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ALLPUNTLAND exclusive Interview with AT: I have no problem with Puntland

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In an exclusive Interview with AllPuntland (AP) online , A&T clarifies certain issues raised by his detractors and calls for calm and return to rational thinking. Follow the interview below:


AP: You are accused of fomenting hate speech against Puntland? What was your motivations?


A&T: my detractors have yet to produce any evidence of me doing any isir-cay and wholesome condemnation of a community. They are busy twisting phrases. I have however failed in condemning some abusive poems quoted by some people. I wish to disassociate myself from such poems and retract my earlier assertions that I have agreed with aspects of it. It was done in the heat of the moment and it was unbecoming of me.


AP: Why do you hate Puntland?


A&T: I don't hate Puntland, but I have expressed my distaste to politicians who are from that region. I believe Puntland politicians have failed their communities and have undermined national unity.


AP: Are you angry because few men from your clan were arrested and some alledgely handed over to Ethiopia? Some say your whole vitriol against puntland started after the Bossaso incident?


A&T: Indeed, I am unhappy fellow Somali liberation fighters who sought refuge in other Somali lands are mistreated. It is logical that I denounce this act. But, this act is a symptom of the general decay of somalinimo across the regions. It is not specific to Puntland. However, what makes the case of Puntland unique is that their leadership openly denies "the somalinimo" of other somali's. I think history will not forgive Faroole for this.


AP: Does your new alliance with Oodweyne mean you now support the secession of Somaliland and you have now dropped your Somaliweyn dream?


A&T: My association with Oodweyne is based on pragmatism and shared strategic survival objectives. It is not based on shared values. Hence, it does not mean I have changed any of my views either vis-a-vis Somaliland or Somaliweyn. However, much shakier alliances have worked out in the past. It is my hope that the friendship will survive and I can certianly say I found him a very reliable ally. Those who attack Oodweyne are envious of his unique talent to defend his ideals and views. I respect his views even when I disagree. The man has certainly got humour too. They did not call him "the Guru" for nothing!


AP: What message do you want to send and why are you backtracking from your attacks on Puntland?


A&T: I am seeing that what started as an innocuous teasing is getting out of hand. You have people who have come out of long time stupor taking the issue to where it isn't supposed to reach. You have uncultured youngesters breaching all norms out of vengefulness. You have open insults flying all sides. I feel partially responsible. When adults play with fire, there is little risk they will burn their houses. When the fire-playing game is extended to children, villages can burn. It is time to stop.


AP: who was the biggest loser in all this?


A&T: Individuals do not matter to me. They are mortals. But reason, tolerance and most of all compassion have lost. Pettiness has reigned.

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^Alla maxaad nin wareersan oo weliba shiddaysani tahay!


Waad naga baxsatay markaani laakiin haduu eebahay idmo waajibkaada ayaanu ku marinaynaa waa hadii aan sii noolaano kolley saa sheekada ku dhamani mayso oo nina caadadiisa kama taggo.


'Dab munaafaq shiddase muumin baa ku gubta' horrey loo yiri.


Waatii uu Ismaciilna lahaa:


'Nin da'yari dambaab iyo ha galo, diradirayntaase

Diintii Rasuulkiyo haddaad, daacadda ujeeddid

Oo aadan dariiqada ka bixin, duudkii Nabi Aadan

Oo madaxu deebtaa ku yahay, waa digniin dhab ahe

Sidee baad dawaar ugu rogtaa, dunida geestaada?


Adaa Di*r iyo Daar*ood dhex dhigay, dab iyo baaruude

Dacar gelisey reerihii ahaa, ul iyo diirkeede

Mugga haatan dirir uumiyuhu, waa is dilayaaye.'


Ina dubbana:


"Deyn qaadka gabay waa xun yahay, dira-diraaluhuye

Duq gaboobay waxa u roon afkii, inu da*boolaaye

Marse haduu duleeddada ka ciyo, waa darxumo weyne


Damenaanse Caliyaw rag waa, laga dambeeyaaye

Darbo waxaad Islaan kula jirtoo, dab isu dhiibtaaba

Dux ka guro dib uun baad u dhiman, duuga weligaay"

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^Sxb your friend A&T is a deeply confused and troubled mildly schizophrenic man who after doing havoc the last couple of days sees refuge in his 'other' personality trait that of a 'peaceful' and 'reasonable' man.


He's a simple man in other words 'dhegahiisa iyo afkiisa isma maqlaan' and that is the crucial point and crux in here.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:



This leaves us with Xiin and his expected response. I wonder what he would say here.

It's simple really, NGONGE.


Kii lumay ee markii la helay dadku farxad dibad baxeen wuxuu yiri, inta yara dhoolla caddeeyey:


Maxaa laygaga farxin, sidaydii baan haddana berri lumiyye



Jacfar has taught Aw Tusbaxle a lesson about the limits of resorting to isku *** iyo cuqdad qolo kale oo la faafiyyo when he exposed him to the public. This is nothing more than a man who is deeply confused about what it’s expected from a social network and fora such as SOL.


But the creativity part of it has not lost on me :D .

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Jacfar has taught Aw Tusbaxle a lesson about the limits of resorting to isku *** iyo cuqdad qolo kale oo la faafiyyo when he exposed him to the public. This is nothing more than a man who is deeply confused about what it’s expected from a social network and fora such as SOL.

. [/QB]

Despite your lame excuses, there was nothing that I didn't say in public that was in sent in PM. What might shock me is that someone's rer-miyinimo and lack of understanding of what confidentiality is, not what the PM contains.


But you, once again, show your true hypocratical face. You know what Jacfar did was wrong, but you don't want to condemn it for convienience sake. And you even want to make him a hero, when he is a pathetic zero!


This Earth!


I knew you will relate my u-turn to such insignificant developments, but I looked at the bigger picture and wanted to stop the lengthy nonsense which is clearly getting over the right dose.

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Runta ma doonaysa? This thread is as a result of several attempts by different people to calm A&T down and not that silly PM revelation (which I agree with him and Sheikh Hunguri on).


For helping to stop his attacks on your part of the world I hereby demand payment in the form of a tiny city on the borders of both our countires. :D

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Weligaaba inaad dab holcaayo shiddid baad kaga carartaaye tani ku baxini mayso adeer. Waa siday u holcayso hadal kastana aad tidhaahdina iyo berya toona wax kaa damiya lama arko.

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Well Done A&T - balse haddaad rabtay in gabadh lagu siiyo - si kale loo waydistaa. As for the what Jacphar did xaal qaado :D


Xiin - Odey baa tahay - ninka cafi and move on.


Ngonge - Nabadoonkii Jamaac Qabar - qaloocan baanu ku siinay :D

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Aw Tusbaxle,


I agree the PM contained nothing more than what you’ve already said in public. I said as much in the same thread. But it was a creative way for Jacfar to teach you the limits of qabiil cay :D Inaad hoos ugu qufacdaad damacday, and it did not work. You were indeed forced to wash your dirty linen in public.


Weak words such, as xiin is munaafaq, xiin is woman, just shows how weak you are. I could care less what other people think I am. I am, after all who I am. You are reaping the fruits of your unnecessary rhetoric. And they sure taste sour indeed.


And if you really think a mere thread will change the true you, you are really mistaken. Seldom do negative sentiments against entire region and its people be tamed by flowery words intended to calm a perceived riot.




Awoowe, Aw Tusbaxle has been digging a hole for himself for quite some time. That he fell in the same hole does not surprise me really. This thread is transparently bogus. It shows as I said the level of this man’s confusion.

I said it was creative though.


And NGONGE, I am in the opinion of suppressing one’s genuine expressions, however hateful, are not healthy. I said many before and I repeat it now, if Aw Tusbaxle believes in the rubbish he writes, as he seems he does, he should continue.

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This is a unilateral cessation of hostilities. I did ask you to stop it. Please go ahead and rant!




I don't give two hoots to what you or your ilk think about me. It is a practical arrangement, i just want the madness to end. And I ended in my part. That doesn't mean I will fail to highlight the shortcomings of Puntland politicians when I see fit. What I will stop is what I used to say in line with the primitive somali way of doing a Kaftan by using stereotypes.


You are still wrong about the PM. I didn't want to win over Jacphar and I didn't need to. Oddly enough, I was feeling I was attacking him unfairly and wanted to open a channel of communication to apologies to him.

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Sayid, I said 'city', saaxib. Qaloocan was never a city. :D


Xiin, lets leave it at creative. Inta kale waa supposition. Warya A&T, xaajigo woo ku amaanay, how do the Dhagaxbuur people respond to praise? Mese inta xun oon ba idin muuqata? :D

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Xiin iyo Fiqi - War ninka ka hara - gacmihii buu taagay - idinkuna qori iyo tooj baad weli ku haysaan. see waaye - miyeydan waligiin qof qaban - qofku markuu is dhiibo waan in la daayo - ee lama sii bah dilo.

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Abtigiis. You are an intelligent man it is great shame you waste such energy on constant bashing of Puntland. The issue of the onlf is not THE END OF THE WORLD. They have suffered alot worse then what Puntland has done to them, so build a bridge and cross the river will you "big foot" smile.gif


You know their is great saying "dagaal markad ku dhex jirtid, cid kale lama hos-galo" which means while your fighting a war, you don't hide under a second party.


If i am battling someone in the street, I won't go to abtigis house and disturb you with my problem. It is just totally rude behaviour and un-warranted and totally un-somali like. :cool:

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You please don't speak for me. Ma qasku inuu si socdaad ku rayn lahayd. Wixxii kaftan ku biloowday haduu marayo in uu dab sii shido, waa in la joojiyaa.


By the way, if you think I have raised my hands, so be it. I will not continue this.

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