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The Warlord Dynasty at the Crossroads

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The Warlord Dynasty: Slipping Power Grip of Mogadishu


by Alle-ubaahne


The union of Islamic Courts in Mogadishu became under attack from a poorly orchestrated alliance of criminal warlords based in Mogadishu. The first time in decade that a clash of this sort between a group claiming to oppose the fabric essence of our society, and the courts of the people. Though previously embarrassed, and yet difficult to explain the notion of a Somali killing another Somali, out of reason, to foreigners, now it seems a clash based on fundamental differences in belief could make a reasonable point to conceive. It is a long due catalyst to give a meaning to the complexity of our senseless wars.


Indeed, last week’s BBC-Somali interview on both sides has exposed enough intellectual gaps between the two in matters of responsibility and decency in political engagements. The warlords have surely lost all grounds in reasoning and clarity of language. An eye-opener public debate of such manner is of course what we want to visualize at the lowliness of the warlord’s I.Q. score.


The fluctuating pendulum is up this time against the warlords who had longed to dissolve our people and country into tribal lines. The so-called counter-terrorism initiative from Mogadishu Warlords and their sympathizers, allied warlords disguised tactically in 2006 version and copycat of western policies towards Islam, had actually flirted the pitfall of their doom, and assured speedy backlash from the silent majority at a time when Islam and the beloved Prophet was bad mounted everywhere.


Defeated militarily in their attack against the community-based Public Courts in Mogadishu, the allied warlords are now unable to cope with the unprecedented betrayal of their former power bases who have gained strong political maturity through perennial grassroots’ movement led by the Courts. Ravaging, raping, misleading, and mass killing has not only taken the peak of their careers to earn an outside legitimacy from African and Western governments, but also secured an un-infiltrated government of their own for the victimized Somalis as reward, which ultimately has emboldened them to question the deep ingrained faith of all Somalis: Islam. The associates of Ayan Hersi should be tackled with their due merits.


Given their past crimes against us, warlords are still hopeful to get hold of the moment of consensus for their interests in sharing power – exclusively - within the fragile entity they formed in Kenya. Guaranteeing and implementing first are the secret promises they took from the neighboring countries in keeping us militarily toothless, and then working as surrogates to suppress open practice of Islam. Surely, their plan is to inflict us ever-greater damages of eradicating our Islamic spirit, and of sacrilege against the True God and His Servant.


In addition, these warlords are known remnants of the preceding regimes of Somalia, villainous for their animosity to sideline Islam in its totality from the public sphere, incompatibly forging our socio-political traditions to something that is alien to us. To track the modern history of Somalia, one finds all foreign political indoctrinations arriving in sequence and finding no way to merge pragmatically with the social setting of the country. Such imposing ideologies were blocking the legitimate political principles fought by our founders Ahmed Gurey, and et al, to reclaim the system of pastoral governance in favor of Islam and justice. Our country’s resolve is caught each time in its pursuit for freedom, but this time seems different with favoring realities on the ground.


The solution to our social ills inherited from western colonialism rests at Islam. The divisiveness of artificial tribalism propelled by former sycophants and present warlords has imprisoned our true sense of unity as well as the Islamic obligation for each other. The deft course of action in overcoming tribalism is Islam. And realizing the severe detriment our unity can cause to all warlords, it is divinely incumbent upon us to uproot the few deviants among us once and for all.


They have spoken with familiar hypocrisy and demanded us to withdraw from our sole treasury of Islam, after successfully jeopardizing everything else we had, even our decency-centered culture. The matter is not about how we respond to them; it is what we do collectively to show our true position in defense of Islam.


In this crucial era, we can see the increasingly diminishing importance of warlords in the mindset of our public. We expect nothing but to look forward the cascade of this trend occurring every region across the nation, for warlords have no difference but in tribal identity. A wise alternative always open to warlords from escaping the forthcoming wrath of the enraged public they offended and attacked is simply repent to Allah, (for it is their salvation in the final Day), and then offer an apology to us, as well as the one billion-plus Muslims around the world.


Obviously, the absence of reckless leadership and of warlords will not end with our problems. The immense issues will foreseeably arise from the real enemies in naked direct confrontations with us. In this juncture, we require more patience and perseverance in sticking to our values and standing with our religion, while maintaining diligence in upright conduct with dealing others. In addition to winning the challenges ahead, we have to prepare our masses educationally to understand the intricacy of rising global Islamaphopia, and the indispensable task of conveying the Da’wah beyond our borders. This is the final recipe for bringing peace and prosperity to our troubled nation, and for the world.

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