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Filinkan oo loo baxshey Hogaansanaasho ama addeecis, waxa qortey haweeney ka tirsan siyaasiinta garabka midig ee dalka Notherlands oo baaralamanka dalkaas ku jirta oo la yiraa Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ayaan oo ah haweeney asalkeedu Somali yahey Muslimad aheyd markii ay Notherlands tagtey, hadda wey ka baxdey Muslinimada



Siyaasiinta garabka midig ee Notherlands ayaa u ololeenaya xakameynta ajaanibka

Filinkan oo loo baxshey Hogaansanaasho ama addeecis, waxa qortey haweeney ka tirsan siyaasiinta garabka midig ee dalka Notherlands oo baaralamanka dalkaas ku jirta oo la yiraa Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ayaan oo ah haweeney asalkeedu Somali yahey Muslimad aheyd markii ay Notherlands tagtey, hadda wey ka baxdey Muslinimada.

Filinkani Hogaansanaasho ama addeecis oo 11 daqiiqadood kaliya soconaya waxa uu ku saabsanyahey, haweeney ay dhibaato ka soo gaartey rabshado ka dhacey qoys meel wada dega oo la sheegey in la kufsadey, ka dibna si naxariis darro ah loogu ciqaabey iney gogola dhaaf sameysey.


Qalanjada filinka jileysey oon magaceeda aan la sheegin, waxa ay gashaneyd cambuur ama toob khafiif ah iyo xijaab, iyadoo qaar ka mid ah jirkeedu uu muuqdey, laakiin wajigeedu qarsoonyahey.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Haweeneyda Filinkan soo agaasintey ee soo saartey, Ayaan Hirsi Ali oo ah xubin ka tirsan baarlamanka dalka Notherlands, waxa ay sheegtey in filinkan loogu talagaley inuu muujiyo waxa heysta haweenka jooga dalalka Iran, Somalia iyo Sacuudi Carabiya ee ku hoos nool ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka.


Mid ka mid ah kooxaha Haweenka Muslimiinta ayaa filinkaas ku sheegey inuu yahey filin si xad-dhaaf ah u caytamey. Dhowr ka tirsan ururada Muslinka iyo wargeysyo ayaa iyaguna filinkaas ku sheegey inuu yahey daandaansi qota dheer.


Gabadha filinkan qortey, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, marar badan ayeey si isdaba joog ah ugu tacadisey muslimiinta saaxiibadeed ah, iyadoo bulshada Notherland dhaxdiida dhaqanka Islamka wax uga sheegtey.


Waddanka Notherlanads dhexdiisa, beryahan dambe siyaasiinta garabka midig ayaa u ololeenayey in sharciyo adag oo la xiriira socdaalka ama Immigrationka la soo saaro, waxana siyaasiintaas ay sheegaan in hogaamiyayaasha Muslimiinta ee dalka Notherland degen looga baahanyahey iney qaadaan dadaallo waaweyn oo Muslimiinta jooga Notherlands ama Holand u ogolaanaya iney ku dhex milmaan shicibka dalka Notherlands.



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In English:



Muslims Outraged by Brutal Forced Marriage Film


Dutch Muslims have expressed outrage at a film broadcast on national television that tells the fictional story of a Muslim woman forced into a violent marriage, raped by a relative and brutally punished for adultery. One Muslim group has called it “extr



emely insulting.â€


Submission, an English-language film broadcast on Sunday, was scripted by a right-wing politician who years ago renounced the Islamic faith of her birth and now refers to herself as an “ex-Muslim.â€


The place of Muslim immigrants in Dutch society has long been a contentious issue in the Netherlands, where many right-wing politicians have pushed for tougher immigration laws and say Muslims already settled in the country must make a greater effort to assimilate.


Like her right-wing colleagues, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a member of the Dutch parliament, has repeatedly outraged fellow Muslims by criticising Islamic customs and the failure of Muslim families to adopt Dutch ways.


But Hirsi Ali, originally from Somalia, said the 11-minute film was not intended to be provocative. Rather, it was an attempt to reach “intelligent Muslim women†and to expose the abuse of women, she said.


Several Muslim groups and newspapers criticised it as a shallow provocation that lacked insight. The women’s group Al Nisa yesterday called it “extremely insulting†and said Hirsi Ali had shown “ignorance and insensitivity†in handling the issue of domestic violence.


The film tells the fictional story of a young Muslim woman forced into an arranged marriage with a man who beats her. She is ordered to keep silent about being raped by her uncle to protect his honour. She is later punished for having an adulterous relationship with a man she falls in love with at a market.


The body of the actress on which Hirsi Ali painted Islamic texts for the filming, is shown with inflamed lacerations to the sound of a cracking whip. The woman kneels on a prayer rug and speaks to Allah. Her last words are a wish for her own death.


“It is not intended as a provocation,†Hirsi Ali said during a three-hour interview accompanying the first airing of the film on Sunday night. “You see the woman praying. She symbolises a lot of women to me – women who were an inspiration to me.â€


The unidentified actress, whose full face is never seen on the film, appears in the movie in a translucent caftan-like gown and a veil, which Hirsi Ali said was meant “to reveal what is behind the robe.â€


Throughout the film, her naked body is clearly visible through the robe – in itself an insult in Islamic culture.


The symbolism, she said, “is not intended for the viewers, but for woman in Iran, Somalia and Saudi Arabia who live under the Shariah (Islamic law).â€


Ceylan Weber of the Al Nisa Foundation for Muslim Women said domestic violence is a reality in the Islamic world, but that Hirsi Ali’s “irrational, insensitive approach will only drive the issue further underground.


“She has absolutely no clue about the complexity of domestic violence,†said Weber, who has worked for years with abused women.


Ayyub Mohamed Ajoeb of the Muslim Information Centre said the film “is yet another attempt at provocation by ... Hirsi Ali, the most frustrated politician in our country. She creates a culture of fear around the Islam by trying to portray it as a backward culture.â€


Hirsi Ali fled to the Netherlands to escape an arranged marriage 11 years ago when she was 23. She studied political science at a Dutch university and was elected to parliament last year for the free-market Liberal Party. Her telegenic looks and outspokenness made her a media star.


Since then, she has inflamed Muslim opinion in the Netherlands by calling Islam “backward†and saying the prophet Mohammed, when measured by today’s Western standards, would be considered “a tyrant.†She says her intention is to liberate Muslim women.


Jozias van Aartsen, the leader of Hirsi Ali’s right-leaning Liberal Party, said in a statement after the program that Hirsi Ali’s views were welcome in the party.


“Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a woman with a message,†Van Aartsen said. “She has found a new medium for her message – images.â€




Here is Ayaan


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daacuun baras teetano xiiqdher tiibisho malaariyo mindhicir duluqoow shuban haku dhaco ayaan xirsi, wajiga masafta leh balaaya kula tagtay oo dhulka hakula go'o daanyeertiiyee caloosha meedaarsaneed, aamiin

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To be an "ex-Muslim" is fine. But to outwardly insult the holy religion (Islam) and it's holy prophet (Muhammad scw) is going far and beyond. They say, "to each, his own." I suppose this is the way she chose her life.

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That woman makes my blood boil.


What makes me angrier is that this constant supply of blatant lies hasn't been questioned by newspapers, commentators or anyone from the media in Holland, as far as I know. Because at the moment it's only the muslims who are disputing what she's saying, and honestly, who's going to listen to them now?


It doesn't help when muslim teenagers are issueng death threats left and right either. You know everybody loves a victim, and it only serves to confirm her warped views. I suppose the best muslims in Holland can do is lead by example, and admit that there are problems within their community and demonstrate a willingness to address these problems. However, the one fact that they need to emphasise is that these problems stem from complications within their culture or human behaviour and doesn't originate from Islam. A lot of people like Ayaan Hirsi don't understand the distinction between culture and religion.


PS. Thank you Ngonge for the translation. It's really hard sometimes to engage in discussions on SOL when you only have a basic grasp of what people are saying.

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