General Duke Posted July 31, 2005 No more threats to Jowhar, now its all about who to blame? And of the coming "clan war".. The final hope of he mediation of the UN...Desperate times indeed for the HYPE-media, cheerleaders and their warlords who are stranded in Xamar... Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka oo ay xaalad adagi ka haysato wasiirada & xildhibaanada hubeysan ee Muqdisho Muqdisho Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayey wararku sheegayaan in xaalad adag oo is mari waa ah ay kala taagan yihiin wasiirada & xildhibaanada hubeysan ee Muqdisho ku sugan, waxeyna warar ku dhow dhow sheegayaan in guddoomiyuhu kulamo uu la yeeshay wasiirada hubeysan oo ay kaga wadahadleen in wax laga qabto xaaladaha ammaanka magaalada ee sii xumaanaya & qaadista Isbaarooyinka yaala gudaha magaalada in qodobadii ay ku heshiiyeen guddoomiyaha & wasiirada hubeysan in waxba ay ka soo bixi waayeen. Qaar ka tirsan wasiirada hubeysan ayaa qaadista isbaarooyinka u yaala gudaha magaalada & hareeraheeda maleeshiyooyinka taageersan shuruud ku xiray, waxeyna qaarkood soo gudbiyeen lacago fara badan oo maleeshiyooyinka taageersan ka soo gala Isbaarooyinka u yaal waddada, waxeyna ka codsadeen guddiga Isbaara qaadista ee uu madaxda ka yahay Eng. Max’ed Xuseen Caddow in ilaa meel la saaro lacagahaasi in maleeshiyooyinkooda aaney diyaar u aheyn in ay qaadaan Isbaarooyinka, taasoo si weyn kaga careysiisay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka & xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho aanan ku hubeysneyn Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ayaa horay dhowr jeer ugu hanjabay in uu xilka ka degayo oo uu is casilayo, taasoo ka dambeysay culeys uga yimid dhinaca beesha caalamka oo dhaliilay mowqifkiisa siyaasadeed ee ku wajahan in Muqdisho ay farriisin u noqoto dowladda taasoo meel mar noqon weysay markii dilal kala duwan ay magaalada ka dhaceen. Nasrudiin Ceydiid Salaad.Dayniile,Muqdisho Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted July 31, 2005 Col. Yuusuf iyo Prof. Geeddi oo 48-dii saac ee la soo dhaafay qadka taleefonka ee Muqdihso kula soo xiriiray mas’uuliyiin kor u dhaafaya 103 qof Waaga Cusub News Online, Muqdisho Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo ra’iisal wasaarihiisa Cali Max’ed Geeddi ayaa 48-kii saac ee la soo dhaafay qadka taleefonka kula soo xiriiray in ka badan 103 mas’uul, kuwaasoo qaarkood ay isku maandhaafeen qorshihii uu kala hadlayey. Mas’uuliyiintaan oo isugu jirta qaar ka tirsan xubnaha golayaasha Muqdisho, ganacsatada, culimaa’uddiinka, aqoonyahannada, maamulayaasha idaacadaha iyo Website-yada madaxa bannaan gaar ahaan kuwa ka soo horjeeda siyaasadda dowladda Itoobiya ayaa waxaan ka soo qaadan karnaa Muuse Suudi Yalaxow, Cismaan Xasan Cali Caato, Bootaan Ciise Caalin, Yuusuf Dheeg, Cabdi Qeybdiid, Abuukar Ganeey, Sh. Jaamac Xaaji Xuseen, Shariif Xasan Sh. Aadan, Eng. Caddow, Bashiir Raage Shiiraar, Abuukar Cumar Caddaan, Max’ed Faarax Jimcaale, inkastoo aanu ka gaabsanay in aan soo bandhigno magacyada wariyeyaasha ay la soo xiriireen. Dedaaladaan dhinaca taleefonka ah ee uu C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed kula wada xaajoonayey guud ahaan mucaaradkiisa ku sugan Muqdisho, ayuu ku codsanayey in la taageero siyaasaddiisa, wuxuuna ragga qaarkood kula gorgortamayey ballan qaadyo dhaqaalo, mid xileed iyo tixgalin gaar ahaaneed. Si kastaba ha ahaatee illaa iyo hadda lama kala caddeyn karo inta u hoggaansami doonta codsiyadiisa iyo inta u dhoolacaddeyn doonta. Daahir Cabdulle Calasow. Muqdisho – Somalia Xafiiska Wararka Waagacusub & Gobanimo. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted July 31, 2005 Adiga taada kasoo bax intaad waqtiga isaga lumin lahayd dad iska kaa xigo dagaal ka dhex dhici lahaa. Kolley markey is dagaalaan you are not the one burying their dead. All you will have to offer is cheer on for their demise and hope a winner of your favour comes out of the conflict only to secretly hope again the demise of the winners as well once they prove a threat to A/Y. Indeed self-centeredness is an ailment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted July 31, 2005 ^^^ Assumptions is the mother of all ailments. You know what I belive and what I hope for??? Xoogsade dear brother your posts are gettingto be sader by the minute. The reality is there is desperation in the air, the strong boastful talk of the warlords your heroes is diminishing by the day. The media is a reflection of this, all we are getting from dayniile and the like is "war is coming" this country is giving "wepons" and so on and so forth.. You on the otherhand make silly comments as if one, Mogadishu belongs to you personally or that you have more right on it than say myself. For this reason you pretend that you are defending the people of Mogadishu as they are your people alone. Well get of your high horse, Mogadishu belongs to everyone and the people there are mine as well and I mean them no harm... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted July 31, 2005 You were quite happy with the warlords and their inclusion in the process to begin with. You were an advocate for them and vehemently argued for their inclusion when the process was going on in Nairobi. Your view was that without them nothing was going to work, they were the men to talk to if Somalis were to have a government. When people picked on yalaxoow in here long ago, you defended him, so was every warlord who was picked on in this medium defended by you. Your uncle was elected president and he had his own agenda and ideas of governance. Instead of confronting the sudden shift in A/Y's mad politics, you picked up the mantle for him. You went along with him justifying everything he wanted to do, from ethiopian troop invitation to declaration of war against his co-horts, men whom people despised as much as they dither A/Y to be given an unquestionable power. As time went by, you set aside the wisdom behind the reconciliation and shamelessly advocate a war when a war is the last thing people in Xamar want. They wouldn't have agreed to and forced the warlords to come to Nairobi if they knew this was what the outcome would be like. When you are told to think sanely and to critically look at your views, well, the typical reply you and others give are: people want to keep some robbed homes, they are supporters of warlords, they don't want peace, some tribes are supportive of the government so others don't matter, on and on goes the typical nonsense that comfounds any sane person. Well saxib, truth hurts so that is what I am gonna tell to every biased person who takes other people's lives and aspirations for granted. PS: Do you mind my presence here? I can give you a break if you want. I don't visit often but the place will be boring without me surely. Somebody has got to side with the truth and since I am bi-tribal, and wouldn't wish any somali any harm, I think my opinions are more balanced. Haddaa dhibsatey my replies, waa ku dhaafaa Duqa lol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted July 31, 2005 My dear Xoogsade. Dont flater yourself. As for your comments above yes youa re right I supported the peace conference and the inclusion of all the major players, and indeed most major groupings took part and most individual wit ambition of power contested the election from Ina Salad Boy, Yusuf Yey, former minister and civil group leaders. The idea that I ahve changed is baseless I have supported the process and the end product. The warlords of Xamar have hid behind two issues "Ethiopia" and the "Capital" and we both know those are just smoke screens for they wanted money on top of their position. Remember Qaynyare once said that he wanted the government to buy the wepons and airports from them. A bankrupt governmen would buy wepons from its own ministers? We also know that in Yemen the President agreed to go to the capital and not include Ethiopia in the IGAD troop deployment, yet Sharif in front of the Yemeni President said he could not agree to sign the agreement. In Xamar Yemen was included with Ethiopia as the "enemy" of Somalia. The President and PM gave three months for roadblcok removals, yet they have failed, and wont admit to this failure, we have ministers taking money from roadblocks, we have a Parmiment speaker being paid by these groups and you have the audacity to blame the President. On the Mogadishu issue and on Ethiopia the President agreed with them, why then will they not support the government plan? You hardly make any sense, what si this agenda that the President has? Creating an army and police, moving to a safe location, not rushing into the lions den. These are common sense tactics that any leadr would do. People make remarks about Jowhar, Xuddur or as you do Bossaso, but are they not Somali cities are they not as relevent as Mogadishu? You need to revisit nationhood and stop hiding behind the laymen clan arguments. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted July 31, 2005 Originally posted by General Duke: My dear Xoogsade. You need to revisit nationhood and stop hiding behind the laymen clan arguments. Yea, like I need to stop posting how my Uncle A/Y met some important tribal heads who are supposedly going to be in cahoots with him against others. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumatatu Posted July 31, 2005 ^^Supporting Colonel Yeey is not clanhood it is nationhood, well at least that is what we are to believe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted August 1, 2005 ^^^ lol. I ahve a number of other "uncles" who meet people everyday the difefrence here the man you term to be "my uncle" is the legitimate, elected leaders of the Somali republic. It is in this capacity that I, others and indeed yourself's monitor his every move. Xoogsade, does it not just blow away your silly arguments about "his ill intentions" towards a specefic clan, when you read the Presdient meeting the elders, business men and civil leaqders of all the clans of Mogadishu and the nation? Juma, supporting the elected President is of course a sign of patriotism.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites