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ALLPUNTLAND exclusive Interview with AT: I have no problem with Puntland

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^A&T this won't wash with us adeer we are no children afterall. You asked for it now harvest the seeds you have been planting. On our side the issue is not done and dusted and we as the wise counsel of men from that region it is not how we do conclude such things nor is it the somali way.


You are either a complete numb and mad person who is suffering from some ailment, then if that is the case we will not further pursue the matter however if not this leaves us little room to navigate from, we will teach you better ways.


We cannot be duped by your clear charade of ill-attempted trying of hiding the vindictive spitefulness and bigotry you have been spewing here for the last couple of days.


This is what you have been asking for no going back now.

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Awoowe ninku waan qaldanaa ma karo. Aniguuba daalac ii haystaa. Anigu cayda shaqsiga ah waan ogolahay laakiin the bigotry Aw Tusbaxle was unexpected as it was disappointing.


I was planning to stop by the city he resides for a coffee session, laakin markaan arkay asagii iyo your guru oo isku jaal ah, giving the fa-q-ash word a new contemporary meaning, I was forced to change my plans. Cursing one’s grandfathers :D , as his ilk is known to do, is something. But holding these hateful, stereotypical, clannish prejudice is totally different thing awoowe. I thought it was not equal him. But I was wrong.


Aw Tusbaxle,

waryee cafis iyo masaamax…anigu wax ba kuuma haysto, just waanan isku kaa hallayn karin :D


As for PL, awoowe it is a big region :D . jacfar took the wring, and you know it. Lets not go back to that debacle

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Fiqi ninkan maxaad ugu dam damleedahay ma computer kaad oga so dhex bixi hadi lagu kala adkaanaayo wale af ninkaan meel ayu iniku saari adinka oo dhan

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A&T - i will not speak for you from now onwards as per your request. on the same token allow me to make the small request of you; do not continue to respond their goading. fair enough?



Waryaadhehee! - nimankiinan xanaqsan is deji oo is celiya - ragbaad tihiin - marunka aan murtida lahayn joojiya. taasa waa iga talo - qaata ama diida - mid uun cadeeya.

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Fu-Fu,Abtigis, jihad culus baa lagu wada. Reer Puntland hal meel bay ka wada soo jeesteen. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Ps: Puntland stand up united when threatened. Sayyid in 1905 dagaalki illig knows exactly what that means. Aideed knows very well what happens when puntland hal meel ka wada soo jeesta. It is called galkacyo war 92. And even the wadaads know what happens when puntland stand up their is all hell to pay. Ask Al-itihaad former leader dahir aweys about the ssdf vs al itihaad wars of the 90's. They will be able to re-count to you. Finally ask the snm seccessionist rebels of what it is like to face a united puntland. It's called the 2003 battles in sool, sanaag, and cayn. Till 2007 they did not speak a damn word.


Abtigis is just feeling a slight dosage of what happens when the great state of puntland stand up united.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Aw Tusbaxle,

waryee cafis iyo masaamax…anigu wax ba kuuma haysto, just waanan isku kaa hallayn karin

Bes! Fiqi iyo Cowke dhiman.


Fu-fu - adeer meshaan ka bax oo meel kale dabka ka faax.

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^adigu taas waad cadeysay.



Cowke - your behaviour is unbecoming of kings relation - you sound peasant and bitter like. meel joogso :D


fiqi jawaab bixi. warka caddeyso!

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Fu-Fu,Abtigis, jihad culus baa lagu wada. Reer Puntland hal meel bay ka wada soo jeesteen. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Adiga inaa reer puntland tahay lama hubo isgaabi marka

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Aw Tusbaxle,

waryee cafis iyo masaamax…anigu wax ba kuuma haysto, just waanan isku kaa hallayn karin


Tacbaan bad tahay ya Xiin. Ila guurman ku laha A&T waa bila saaxiib. :D


Lakin, in all honesty, and though my hand is not in the fire (as the saying goes), I believe all this was simple kaftan on his part. That his initial teasing got some of your boys to reveal their ugly side is not (really) his fault. As for my guru, well, you know he needs no invitation to attack PL with or without A&T. It's a passtime for him. :D

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It’s the basic construct of SOL discussions to have an equilibrium where every region whould have boys who can dwell in the lowers positions of any political discussion. SL has few so does PL. Other regions have few as well. Aw Tusbaxle went in the same assembly cheering for Redka. That was a bad judgement, you see.


Your guru is always entertaining, and is a known commodity. The reason he hardly engenders the same anger or disappointment in PL boys. Lately a man by the name of Miles offered him a dual where both would wrestle in the ring with no clothes on :D . Your guru dodged. The first in SOL; balaayyaa alla tusay

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^^ Like I told Ibti, this is no place for a woman. Go make us some tea or something. icon_razz.gif



The ruffians of the south are the meekest in SOL. They only have Mr M Society and most of them disagree with him.


Red Sea lama hubu (the deal with SL members here is that if you go to H town then you must pay your respects to Mr lol, he didn't. He can't be). :D


But you have to admit that you stretch the meaning of equilibrium there. Albaab baa nalago balaqay and dozens of PL members joined the fight out of nowhere. In SL we only recognise Qudhac and Xaaji X as our resident agitators (the guru stands alone of course). In your neck of the woods even the good guys like Che (who some of your boys question) were starting to throw punches ninyo. :D


Sayid, the question you ask is only going to lead to paragraphs of trouble. Naga daa ninyo. :D


As for my guru, he was actually giving as good as he got in his 'debate' with MM whilst having his shirt sleeves pulled and his feet kicked by Mr Somalia and others. Fair is fair, saaxib. :D

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