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When I grow up I will shoot all the bearded men

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quote:Hamdi Bashir Arte, an eight-year-old boy, said: "When I grow up I will shoot all the bearded men because they killed my father." Hamdi's father was killed on May 13 by members of al Shabab. According to the victim's family, the businessman was trading at a village which al Shabab controls when he was captured and killed.


Hamdi also refuses to go to madrasa as a way of avoiding bearded men -- a typical madrasa teacher will have a beard just like the al Shabab fighters.


Hamdi is not alone in his desire for revenge. A group of us were watching the Al Jazeera English channel at a restaurant in Dhobley when an 11-year-old boy screamed loudly: "I wish I could shoot him [George Bush] dead through the TV screen."


The boy stood up and demanded the television be switched off until the piece about the US president was over. I later found out that three members of his family, including his mother, were killed by the Ethiopian forces supporting the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia.


quote:The "informers", however, are in a difficult position: Somalis are one of the poorest people in the world and they will do anything to survive. Abdi Ali*, a father of three who has never publicly admitted giving information to the Americans, said: "I have to feed my family and if I have to tell lies to achieve that, I will do so." Ali does not even believe that al-Qaeda exists.


"I know al-Qaeda is not in the area that I live, I do not even think such [a] group exists, but it is [the] easy way to beat the hunger," he said.

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