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Yemen and Puntland to further cooperation: [Consulate to open in Garowe]

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Yemen and Puntland to further cooperation





SANA'A, Oct. 12 (Saba) – Yemen and the autonomous Puntland State of Somalia have initially agreed to open a commercial office of the state in the country and a Yemeni consulate in the state to streamline the trade movement and strengthen the bilateral relationship.


Leaving Yemen after a few-day official visit, President of the state Abdirahman Mohamed Mahmoud said on Tuesday Yemen and Puntland had discussed several topics including ways to boost the mutual cooperation between Yemen and Puntland in all areas and the fight against terrorism, maritime piracy and smuggling.


He appreciated Yemen's efforts in supporting peace and stability in Somalia, saying Yemen has always shown unlimited support for the Somali people.




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Yemen and the autonomous Puntland State of Somalia have initially agreed to open a commercial office of the state in the country and a Yemeni consulate in the state to streamline the trade movement and strengthen the bilateral relationship.

A move in the right direction.. :D

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Sanca:Yemen & Puntland oo isku raacay Qodobo Muhiim u ah Xiriirka Ganacsiga & Diblamaasiyada ee labad Xukuumadood.

12. oktober 2010




Sanca:(Allpuntland)-Kadib kulamo u Mudo ka badan 10-Cisho Magaalada Sanca ee Caasimada dalka Yemen ayaa ay Dawladaha Puntland & Yemen si rasmi ah isugu raaceen in labada Xukuumadood ay iska kaashadaan Qodobo muhiim ah oo u wanaagsan Xiriirka & wadashaqeynta labada Dawladood kuwaas oo ay labada Shacabna ka faa’iidaysan doonaan.


Wafdiga dawlada Puntland ee Yemen kusugan ayaa Warbaahinta u sheegey in labada dhinac ay imika isku raaceen iskaashiga Dhinacyada Amaanka,Diblamaasiyada,Ganacsiga & Isku xirka labada Shacab ee dhinacyada kaladuwan,waxaana ay qaarkamid ah Saraakiisha lasocota Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland sheegeen in sidoo kale ay jiraan Qodobo kale.


Wakaalada Wararka Yemen ee Saba ayaa Sheegtay in ay labada Xukuumadood si rasmi ah isugu raaceen Isdhaafsiga dhanka Ganacsiga islamarkaasna ay Dawlada Yemen ogolaatay furashada Qunsuliyad ay ku yeelato Puntland taas oo fududaynaysa dhamaan Xiriirka & Iskaashiga caalamiga ah ee labada Dawladood.


Saba waxay Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland kasoo xigatay in Qodobo badan ay si rasmi ah u wada saxiixdeen labada Xukuumadood kuwaas oo ay La dagaalanka Kooxaha Argagixisada ahi ugu horeeyaan,waxaana ay sidoo kale Wakaalada Wararka ee Yemen sheegtay in ay jiraan Qodobo kale oo Muhiim ah.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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This news and the meeting with the President of Yemen is further evidence that Puntland is strengthening it's ties with their regional neighbours. Meeting Presidents of Ethiopia, Djibouti and Yemen.


Puntland is known for being a safe haven for so many Somalis and for being a place that takes on criminals regardless of where they may be found.


Unlike other enclaves who foolishly wish for recognition, Puntland has stayed loyal to Somalia's Unity.

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^^^Indeed the state has scored big this time.

Puntland is building on its stability of 12 years and the world can no longer ignore the true success of Somalia.

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Unlike other enclaves who foolishly wish for recognition, Puntland has stayed loyal to Somalia's Unity

I am happy for you guys that you are not dividing your own country somalia, i would not want my country somaliland to be divided also


good luck

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^^^Xaji, Hargaysa and other parts of the NW are still in the Somali republic. There is no country called Somaliland.


And you love the hand shake pic, dont ya ? :D

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Sorry duke we are not part of the failed state


As for faroole he looks a bit nervous,, are we sure faroole was expecting to meet ali abdala salax,, poor faroole was (shocked) suprised by the short yemeni

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^^^One has got to love a secessionist with egg on his face..


Adeer you are still part of Somalia...


Anyhow this is the second Consulate in Garowe, Ethiopia and now Yemen.

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Originally posted by Thankful:


Unlike other enclaves who foolishly wish for recognition, Puntland has stayed loyal to Somalia's Unity.

Forget about other enclaves and just focus on the development of puntland only. No one would care if putnland decides tomorrow they will breakaway. Help your own people and keep your nose out from other people affairs.

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Dawladda Yemen oo Qunsuliyad ka furanaysa Puntland


October 13, 20103


Dawladda Yemen ayaa lagu wadaa in ay qunsuliyad ka furato degaanada Puntland xilli maalmihi lasoo dhaafay ay dalkaas socdaal shaqo ku joogeen wefdi u hogaaminaayo Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.


War lagu shaaciyey wakaalada wararka dalka Yemen ee Saba ayaa sheegaaya in wada hadaladii u dhexeeyey masuuliyinta Yemen iyo wefdiga Dawladda Puntland ay kusoo dhamaadeen is afgarad ah isla markaana ay isku raaceen in Yemen xafiis ka furato degaanada Puntland, xafiiskaas oo ka shaqeeya arimaha ganacsiga iyo iskaashiga, sidoo kale dalka Yemen ay markii u horeysey ka furato Puntland qunsuliyad.


Sidoo kale Dawladda Puntland ay iyaduna xafiis ganacsi ka furato gudaha dalka Yemen taasna ay qayb ka tahay xoojinta xirrirka u dhaxeeya labada dhinac.


Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Faroole oo isniintii soo gaba gabeeyey socdaalkii isaga iyo wefdigiisa ku joogeen dalkaas ayaa sheegay in wada hadaladii ay la yeesheen masuuliyinta Yemen ay ku dhamaadeen sidii loogu talagalay.


Hadii ay Dawladda Yemen qunsuliyad ka furato degaanada Puntland waxaa ay noqon doonto wadanki Carbeed ugu horeeyey oo safaarad ka furta Puntland.


Horseed Media

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These funny pirates a.k.a Somaliland wannabes, your talking about eggs on your face, i think you have dog crap on yours, considering that what yemen opened in Hargaisa was a political and economic consulate unlike your "commercial office" which in real politik terms means an office were yemeni companies who are mad enough to visit can register themselves in case they get kidnapped,


Do you want me to prove it, and humilate you like i did in the past comment you made about the actual consulate yemen opened in Hargaisa. :D:D


enjoy the smell of fish saxib, and your one sentence "news post" if it is real that is, its probably as real as your oil venture.


ha ah ha ha ah ah ah ah :D

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