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Xaaji Xunjuf

The new garaad in lascanood where does he stand politically

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Fact is he was crowned as the garaad of lascanood , in lascanood while the Somaliland administration is present there. I even heard some government officials where present a the ceremony, but where does the young garaad stand politically is he walking the same path as garaad cali in the 1960may Allah bless his soul or garaad cabdiqani Who is , loved by the people of Somaliland, we all know the head of all the garaads lives in exile garaad jamac garaad cali and we all know he doesn’t consider puntland as an effective administration , he also took back his support not long ago. The only garaad that is still part of the garowe administration is garaad selebaan. But this young garaad I think he will be the future of gobolka sool ama Somaliland oo idil Bad he .




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Aniga Oo Ku Hadlaya Magaca Mudanaayasha labada Gole Barlaam,Ee Beesha Sool Waxaanu Tahniyad u Direynaa Garaadka Cusub”.Xil:Siciid Maxamed Cilmi


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(Xildh. Siciid Maxamed Cilmi)

hadhwanaag 2009-06-13 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):-Xildh ibaan Siciid Maxamed Cilmi oo ka mid ah Mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiilada ee laga soo doortay Gobolka SOOL ayaa isaga oo ku hadlaya magaciisa iyo magaca Xildhibaanada reer Sool ee golayaasha Barlamaanka [Guurtida Iyo Wakiillada] Somaliland waxa uu hambalyo u diray Garaadka Cusub ee Beesha Jaamac Siyaad, Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil oo Shalay lagu doortay Shir ay Guurtida iyo Cuqaasha beeshaasi ku yeelatay Laascaanood.


Sida waxa uu xildhibaanku ku sheegay qoraal kooban oo uu soo gaadhsiiyey Xafiiska Shabakada Hadhwanaagnews ee Magaalada Hargeysa, waxaanu u dhignaa qoraalkii sidan:


“Aniga oo ku hadlaya Magaca xildhibaanada Golaha Wakiillada Wakiillada Iyo Golaha Guurtida ee Beesha Sool, waxaanu hanbalyo iyo bogaadin aan u dirayaa Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ismaaciil oo shalay lagu doortay shir guurtida iyo cuqaasha Beesha Jaamac Siyaad ku qabteen Magaalada Laascaanood.


Waxaanu Ilaahay uga baryeynaa inuu ku garab-galo xilka culus ee dushiisa la saaray, waxaanuna balanqaadaynaa in aanu Wakiil ahaan, hiil iyo hooba la garab taagnaanayno wax Allaale iyo wixii garaadku uga soo baahdo Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, waxaanuna u rajeynaynaa inuu garaadku noqdo kii wanaajiya xidhiidhka iyo wada noolaanshaha dadka wada-yaala Gobolka Sool iyo Gobolada Kale ee Jamhuuriyada Somaliland” ffice






i mean somaliland welcomes the new garaad

where is Mamuulka puntland oo soo dhaweynaya garaaadka cusub eeh lascanood..

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When garaad Abdulqani was approached by the Siyad Barre regime to mobilise his people against the extermination of the people of Northern Somalia (Now Somaliland). Garaard Abdulqani said:


''We and the people of Northern Somalia (Now Somaliland) share land, marriage lineage, cultural heritage, tradition, common customs, history, similar dialects, folkloric dances, upbringing, educational system and a colonial system. With you Mr. President, we share none of that.''


The Garaad's speech touched almost all the hearts of the people of all Somaliland.

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Siyad Barre regime to mobilise his people against the extermination of the people of Northern Somalia

And in return the leader of feared NSS Dahir Riyaale who was a memeber of Siyaad Barre's Regime and NSS station chief in Berbera, was named leader of Northwest Somalia? If this extermination actually happened why would the head of the security appratus that carried out many human rights abuses be made leader? There is only one conclusion, this extermination must never have happened or there would be thousands that would want his head!!! Or both sides committed crimes as many have alleged!!

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Originally posted by somalipride:

quote: Siyad Barre regime to mobilise his people against the extermination of the people of Northern Somalia

And in return the leader of feared NSS Dahir Riyaale who was a memeber of Siyaad Barre's Regime and NSS station chief in Berbera,
Any Document to support that? Its been said often..I just want to read it.

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Mohamed Said Barre is not alone in his guilt for these crimes against humanity, for which no-one has yet been prosecuted. Some of the other key architects of this policy of annihilation, men like Mohamed Sa’eed Morgan, Mohamed Hashi Gaani and countless other collaborators, continue to wreak havoc in Somalia. Others, including Mohamed Ali Samater, live in comfortable exile in the United States and elsewhere in the world. And then others are right here in Somaliland.
And they include President Dahir Rayale, who was head of the feared and powerful secret service, the National Security Service (NSS) in Berbera. President Rayale is named in A Government at War With Its Own People.

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My son, how else did Dahir Rayale Kahin, the so-called president of Somaliland, ended up at the helm of what appeared to be a fledgling democracy? It is a well-known fact that this man was a senior ranking officer of the notorious National Security Service (NSS), an organization that the Gestapo, the KGB, and the German SS would have envied because of its brutality. He was strategically placed at the Red Sea port of Berbera during the height of the genocidal campaign against my people. It is a common knowledge that such high profile postings were created for rewarding members in the NSS force who carried out their brutal duties with distinction.

My son, As Raqiya Omar of Human Rights Watch documented in her much-celebrated book, “A Government at War With Its Own People“, there were witnesses who lived in Berbera and elsewhere in Somaliland who directly linked Rayale Kahin to the atrocities that were committed there. Is it not ironic then that a man who served as a senior officer in the dreaded NSS during Siyad Barre’s genocidal campaign could find himself sitting at the helm of a fledgling democracy that was born out of resistance to that brutal experience?



Why would all these sites make this up about their leader?

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We will overcome, not you, Mr President! Broken promises do not lead anywhere

are you collecting the opinions or trying to present facts and figures here ?? ,,

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There is an opinion by "-Marx-"that there was a extermination taking place by Siad Barre's regime, and there are opinions that president of North West Somalia Dahir Riyaale was involved in it (posted on Northwest Somalia Sites). I am pretty sure since no one has been brought up on war crimes from Gen Morgan to Riyaale that there is a lack of factual evidence to prove either claim. There is no doubt however, both sides engaged in warcrimes. Also, Former President Abdullahi Yusuf spent more time fighting the injustices of the former Regime LONG before anyone else did. Riyaale was still part of Siad's Regime until the end.

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Daahir riyaale wa madaxweynihi qarranka somaliland shacabka reer somaliland bana doortay oo na codkooda siiyee ummada reer somaliland na way ii sii samaxday in 1991 dadkii godobta ka gallay shacbka reer somaliland eeh reer somaliland ka aha oo dhan wa la is cafiyo people move on marka i dont get it why you bring ina riyaale in to this..

we where talking about The garaad of lascanood and siyaasadiisa stay with the topic

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Salaams to you brother S.Pride,


I find it somewhat ironic that you still believe these moon bats who believe they all are, the illegitimate children of the queen of England-- still deserve getting lectured on the nefariousness of their claims. But the grace of God, their ill conceived vendetta to belittle us Somalis into a guilt trip ( based all on nothing but shameless prevarications of course) fails to address one very immutable fact; no matter what they do or say, no one on God's green earth will give them the recognition they so desperately try to attain through so much endless braying.

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Of course the siyaad barre government did horrible things to the people Somaliland it bombed their city killed their elders murdered their sons, raped their woman , maxay odhan jiireen dhulkooda na waanu qaadanayna hantiidooda na waanu xalalaysanayna dhulkooda na waanu gubbayna. Wax dhintay iyo wax qaxay baanu ka dhigayna. Aniga iga sheekeyn meysiid dawladii Maxamad siyaad barre. But who is responsible for this The head of state Maxamad siyaad barre , taliyaha ciidanka qarranka Somalia Maslax maxammad siyaad Moorgen qeybe 26 eeh ciidanka qarranka Somalia. eeh joogay gobolada Somaliland 2/3 of the Somali army was in Somaliland. Kii cali samatar oo madaxweyne kuxigeen aha these men are responsible for this not just some labba xidigle in berbera who was making his daily life and doing some briefings .

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:


Salaams to you brother S.Pride,


I find it somewhat ironic that you still believe these moon bats who believe they all are, the illegitimate children of the queen of England-- still deserve getting lectured on the nefariousness of their claims. But the grace of God, their ill conceived vendetta to belittle us Somalis into a guilt trip ( based all on nothing but shameless prevarications of course) fails to address one very immutable fact; no matter what they do or say, no one on God's green earth will give them the recognition they so desperately try to attain through so much endless braying.

Interesting "first thread", welcome to SOL. :D

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Originally posted by somalipride:

I am pretty sure since no one has been brought up on war crimes from Gen Morgan to Riyaale that there is a lack of factual evidence to prove either claim. There is no doubt however, both sides engaged in warcrimes.

In the same paragraph you denied that there is no evidence of war crimes being commited only to admit at the end. There is evidence of war crimes commited by siyad barre' facist goverment. But, Somaliland has moved on and isn't stuck on the pass as some others who are still trying to avenge for what happened in 90s civil wars.

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