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ALLPUNTLAND exclusive Interview with AT: I have no problem with Puntland

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^Belo kula heshiisay, oo kula shaahday, wallee adi & Aw inaad wax isku tihiin :D .


I kid. I was not in conflict with you to begin with awoowe. It was you who went ballistic for no apparent reason :D . You are a capable man that is for sure

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The main reason why I felt I have to backdown was my young son though. He is 7 and competes for the comupter with me. As he read what i write, lately he has been witnesssing one word: PUNTLAND.


After waiting for some minutes asking me to leave the computer for him, he angrily shouted "dad, why do you always like to type bantland (puntland). I hate this Puntland!"


The other one acidentally deleted a file, (word file) I was writing, and wuu naxay: "aabooy, I deleted your things. Even the Puntland! I am sorry!" walaahi, qosol bay naftii iga baxday.

Why you sly fox..... :mad: (for the PL Cheerleaders) and for the rest


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I'm glad you've been reduced to groveling and retracting your statements, let that be a lesson to the rest who dare cross the rubicon and attempt to vilify and insult the noble people of puntland.

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Originally posted by S*S:

anybody care to hypothesise the reasons as to why Oodweyne is fearful/hates PL? anybody? - come be brave now

Dee wax fahan, you slow Qardhawi (horta sheikh Yusufka Al Jazeera ma waxbaad isu tihiin?). :D


Nobody knows the answer to your question other than the Guru himself. We just put out one fire and you're trying to start another.



Ayub is our oday, saaxib. Suldaanka is always polite (as far as I've seen). Are you sure you're not mistaken? :D

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aan danbaabee :D , horta ninyahow Mintid Farayar iyo Ayyoub soo wax iskuma ah, mise waa isku mid :D


They talk about honest and munaafiqnimo :D


I will come back for the answer tomorrow inssha Allah

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^^ One is in the UK and the other is in America. Ayub does not say much but when he does it is almost always on point. I don't know much about Mintid (and,in fact, I used to mistake him for you in the early days). :D

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ATT nin xun ma aha. laken waxa naga caraysiyey his cheer for clanist redsea and oodwayn. kuwas walaska celin karaa, lakin reer tol cay ka buuxdo, wax lo adkaysan kara maha.


anyway, i will not say nothing about onlf anymore. i don't hate onlf and i closely follew their jihad againt habashi. alah ha cawiyo.

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You can't expect to mention stereotypes like Xiin's "swagger" or lump the likes of MMA with Oromos ( from SriLanka?? ) without a backlash sxb. :D There are more taboos I could warn you about, but it's much more entertaining when you put your sizeable foot in it. :D


Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


aan danbaabee
, horta ninyahow
Mintid Farayar iyo
soo wax iskuma ah, mise waa isku mid


They talk about honest and munaafiqnimo


I will come back for the answer tomorrow inssha Allah


Rabbit-punching name-dropper. Is that a good change of subject from my supposed "usual talk". :D

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Hamse:

anyway, i will not say nothing about onlf anymore. i don't hate onlf and i closely follew their jihad againt habashi. alah ha cawiyo.

Nin rag ah!

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ One is in the UK and the other is in America. Ayub does not say much but when he does it is almost always on point. I don't know much about Mintid (and,in fact, I used to mistake him for you in the early days).

^^ :D:D


I am a man of understanding. Since the Guru has been beaten away, I can understand the mighty defense on behalf of Ayyoub. The professed ignorance (though you still managed to tell us where he lives :D ) about the Mintid character is also understandable.


Sheekaan kaaga sheekeyn berri haddii alle idmo awoowe :D

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^ What exactly do want to know about Mintid? :D




Thank you for the kind words (public and private). smile.gif

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Originally posted by Naboleon:



I'm glad you've been reduced to groveling and retracting your statements, let that be a lesson to the rest who dare cross the rubicon and attempt to vilify and insult the noble people of puntland.

It is good to see you have 14 as oppossed to 4 posts after the war started. Nin rag ah oo dhiig leh ayaad tahay.


Tolka ka celi tuugtan primitive'ka ah.

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