonder hypocrites burn in the depths of hell. Waa qof muuqaal ahaanna kuu eg, afkana kula wadaaga, haddana gaalada la safan. Nacuthu Billah. Qalbigaa dhintay. There is no hope.

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Many thanks Neyruus for clarifying things out.

In the first part of his speech, the Prof.(Samatar) somehow evinces the posture of a reformist Muslim. He advocates the infusion of western democracy into our religion. He says like liberal democracy can't function without religion as it is often argued and embraced as an American value. He mentions the title of a book, which I don't recall at this time, as the source of American values. To somehow concur with the points the Professor makes, both the compact of Madina and the principle of Shura can be considered as elements of democratic ethics in Islam.

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